#global commit0 8a763340ac51ff2fcaa2fc3c50e40fd53f2fd1c0 #global date 20210107 #global shortcommit0 %(c=%{commit0}; echo ${c:0:7}) %global tag 1 %global pluginpath /usr/lib/yum-plugins %global pluginconf %{_sysconfdir}/yum/pluginconf.d Name: yum-plugin-proxy Version: 1.1.0 Release: 4%{!?tag:.%{date}git%{shortcommit0}}%{?dist} Summary: Dynamically set the proxy and/or enable/disable repositories License: GPLv2+ URL: https://github.com/gunther788/yum-plugin-proxy BuildArch: noarch BuildRequires: python-rpm-macros %if 0%{?tag:1} Source0: %{url}/archive/%{version}.tar.gz#/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz %else Source0: %{url}/archive/%{commit0}.tar.gz#/%{name}-%{shortcommit0}.tar.gz %endif %description Dynamically set the proxy and/or enable/disable repositories based on various criteria. Processes the already enabled repositories mid-flight and updates the "enabled" and "proxy" parameters. Nukes repo files that should not be used when we have internal repositories. %install install -m644 -D -p proxy.py %{buildroot}%{pluginpath}/proxy.py install -m644 -D -p proxy.conf %{buildroot}%{pluginconf}/proxy.conf %prep %if 0%{?tag:1} %autosetup -p1 %else %autosetup -p1 -n %{name}-%{commit0} %endif %build # Nothing to build %files %license LICENSE %doc README.md %{pluginpath}/proxy.py* %config(noreplace) %ghost %{pluginconf}/proxy.conf %triggerin -p /usr/bin/bash -- centos-release teams teams-insiders google-chrome-stable google-chrome-beta google-chrome-unstable if [ -f /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/proxy.conf ]; then source <(grep = /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/proxy.conf | tr -d " ") if [ -n "${blacklistfiles}" ]; then for base in $(echo ${blacklistfiles} | tr "," "\n"); do repo="/etc/yum.repos.d/${base}.repo" if [ -f "${repo}" ]; then echo " Removing : ${repo}" rm -f "${repo}" fi done fi fi %changelog * Mon Jan 18 2021 Simone Caronni - 1.1.0-4 - Enable trigger also on Teams and Chrome packages. * Wed Jan 13 2021 Frank Tropschuh - 1.1.0-3 - beautifying the output - verbose output, actually remove the repo files - add a trigger that removes all repo files in the blacklist * Thu Jan 07 2021 Frank Tropschuh - 1.0.6-3 - fixed erroneous self additions from dnf repo - including byte-compiled artefacts - using tags, dropping post again * Thu Jan 07 2021 Frank Tropschuh - 1.0.5-0 - split into yum-plugin-proxy and dnf-plugin-proxy github repos * Thu Jan 07 2021 Frank Tropschuh - 1.0.4-4 - several fixes for handling configuration parameters - post to initialize config file * Wed Jan 06 2021 Frank Tropschuh - 1.0.4-1 - onboarded F33, cleanup of python handling - migrated to github * Tue Jan 05 2021 Frank Tropschuh - 1.0.2-5 - need to supress all output by default for Ansible parsing - using proxy="" for dnf * Mon Jan 04 2021 Frank Tropschuh - 1.0.2-3 - show proxy settings all the time - need to get the list of repos after config_hook - skip already disabled plugins * Mon Jan 04 2021 Frank Tropschuh - 1.0.1-0 - do all processing in init_hook, honor env variables and main yum.conf proxy * Thu Dec 31 2020 Frank Tropschuh - 1.0.0-3 - initial package