Summary: OSF/Motif library clone Name: lesstif Version: 0.95.2 Release: 8%{?dist} License: LGPLv2+ # in Xm-2.1/ # some files are MIT # LTV6Editres.c XpmAttrib.c XpmCrBufFrI.c XpmCrBufFrP.c XpmCrDatFrI.c # XpmCrDatFrP.c Xpmcreate.c XpmCrIFrBuf.c XpmCrIFrDat.c XpmCrIFrP.c # XpmCrPFrBuf.c XpmCrPFrDat.c XpmCrPFrI.c Xpmdata.c Xpmhashtab.c XpmImage.c # XpmInfo.c Xpmmisc.c Xpmparse.c XpmRdFToBuf.c XpmRdFToDat.c XpmRdFToI.c # XpmRdFToP.c Xpmrgb.c Xpmscan.c Xpms_popen.c XpmWrFFrBuf.c XpmWrFFrDat.c # XpmWrFFrI.c XpmWrFFrP.c # Transltns.c is machine generated (no license, assuming public domain) # MIT, short version: lib/config/ # in includes # MIT: # XmI/LTV5EditresP.h XmI/LTV6EditresP.h XmI/XpmI.h Xm/XpmP.h # clients/Motif-2.1/mwm/ # MIT: # mwm.h cursors.c decorate.c desktop.c events.c functions.c menus.c misc.c # mwm.c pan.c props.c resize.c screens.c windows.c # no restriction # colormaps.c icons.c move.c pager.c # GPLV2+ # gethostname.c mwmparse.h # clients/Motif-2.1/uil/ # no license (LGPLv2+?) # Expression.c Group: System Environment/Libraries Source0:{name}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2 Source1: lesstif-xmbind # mwm session file Source2: mwm.desktop Patch0: lesstif-0.95.2-motif-config.patch Patch1: lesstif-0.95.0-XxxxProperty-64bit.patch Patch2: lesstif-0.95.0-PutPixel32.patch Url: BuildRequires: libXp-devel libXt-devel libXext-devel BuildRequires: freetype-devel fontconfig-devel # lynx is used to transform html in txt BuildRequires: lynx # for tests # the libGLw-devel leads to a circular build dependency and the test suite # is not run, so this BuildRequires is not used. #BuildRequires: libGLw-devel BuildRequires: bitmap-devel # needed for aclocal, to find the aclocal dir for the autoconf macro BuildRequires: automake Requires: xorg-x11-xinit # obsolete older openmotif may hurt third party repos # not obsoleting it will leave openmotif on upgrade. # Rex makes a MUST not to have this obsolete #Obsoletes: openmotif <= 2.3.0-0.2.1 # openmotif21 provides the same soname than lesstif. Both seem to work # fine with some apps (ddd, xpdf) but show binary incompatibility with # nedit and runtime incompatible with grace. Moreover openmotif21 libs # are in /usr/X11R6/lib, and therefore may not be found by the linker. # A conflict would break upgrade paths. Obsoletes: openmotif21 <= 2.1.30-17.1.1 BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n) %description LessTif is a free replacement for OSF/Motif, which provides a full set of widgets for application development (menus, text entry areas, scrolling windows, etc.). LessTif is source compatible with OSF/Motif. This package provides the lesstif runtime libraries. %package clients Summary: Command line utilities for LessTif License: LGPLv2+ Group: Applications/System Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} %description clients Command line utilities for LessTif: * xmbind configures the virtual key bindings of LessTif applications. * uil is a user interface language compiler. %package mwm Summary: Lesstif Motif window manager clone based on fvwm License: GPLv2+ Group: User Interface/Desktops Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} %description mwm "mwm" window manager that adheres largely to the Motif mwm specification. Based on fvwm. %package devel Summary: Header files for LessTif/Motif development Group: Development/Libraries Requires: libXt-devel libXp-devel libXext-devel Requires: imake # for %{_datadir}/aclocal/ Requires: automake Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} # Obsoletes older fedora releases. May