%global lockver 1 %global pkgvers 0 %global scdate0 20250303 %global schash0 719d8e6cd7f7a0e01b155657526d693acf97c2b3 %global branch0 pytorch_dnnl %global source0 https://github.com/intel/ideep.git %global sshort0 %{expand:%%{lua:print(('%{schash0}'):sub(1,8))}} Name: ideep Version: 3.7.1 Release: %{scdate0}.%{pkgvers}.git%{sshort0}%{?dist} Summary: Intel Optimization for Chainer License: BSD BuildArch: noarch URL: https://github.com/intel/ideep BuildRequires: git %global __cmake_in_source_build 1 %description Chainer Backend for Intel Architecture, a Chainer module providing numpy like API and DNN acceleration using MKL-DNN. %package devel Summary: Development files for %{name} Requires: onednn-devel %description devel This package contains the development files for %{name}. %prep %setup -T -c -n %{name} git clone --depth 1 -n -b %{branch0} %{source0} . git fetch --depth 1 origin %{schash0} git reset --hard %{schash0} git log --format=fuller %build %install rm -rf %{buildroot} for f in `find ./include -type f -name '*.hpp'`; do install -D -pm 644 $f %{buildroot}/usr/$f done %files devel %license LICENSE %{_includedir}/* %changelog * Fri Sep 25 2020 Cristian Balint - github update release