%bcond_without python3 %bcond_without python2 %global _python_bytecompile_extra 0 # We can build varying amounts of Koji for python2 and python3 based on # the py[23]_support macro values. Valid values are: # undefined or 0 -- do not build # 1 -- build just the cli and lib # 2 -- build everything we can # For executable scripts, py3 wins if we build it # The following rules tweak these settings based on options and environment # Default to building both fully %define py2_support 2 %define py3_support 2 %define wheel_support 1 %if 0%{?rhel} >= 8 # and no python2 on rhel8+ %define py2_support 0 %define wheel_support 1 %else %if 0%{?rhel} >= 7 # No python3 for older rhel %define py3_support 0 %define wheel_support 0 %else # don't build anything for rhel6 %define py2_support 0 %define py3_support 0 %define wheel_support 0 %endif %endif %if 0%{?fedora} >= 33 # no py2 after F33 %define py2_support 0 %define py3_support 2 %define wheel_support 1 %else %if 0%{?fedora} >= 30 %define py2_support 1 %define py3_support 2 %else %if 0%{?fedora} # match what the older Fedoras already have %define py2_support 2 %define py3_support 1 %endif %endif %endif # Lastly enforce the bcond parameters %if %{without python2} %define py2_support 0 %endif %if %{without python3} %define py3_support 0 %endif %if ! %{py2_support} # use python3 %define __python %{__python3} %endif # Compatibility with RHEL. These macros have been added to EPEL but # not yet to RHEL proper. # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1307190 %{!?__python2: %global __python2 /usr/bin/python2} %{!?python2_sitelib: %global python2_sitelib %(%{__python2} -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print(get_python_lib())")} %{!?python2_sitearch: %global python2_sitearch %(%{__python2} -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print(get_python_lib(1))")} %{!?py2_build: %global py2_build %{expand: CFLAGS="%{optflags}" %{__python2} setup.py %{?py_setup_args} build --executable="%{__python2} -s"}} %{!?py2_install: %global py2_install %{expand: CFLAGS="%{optflags}" %{__python2} setup.py %{?py_setup_args} install -O1 --skip-build --root %{buildroot}}} # If the definition isn't available for python3_pkgversion, define it %{?!python3_pkgversion:%global python3_pkgversion 3} %define baserelease 1 #build with --define 'testbuild 1' to have a timestamp appended to release %if "x%{?testbuild}" == "x1" %define release %{baserelease}.%(date +%%Y%%m%%d.%%H%%M.%%S) %else %define release %{baserelease} %endif Name: koji Version: 1.35.1 Release: 20250204.74.g7904e4e0%{release}%{?dist} License: LGPL-2.1-only and GPL-2.0-or-later # the included arch lib from yum's rpmUtils is GPLv2+ # rpmdiff lib (from rpmlint) is GPLv2+ Summary: Build system tools Group: Applications/System URL: https://pagure.io/koji Source: https://releases.pagure.org/koji/koji-%{version}.tar.bz2 BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n) BuildArch: noarch %if 0%{py3_support} Requires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-%{name} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-libcomps %else Requires: python2-%{name} = %{version}-%{release} %if 0%{?fedora} || 0%{?rhel} >= 7 Requires: python-libcomps %endif %endif BuildRequires: systemd BuildRequires: pkgconfig BuildRequires: make BuildRequires: sed %description Koji is a system for building and tracking RPMS. The base package contains shared libraries and the command-line interface. %if 0%{py2_support} %package -n python2-%{name} Summary: Build system tools python library %{?python_provide:%python_provide python2-%{name}} %if 0%{?fedora} >= 30 BuildRequires: python2-devel %else BuildRequires: python-devel %endif %if 0%{wheel_support} BuildRequires: python2-pip BuildRequires: python2-wheel %endif %if 0%{?fedora} || 0%{?rhel} >= 8 Requires: python2-rpm %else