hurt third party repos Obsoletes: openmotif-devel <= 2.3.0-0.2.1 %description devel Lesstif-devel contains the header files required to develop Motif based applications using LessTif. If you want to develop LessTif applications, you'll need to install lesstif-devel along with lesstif. %prep %setup -q chmod a-x COPYING* doc/ %patch0 -p1 %patch1 -p1 %patch2 -p1 %build # --enable-shared --disable-static is the default # the x libs and includes are empty in the default case, but we need to # have a non empty include defined (for a substitution in mwm) # --enable-production is needed in order to avoid # %configure \ --enable-shared \ --disable-static \ --with-xdnd \ --enable-production \ --disable-debug \ --x-includes=%{_includedir} \ --x-libraries=%{_libdir} # Don't use rpath! sed -i 's|^hardcode_libdir_flag_spec=.*|hardcode_libdir_flag_spec=""|g' libtool sed -i 's|^runpath_var=LD_RUN_PATH|runpath_var=DIE_RPATH_DIE|g' libtool make %{?_smp_mflags} \ mwmddir='%{_sysconfdir}/mwm' libdir='%{_libdir}' \ appdir='%{_datadir}/X11/app-defaults' configdir='%{_datadir}/X11/config' %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT make install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT \ mwmddir='%{_sysconfdir}/mwm' libdir='%{_libdir}' \ appdir='%{_datadir}/X11/app-defaults' configdir='%{_datadir}/X11/config' \ INSTALL="install -p" # Handle debuginfo dangling-relative-symlink # rpm doesn't handle symlinks properly when generating debuginfo rm -rf clients/Motif-2.1/xmbind/xmbind.c cp -a clients/Motif-1.2/xmbind/xmbind.c \ clients/Motif-2.1/xmbind/xmbind.c rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/*.la rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/LessTif # install a script that launches xmbind in xinit mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d install -p -m 755 %{SOURCE1} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/ # install mwm xsession file mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/xsessions/ install -p -m644 %{SOURCE2} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/xsessions/ # correct the paths in mxmkmf sed -i -e 's:"\${xprefix}/lib/X11/config":"%{_datadir}/X11/config":' \ -e 's:"\${lprefix}/lib/LessTif/config":"%{_datadir}/X11/config":' \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/mxmkmf # use .in timestamp, since the .in and resulting files are the same touch -r lib/config/ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/mxmkmf # this is referenced into mwm mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}/X11/bitmaps/ # will be in in %%doc rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/mwm/README $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/mwm/ # prepare docs rm -rf __dist_clean_docs cp -a doc __dist_clean_docs find __dist_clean_docs -name 'Makefile*' -exec rm {} \; # correct timestamps of html files generated from man pages # and remove man pages for suffix in 1 5 3; do for file in __dist_clean_docs/lessdox/*/*.$suffix; do basefile=`basename $file .$suffix` dir=`dirname $file` touch -r $file $dir/$basefile.html rm $file done done # remove the empty directory rmdir __dist_clean_docs/lessdox/functions # the corresponding file is not shipped rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man*/ltversion* rm __dist_clean_docs/lessdox/clients/ltversion.html # remove host.def, it lives in the imake package rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/X11/config/host.def # use ChangeLog file timestamp to have the same timestamp on all arches # for noarch files touch -r ChangeLog $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/X11/config/LessTif.tmpl \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}/Xm/Xm.h %post -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -p /sbin/ldconfig %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc COPYING COPYING.LIB CREDITS AUTHORS BUG-REPORTING FAQ README %doc NEWS ReleaseNotes.html ReleaseNotes.txt %{_libdir}/lib*.so.* %{_mandir}/man1/lesstif* %{_mandir}/man5/VirtualBindings* %files mwm %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc clients/Motif-2.1/mwm/README clients/Motif-2.1/mwm/ %dir %{_sysconfdir}/mwm/ %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/mwm/system.mwmrc %{_includedir}/X11/bitmaps/ %{_bindir}/mwm %{_mandir}/man*/mwm* %{_datadir}/xsessions/mwm.desktop %{_datadir}/X11/app-defaults/Mwm %files clients %defattr(-,root,root,-) %{_sysconfdir}/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/* %{_bindir}/xmbind* %{_bindir}/uil %{_mandir}/man1/uil* %{_mandir}/man1/xmbind* %files devel %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc __dist_clean_docs/* %{_bindir}/motif-config %{_bindir}/mxmkmf %{_includedir}/Dt/ %{_includedir}/Mrm/ %{_includedir}/Xm/ %{_includedir}/uil/ %{_libdir}/lib*.so # not shipped #%{_mandir}/man1/ltversion* %{_mandir}/man3/* %{_datadir}/aclocal/ac_find_motif.m4 %{_datadir}/X11/config/* %changelog * Sun Aug 17 2014 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.95.2-8 - Rebuilt for * Sat Jun 07 2014 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.95.2-7 - Rebuilt for * Sat Aug 03 2013 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.95.2-6 - Rebuilt for * Thu Feb 14 2013 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.95.2-5 - Rebuilt for * Thu Jul 19 2012 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.95.2-4 - Rebuilt for * Fri Jan 13 2012 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.95.2-3 - Rebuilt for * Mon Feb 07 2011 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.95.2-2 - Rebuilt for * Tue Jul 28 2009 Hans de Goede 0.95.2-1 - New upstream release 0.95.2 * Fri Jul 24 2009 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.95.0-29 - Rebuilt for * Wed Feb 25 2009 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.95.0-28 - Rebuilt for * Fri Jan 30 2009 Hans de Goede 0.95.0-27 - Update description for new trademark guidelines * Mon Jul 7 2008 Patrice Dumas 0.95.0-26 - debian lesstif2_0.95.0-2.1 * Mon Jun 16 2008 Hans de Goede 0.95.0-25 - Fix PutPixel32 crashing on 64 bit (bz 437133) * Mon May 12 2008 Patrice Dumas 0.95.0-24 - remove the BuildRequires: libGLw-devel, it leads to circular build dependency with no gain * Tue Feb 19 2008 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.95.0-23 - Autorebuild for GCC 4.3 * Sun Oct 21 2007 Patrice Dumas 0.95.0-22 - add freetype libs in motif-config * Sun Oct 21 2007 Patrice Dumas 0.95.0-21.1 - remove libdir reference in motif-config, should fix multiarch conflict (#341841) * Sun Sep 16 2007 Patrice Dumas 0.95.0-20 - Correct patch XxxxProperty-64bit based on E. Sheldrake input (bz 284431) * Sat Sep 1 2007 Hans de Goede 0.95.0-19 - Fix more 64 bit XChange/GetWindowProperty issues (inspired by the cut and paste 64 bit fix which was an XChange/GetWindowProperty issue too) - Fix z88: not working with lesstif - Stop lessstif from spewing messages about XtUngrab... (bz 210384) * Thu Aug 30 2007 Hans de Goede 0.95.0-18 - Fix cut and paste from / to lesstif apps on 64 bits machines (bz 243508) - Fix accelkeys which use more then one modifier (bz 214018) * Thu Aug 30 2007 Hans de Goede 0.95.0-17 - Update