Requires: rpm-python %endif Requires: python-requests Requires: python-requests-gssapi Requires: python-dateutil Requires: python-six Requires: python-defusedxml %description -n python2-%{name} desc %endif %if 0%{py3_support} %package -n python%{python3_pkgversion}-%{name} Summary: Build system tools python library %{?python_provide:%python_provide python%{python3_pkgversion}-%{name}} BuildRequires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-devel BuildRequires: python3-pip BuildRequires: python3-wheel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-six %if 0%{?fedora} || 0%{?rhel} >= 8 Requires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-rpm %else Requires: rpm-python%{python3_pkgversion} %endif Requires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-requests %if 0%{?fedora} >= 32 || 0%{?rhel} >= 8 Requires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-requests-gssapi > 1.2.1 %else Requires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-requests-kerberos %endif Requires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-dateutil Requires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-six Requires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-defusedxml # Since we don't have metadata here, provide the 'normal' python provides manually. Provides: python%{python3_version}dist(%{name}) = %{version} Provides: python%{python3_pkgversion}dist(%{name}) = %{version} %description -n python%{python3_pkgversion}-%{name} desc %endif %if 0%{py2_support} %package -n python2-%{name}-cli-plugins Summary: Koji client plugins Group: Applications/Internet License: LGPL-2.1-only Requires: python2-%{name} = %{version}-%{release} Obsoletes: python2-%{name}-sidetag-plugin-cli < %{version}-%{release} Provides: python2-%{name}-sidetag-plugin-cli = %{version}-%{release} %description -n python2-%{name}-cli-plugins Plugins to the koji command-line interface %endif %if 0%{py3_support} %package -n python%{python3_pkgversion}-%{name}-cli-plugins Summary: Koji client plugins Group: Applications/Internet License: LGPL-2.1-only Requires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-%{name} = %{version}-%{release} Obsoletes: python%{python3_pkgversion}-%{name}-sidetag-plugin-cli < %{version}-%{release} Provides: python%{python3_pkgversion}-%{name}-sidetag-plugin-cli = %{version}-%{release} %description -n python%{python3_pkgversion}-%{name}-cli-plugins Plugins to the koji command-line interface %endif %if 0%{py3_support} > 1 %package hub Summary: Koji XMLRPC interface Group: Applications/Internet License: LGPL-2.1-only Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: %{name}-hub-code %if 0%{?fedora} || 0%{?rhel} > 7 Suggests: python%{python3_pkgversion}-%{name}-hub Suggests: python%{python3_pkgversion}-%{name}-hub-plugins %endif %description hub koji-hub is the XMLRPC interface to the koji database %package -n python%{python3_pkgversion}-%{name}-hub Summary: Koji XMLRPC interface Group: Applications/Internet License: LGPL-2.1-only Requires: httpd Requires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-mod_wsgi %if 0%{?fedora} || 0%{?rhel} >= 7 Requires: mod_auth_gssapi %endif Requires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-psycopg2 Requires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-%{name} = %{version}-%{release} # py2 xor py3 Provides: %{name}-hub-code = %{version}-%{release} %description -n python%{python3_pkgversion}-%{name}-hub koji-hub is the XMLRPC interface to the koji database %package hub-plugins Summary: Koji hub plugins Group: Applications/Internet License: LGPL-2.1-only Requires: %{name}-hub-plugins-code = %{version}-%{release} %if 0%{?fedora} || 0%{?rhel} > 7 Suggests: python%{python3_pkgversion}-%{name}-hub-plugins %endif %description hub-plugins Plugins to the koji XMLRPC interface %package -n python%{python3_pkgversion}-%{name}-hub-plugins Summary: Koji hub plugins Group: Applications/Internet License: LGPL-2.1-only Requires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-%{name}-hub = %{version}-%{release} Requires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-qpid-proton Requires: cpio Provides: %{name}-hub-plugins-code = %{version}-%{release} Obsoletes: python%{python3_pkgversion}-%{name}-sidetag-plugin-hub < %{version}-%{release} Provides: python%{python3_pkgversion}-%{name}-sidetag-plugin-hub = %{version}-%{release} %description -n python%{python3_pkgversion}-%{name}-hub-plugins Plugins to the koji XMLRPC interface %endif %package builder-plugins Summary: Koji builder plugins Group: Applications/Internet License: LGPL-2.1-only Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: %{name}-builder = %{version}-%{release} %description builder-plugins Plugins for the koji build daemon %package builder Summary: Koji RPM builder daemon Group: Applications/System %if 0%{py2_support} License: LGPL-2.1-only and GPL-2.0-or-later #mergerepos (from createrepo) is GPLv2+ %else License: LGPL-2.1-only %endif Requires: mock >= 0.9.14 Requires(pre): /usr/sbin/useradd Requires: squashfs-tools Requires(post): systemd Requires(preun): systemd Requires(postun): systemd Requires: /usr/bin/svn Requires: /usr/bin/git Requires: createrepo_c >= 0.11.0 %if 0%{py3_support} > 1 Requires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-%{name} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-librepo Requires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-multilib Requires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-cheetah %else Requires: python2-%{name} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: python2-multilib Requires: python-cheetah %endif %description builder koji-builder is the daemon that runs on build machines and executes tasks that come through the Koji system. %package vm Summary: Koji virtual machine management daemon Group: Applications/System License: LGPL-2.1-only Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} Requires(post): systemd Requires(preun): systemd Requires(postun): systemd %if 0%{py3_support} > 1 Requires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-libvirt Requires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-libxml2 %else Requires: libvirt-python Requires: libxml2-python %endif Requires: /usr/bin/virt-clone Requires: qemu-img %description vm koji-vm contains a supplemental build daemon that executes certain tasks in a virtual machine. This package is not required for most installations. %if 0%{py3_support} > 1 %package utils Summary: Koji Utilities Group: Applications/Internet License: LGPL-2.1-only Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-psycopg2 Obsoletes: python%{python3_pkgversion}-koji-sidetag-plugin-tools < %{version}-%{release} Provides: python%{python3_pkgversion}-koji-sidetag-plugin-tools = %{version}-%{release} Requires(post): systemd Requires(preun): systemd Requires(postun): systemd %description utils Utilities for the Koji system %package web Summary: Koji Web UI Group: Applications/Internet License: LGPL-2.1-only Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: %{name}-web-code = %{version}-%{release} %if 0%{?fedora} || 0%{?rhel} > 7 Suggests: python%{python3_pkgversion}-%{name}-web %endif %description web koji-web is a web UI to the Koji system. %package -n python%{python3_pkgversion}-%{name}-web Summary: Koji Web UI Group: Applications/Internet License: LGPL-2.1-only %{?python_provide:%python_provide python%{python3_pkgversion}-%{name}-web} Requires: httpd Requires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-mod_wsgi Requires: mod_auth_gssapi Requires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-psycopg2 