included Debian 0.94.4-2 patch to the Debian 0.95.0-2 patch - Not only include but also actually apply Debian's patches (bz 261821) - Add 2 patches with small fixes from lesstif CVS (bz 261821) - Do not apply lesstif-64.patch it causes more issues then it fixes (bz 253456) * Wed Aug 15 2007 Patrice Dumas 0.95.0-16 - conform better to openmotif API, lesstif-64.patch, by kgallowa at - fix licenses - keep timestamps - add mwm xsession file * Fri Jan 5 2007 Patrice Dumas 0.95.0-15 - Obsolete openmotif21 versions provided in older fedora core releases. openmotif21 provides the same soname than lesstif, with some incompatibility, and a conflict would break upgrade paths (fix #215560) * Thu Jan 4 2007 Patrice Dumas 0.95.0-14 - don't Obsoletes openmotif with lesstif * Tue Jan 2 2007 Gilboa Davara 0.95.0-13 - Fix invalid mouse scroll wheel bind (fix #221055) * Mon Jan 1 2007 Patrice Dumas 0.95.0-12 - Obsolete openmotif versions provided in older fedora core releases to allow easier upgrades. Fixes #221083. But may hurt third party packages of openmotif, as reported in #208380 * Mon Jan 1 2007 Patrice Dumas 0.95.0-11 - add debian patcheset - Conflict with openmotif versions provided in older fedora core releases (should fix #221083) * Thu Aug 31 2006 Patrice Dumas 0.95.0-10 - remove Conflicts: openmotif-devel, it isn't needed for fedora and may hurt external packaging of openmotif. Fix #208380 * Thu Aug 31 2006 Patrice Dumas 0.95.0-9 - add Requires: libXext-devel to lesstif-devel * Wed Aug 30 2006 Tom "spot" Callaway 0.95.0-8 - better fix for xpdf/ddd (thanks Hans de Goede) - 64 bit cleanups (thanks Hans de Goede) - resolve rpmlint error from rpm-braindead behavior on handling symlinks with debuginfo - fix CAN-2005-0605 - nuke host.def, imake owns that * Wed Aug 30 2006 Patrice Dumas 0.95.0-7 - add a patch such that motif-config honors libdir * Wed Aug 30 2006 Patrice Dumas 0.95.0-6 - split out a clients package that contains xmbind and uil * Wed Aug 23 2006 Patrice Dumas 0.95.0-5 - fix in Dt for x86_64, adapted from Dominik's patch - don't hardcode /usr/include and /usr/lib - add a Conflict for openmotif-devel * Mon Aug 21 2006 Patrice Dumas 0.95.0-4 - BuildRequires fontconfig-devel * Mon Aug 21 2006 Patrice Dumas 0.95.0-3 - BuildRequires libGLw-devel - remove openmotif Obsoletes/Provides - add versioning to the Obsoletes/Provides for lesstif-clients * Sun Aug 20 2006 Patrice Dumas 0.95.0-2 - BuildRequires automake for the shipped autoconf macro - add %%dist in release - tie mwm to the lesstif version and release * Sat Aug 19 2006 Patrice Dumas 0.95.0-1 - update to 0.95.0 - fix paths in mwm and mxmkmf - adapt to modular X * Fri Nov 26 2004 Thomas Woerner 0.93.36-7 - fixed CAN-2004-0687 (integer overflows) and CAN-2004-0688 (stack overflows) in embedded Xpm library (#135080) - latest Xpm patches: CAN-2004-0914 (#135081) * Tue Jun 15 2004 Elliot Lee - rebuilt * Wed Mar 17 2004 Karsten Hopp 0.93.36-5.2 - remove XFree86 requirement, lesstif doesn't require an X server to be installed on the same machine lesstif is installed on (#118478) * Tue Mar 02 2004 Elliot Lee - rebuilt * Fri Feb 13 2004 Elliot Lee - rebuilt * Wed Jun 04 2003 Elliot Lee - rebuilt * Wed Jan 22 2003 Tim Powers - rebuilt * Tue Dec 17 2002 Thomas Woerner 0.93.36-2 - renamed RPM tags in changelog * Sat Nov 9 2002 Than Ngo 0.93.36-1 - update to 0.93.36 * Fri Jun 21 2002 Tim Powers - automated rebuild * Wed Jun 19 2002 Than Ngo 0.93-18-4 - fixed bug #66939 * Thu May 23 2002 Tim Powers - automated rebuild * Wed Feb 27 2002 Than Ngo 0.93-18-2 - rebuild * Tue Feb 19 2002 