Requires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-cheetah Requires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-%{name} = %{version}-%{release} Provides: %{name}-web-code = %{version}-%{release} %description -n python%{python3_pkgversion}-%{name}-web koji-web is a web UI to the Koji system. %endif %prep %autosetup -p1 # we'll be packaging these separately and don't want them registered # to the wheel we will produce. sed -e '/util\/koji/g' -e '/koji_cli_plugins/g' -i setup.py %build %if 0%{wheel_support} %if 0%{py2_support} %py2_build_wheel %endif %if 0%{py3_support} %py3_build_wheel %endif %endif %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %if 0%{py2_support} < 2 && 0%{py3_support} < 2 echo "At least one python must be built with full support" exit 1 %endif # python2 build %if 0%{wheel_support} %if 0%{py2_support} %py2_install_wheel %{name}-%{version}-py2-none-any.whl mkdir -p %{buildroot}/etc/koji.conf.d cp cli/koji.conf %{buildroot}/etc/koji.conf %endif %if 0%{py2_support} == 1 pushd plugins make DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT KOJI_MINIMAL=1 PYTHON=%{__python2} install popd %endif %if 0%{py2_support} > 1 for D in builder plugins vm ; do pushd $D make DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT PYTHON=%{__python2} install popd done %endif %else %if 0%{py2_support} make DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT PYTHON=%{__python2} install %endif %endif # python3 build %if 0%{py3_support} %py3_install_wheel %{name}-%{version}-py3-none-any.whl mkdir -p %{buildroot}/etc/koji.conf.d cp cli/koji.conf %{buildroot}/etc/koji.conf %endif %if 0%{py3_support} == 1 pushd plugins make DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT KOJI_MINIMAL=1 PYTHON=%{__python3} install popd %endif %if 0%{py3_support} > 1 for D in kojihub builder plugins util www vm schemas ; do pushd $D make DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT PYTHON=%{__python3} install popd done # alter python interpreter in koji CLI scripts='%{_bindir}/koji %{_sbindir}/kojid %{_sbindir}/kojira %{_sbindir}/koji-shadow %{_sbindir}/koji-gc %{_sbindir}/kojivmd %{_sbindir}/koji-sweep-db %{_sbindir}/koji-sidetag-cleanup' for fn in $scripts ; do sed -i 's|#!/usr/bin/python2|#!/usr/bin/python3|' $RPM_BUILD_ROOT$fn done %endif %if 0%{?fedora} # handle extra byte compilation extra_dirs=' %{_prefix}/lib/koji-builder-plugins %{_prefix}/lib/koji-hub-plugins %{_datadir}/koji-hub %{_datadir}/koji-web/lib/kojiweb %{_datadir}/koji-web/scripts' %if 0%{py2_support} > 1 for fn in $extra_dirs ; do %py_byte_compile %{__python2} %{buildroot}$fn done %endif %if 0%{py3_support} > 1 for fn in $extra_dirs ; do %py_byte_compile %{__python3} %{buildroot}$fn done %endif %endif # in case, we're building only py2, delete all py3 content %if 0%{py3_support} < 1 && 0%{py2_support} > 0 rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/koji-web rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/koji-hub rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/koji-hub-plugins rm -f %{buildroot}/etc/httpd/conf.d/kojihub.conf rm -f %{buildroot}/etc/httpd/conf.d/kojiweb.conf rm -f %{buildroot}/etc/koji-hub/hub.conf rm -f %{buildroot}/etc/koji-hub/plugins/protonmsg.conf rm -f %{buildroot}/etc/koji-hub/plugins/rpm2maven.conf rm -f %{buildroot}/etc/koji-hub/plugins/save_failed_tree.conf rm -f %{buildroot}/etc/koji-hub/plugins/sidetag.conf rm -f %{buildroot}/etc/kojiweb/web.conf rm -f %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/systemd/system/koji-sweep-db.service rm -f %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/systemd/system/koji-sweep-db.timer rm -f %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/sbin/koji-sweep-db rm -f %{buildroot}/etc/koji-gc/email.tpl rm -f %{buildroot}/etc/koji-gc/koji-gc.conf rm -f %{buildroot}/etc/koji-shadow/koji-shadow.conf