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 0.93.18-1 - 0.93.18 - Fix download URL * Wed Jan 16 2002 Than Ngo 0.93-15-4 - get rid of lesstif-mwm, use mwm in openmotif - fix lesstif so that it can be installed with openmotif - build only lesstif 1.x since openmotif is in 8.0 * Thu Nov 29 2001 Than Ngo 0.93.15-2 - add missing header files * Wed Nov 28 2001 Than Ngo 0.93.15-1 - updated to 0.93.15 - fixed bug #56780, #56573, #56821 - sub package mwm - libXbae and libXlt as separate packages - disable lesstif 2.x - clean up patch file for 0.93.15 * Mon Aug 13 2001 Than Ngo 0.92-32-6 - fix bug #51595, #51411 * Wed Aug 8 2001 Than Ngo - owns some directories (bug #51154) * Tue Jul 24 2001 Tim Powers - fix dangling symlinks (/usr/X11R6/LessTif/Motif1.2/bin was missing from the filelist) * Wed Jul 04 2001 Than Ngo 0.92.32-3 - fix package group (Bug #47281) - Copyright -> License * Tue Jun 12 2001 Than Ngo - enable Motif 1.2 as default * Sat May 02 2001 Than Ngo - update to 0.92.32 - enable Motif 2.1 - add conflict with openmotif - add BuildRequires * Mon Feb 05 2001 Than Ngo - Obsoletes Xbae, It's a part in lesstif and is up to date. * Tue Dec 19 2000 Than Ngo - update to 0.92.0 - bzip2 sources - add %%clean * Mon Jul 24 2000 Prospector - rebuilt * Thu Jul 13 2000 Than Ngo - fix permission of Xm and Mrm * Wed Jul 12 2000 Than Ngo - rebuilt * Wed May 31 2000 Than Ngo - update to 0.91.0 - fix conflict with openmotif - remove part lesstif 2.0 - cleanup specfile * Sun Apr 16 2000 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - 0.90.0 - handle gzip'ed man pages * Tue Feb 1 2000 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - fix a typo in files list (lib*.a, not lib.*a) * Wed Jan 19 2000 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - 0.89.9 - Fix packaging issues (Bug #8607) - bzip2 source to save space - disable debugging * Sun Nov 21 1999 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - 0.89.4 - some spec file cleanups - handle RPM_OPT_FLAGS * Thu Jul 2 1999 Tim Powers - added 1.2-devel and 2.0-devel descriptions and file lists - made default build 2.0 - changed decriptions for all packages - added Requires: to 1.2-devel, 2.0-devel, clients, and mwm - built for Powertools * Thu Apr 30 1998 C. Scott Ananian (0.83+) - Updated to lessdoc-current. - Removes Lessdox package (integrated into lesstif) * Tue Mar 31 1998 C. Scott Ananian (0.83+) - Removed pedantic.patch - Removed lesstif-M12 (Motif 1.2 wrapper) - Reviewed installation and fixed %%files sections. - Added patch to fix a bug which causes mozilla to crash. - Added patch to fix the include prefix on install. * Sun Jul 20 1997 Tomasz K³oczko (0.80-2) - added to all %%doc %%attr macros (this allow build package from normal user account), - some simplification in %%files (%doc). * Wed Jul 9 1997 Tomasz K³oczko - added using %%{PACKAGE_VERSION} macro in "Source:" and %files, - added additional parameter "--enable-build-12" to runing configure, - added %%posun and %%clear, - in %%post and %%postun ldconfig is called as parameter with "-p" (this feature is avalable in rpm >= 2.4.3 and you must have this version and if you want recompile package from src.rpm you must have new version rpm), - added package lesstif-M12 simpe Motif 1.2 wrapper, - simplified %%install section, - added %%attr macros in %%files sections, - added striping shared libraries, - added URL field, - added Lessdox - a html development documentation to lesstif-devel, - added lesstif-0.80public-nopedantic.patch, this allow compile lesstif on sparc by removing "-pedantic" from CFLAGS.