rm -f %{buildroot}/etc/kojira/kojira.conf rm -f %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/systemd/system/koji-gc.service rm -f %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/systemd/system/koji-gc.timer rm -f %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/systemd/system/kojira.service rm -f %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/sbin/koji-gc rm -f %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/sbin/koji-shadow rm -f %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/sbin/koji-sidetag-cleanup rm -f %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/sbin/kojira %endif %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files %config(noreplace) /etc/koji.conf %dir /etc/koji.conf.d %doc docs Authors COPYING LGPL %if 0%{py2_support} %{_bindir}/* %files -n python2-%{name} %{python2_sitelib}/%{name} %if 0%{wheel_support} %{python2_sitelib}/%{name}-%{version}.*-info %endif %{python2_sitelib}/koji_cli %endif %if 0%{py3_support} %{_bindir}/* %files -n python%{python3_pkgversion}-koji %{python3_sitelib}/%{name} %{python3_sitelib}/%{name}-%{version}.*-info %{python3_sitelib}/koji_cli %{_datadir}/koji/*.sql %endif %if 0%{py2_support} %files -n python2-%{name}-cli-plugins %{python2_sitelib}/koji_cli_plugins # we don't have config files for default plugins yet #%%dir %%{_sysconfdir}/koji/plugins #%%config(noreplace) %%{_sysconfdir}/koji/plugins/*.conf %endif %if 0%{py3_support} %files -n python%{python3_pkgversion}-%{name}-cli-plugins %{python3_sitelib}/koji_cli_plugins # we don't have config files for default plugins yet #%%dir %%{_sysconfdir}/koji/plugins #%%config(noreplace) %%{_sysconfdir}/koji/plugins/*.conf %endif %if 0%{py3_support} > 1 %files hub %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, root, apache) /etc/httpd/conf.d/kojihub.conf %dir /etc/koji-hub %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, root, apache) /etc/koji-hub/hub.conf %dir /etc/koji-hub/hub.conf.d %{_sbindir}/koji-sweep-db %{_unitdir}/koji-sweep-db.service %{_unitdir}/koji-sweep-db.timer %files -n python%{python3_pkgversion}-%{name}-hub %{_datadir}/koji-hub/*.py %{_datadir}/koji-hub/__pycache__ %{python3_sitelib}/kojihub %files hub-plugins %dir /etc/koji-hub/plugins %config(noreplace) /etc/koji-hub/plugins/*.conf %files -n python%{python3_pkgversion}-%{name}-hub-plugins %{_prefix}/lib/koji-hub-plugins/*.py %{_prefix}/lib/koji-hub-plugins/__pycache__ %endif %files builder-plugins %dir /etc/kojid/plugins %config(noreplace) /etc/kojid/plugins/*.conf %dir %{_prefix}/lib/koji-builder-plugins %{_prefix}/lib/koji-builder-plugins/*.py* %if 0%{py3_support} > 1 %{_prefix}/lib/koji-builder-plugins/__pycache__ %endif %if 0%{py3_support} > 1 %files utils %{_sbindir}/kojira %{_unitdir}/koji-gc.service %{_unitdir}/koji-gc.timer %{_unitdir}/kojira.service %dir /etc/kojira %config(noreplace) /etc/kojira/kojira.conf %{_sbindir}/koji-gc %dir /etc/koji-gc %config(noreplace) /etc/koji-gc/koji-gc.conf %config(noreplace) /etc/koji-gc/email.tpl %{_sbindir}/koji-shadow %dir /etc/koji-shadow %config(noreplace) /etc/koji-shadow/koji-shadow.conf %{_sbindir}/koji-sidetag-cleanup %endif %if 0%{py3_support} > 1 %files web %dir /etc/kojiweb %config(noreplace) /etc/kojiweb/web.conf %config(noreplace) /etc/httpd/conf.d/kojiweb.conf %dir /etc/kojiweb/web.conf.d %files -n python%{python3_pkgversion}-%{name}-web %{_datadir}/koji-web %endif %files builder %{_sbindir}/kojid %if 0%{py2_support} > 1 %dir %{_libexecdir}/kojid %{_libexecdir}/kojid/mergerepos %endif %{_unitdir}/kojid.service %dir /etc/kojid %config(noreplace) /etc/kojid/kojid.conf %attr(-,kojibuilder,kojibuilder) /etc/mock/koji %pre builder /usr/sbin/useradd -r -s /usr/sbin/nologin -G mock -d /builddir -M kojibuilder 2>/dev/null ||: %post builder %systemd_post kojid.service %preun builder %systemd_preun kojid.service %postun builder %systemd_postun kojid.service %files vm %{_sbindir}/kojivmd #dir %%{_datadir}/kojivmd %{_datadir}/kojivmd/kojikamid %{_unitdir}/kojivmd.service %dir /etc/kojivmd %config(noreplace) /etc/kojivmd/kojivmd.conf %post vm %systemd_post kojivmd.service %preun vm %systemd_preun kojivmd.service %postun vm %systemd_postun kojivmd.service %if 0%{py3_support} > 1 %post utils %systemd_post kojira.service %preun utils %systemd_preun kojira.service %postun utils %systemd_postun kojira.service %endif %changelog * Mon Oct 7 2024 Mike McLean - 1.35.1-1 - Fix CVE-2024-9427: New XSS attack on kojiweb - PR#4154: Reformat watchlogs.js indentation for consistency - PR#4197: migration notes for repo generation * Fri Aug 16 2024 Tomas Kopecek - 1.35.0-1 - PR#3891: Don't try to resolve server version for old hubs - PR#3912: anonymous getGroupMembers and getUserGroups - PR#3944: Backup signature headers in delete_rpm_sig - PR#3953: Stop lowercasing the policy failure reason - PR#3969: New scmpolicy plugin - PR#3970: Add CLI with users with given permission - PR#3974: Use dnf5-compatible "group install" command - PR#4000: Fix remove-tag-inheritance with priority - PR#4008: CLI list-users with filters from listUsers - PR#4011: Show only active channels at clusterhealth - PR#4013: let tag.extra override tag arches for noarch - PR#4023: split out buildroot log watching logic - PR#4025: docs: mock's configuration - PR#4026: Better index for rpm lookup - PR#4033: kojira on demand - PR#4044: Update getNextTask for scheduler - PR#4046: kiwi: Generate full logs with debug information - PR#4051: fixes for list-users - PR#4060: auto arch refusal for noarch tasks - PR#4063: kiwi: Only add buildroot repo if user repositories are not defined - PR#4066: fix errors in channel policy - PR#4068: Rework mocking of QueryProcessor in DBQueryTestCase - PR#4073: sort checksums before inserting - PR#4075: taskinfo CLI and webUI info message why output is not in the list - PR#4076: log if a restart is pending - PR#4082: More mocking cleanup - PR#4083: refuse image tasks when required deps are missing - PR#4086: Drop part of code related to host without update_ts - PR#4087: Increase index.py unit tests - PR#4090: Koji 1.34.1 release notes - PR#4092: handle volumes when clearing stray build dirs - PR#4093: don't ignore files in uploadFile - PR#4095: drop unused DBHandler class - PR#4097: stop suggesting that users need repo permission - PR#4100: setup.py: Fix version retrieval on Python 3.13+ - PR#4103: make clean - more files - PR#4104: Add external koji dev environments' links - PR#4107: Drop unused auth options - PR#4110: DBHandler class dropped from API test - PR#4111: fix flake8 - PR#4113: cg import updates - PR#4115: fix tz mismatch issues with various queries - PR#4117: RetryError is subclass of AuthError - PR#4118: basic unit test for kojid main - PR#4121: Provide tag data in policy_data_from_task_args - PR#4127: handle cases where there is no event before our ts - PR#4132: check-api: only warn for external type changes - PR#4133: more missing tearDowns - PR#4141: Keep schema upgrade transactional - PR#4158: Fix asserts in unit tests - PR#4164: better default handling for getMultiArchInfo - PR#4181: Fix a typo in the kiwi image type attribute override patch - PR#4184: kiwi: Add support for overriding version and releasever - PR#4186: Basic tests for kiwi plugin - PR#4192: allow None in repoInfo for backwards compat * Mon May 6 2024 Tomas Kopecek - 1.34.1-1 - PR#3931: web: add some handy links for module builds - PR#3942: policy_data_from_task_args: set target to None when it doesn't exist - PR#3975: Bandit [B411]: use defusedxml to prevent remote XML attacks - PR#3989: Oz: don't hardcode the image size unit as 'G' - PR#3992: Remove rpm-py-installer, update test docs and update Dockerfiles - PR#3996: Document draft builds - PR#3998: typo in set_refusal - PR#3999: Have builders refuse repo tasks if they can't access /mnt/koji - PR#4005: Fix bandit "nosec" comments - PR#4012: rmtree: use fork - PR#4015: provide draft flag to build policy - PR#4018: Fix scheduler log ordering - PR#4032: implicit task refusals - PR#4037: Fix temporary cg_import.log file path - PR#4041: Use host maxtasks if available - PR#4043: --limit from scheduler-logs/info - PR#4052: fix formatting of rpm in title - PR#4056: avoid explicit rowlock in taskWaitCheck - PR#4069: add requirement: defusedxml in setup.py - PR#4088: tests: py3 versions compatibility fixes * Wed Jan 10 2024 Tomas Kopecek - 1.34.0-1 - PR#3537: Switch to WatchedFileHandler for logger - PR#3726: fix docstring getTaskInfo - PR#3761: doc: More XMLRPC-related docs - PR#3772: Scheduler part 1 - PR#3794: Unify getSessionInfo output - PR#3813: list-history: fix [still active] display for edit entries - PR#3817: Remove get_sequence_value in 1.34 - PR#3818: Remove koji.AUTHTYPE_* in 1.34 - PR#3828: better handling of deleted tags in kojiweb - PR#3830: kojira no_repo_effective_age setting - PR#3832: fix release notes version - PR#3835: explain _ord() method - PR#3838: distrepo will not skip rpm stat by default - PR#3841: create initial repo for sidetag - PR#3842: Don't spawn createrepo if not needed - PR#3843: Package migration scripts to koji-hub - PR#3850: Inherit group permissions - PR#3851: sidetag: extend is_sidetag_owner for untag ops - PR#3855: Extend getUser to get user groups - PR#3859: Fix user_in_group policy test - PR#3861: tox: Don't install coverage every run - PR#3865: fix tests/flake8 - PR#3873: disable use_bootstrap_image if bot requested - PR#3876: fix param in createImageBuild docstring - PR#3879: Example of how to enable a module via mock.module_setup_commands - PR#3882: Sort image rpm components before inserting - PR#3884: short option for watch-logs --follow - PR#3886: Raise an error on missing build directory - PR#3888: kojid: Fix mock_bootstrap_image parameter name in the default config - PR#3889: cli: handle hub w/o getKojiVersion in cancel tasks - PR#3893: Clean rpm db directory of broken symlinks - PR#3894: Sort channels on hosts page - PR#3895: hub: new_build: build in error should be the old one - PR#3897: Retrieve task_id for older OSBS builds - PR#3898: Update Containerfiles - PR#3902: queryOpts for queryHistory - PR#3904: Update docstring for listPackages - PR#3905: More general CG import logging - PR#3911: Display two decimal points for the task load in hosts page - PR#3913: draft builds - PR#3915: cli: fix wait-repo message when missing builds - PR#3917: fix tests - PR#3920: Move migration script to new location - PR#3924: fix return type - PR#3927: more getSessionInfo updates - PR#3929: Read config file on image build indirection - PR#3935: fix task_id extraction for missing extra - PR#3938: Update the CERN koji description - PR#3940: Remove six.configparser.SafeConfingParser from tests - PR#3946: fix flake8 errors - PR#3948: fix arg passing in exclusiveSession - PR#3949: docstring typo - PR#3957: Fix test - PR#3960: cli: [list-permissions] backward compatibility for getUserPermsInheritance call - PR#3965: Fix unittests for python-mock-5.x - PR#3977: handle new task refs in clean_scratch_tasks - PR#3980: task assign overrides - PR#3983: test_cg_importer.py: avoid creating temp files in checkout * Tue Jul 11 2023 Tomas Kopecek - 1.33.1-1 - PR#3834: wait with writing timestamps after results dir is created - PR#3836: add support for sw_64 and loongarch64 - PR#3839: basic vim syntax highlighting for hub policy - PR#3840: doc: readTaggedRPMS/Builds API documentation - PR#3846: cli: streamline python/json options in call command - PR#3857: Fix duplicate build link on CG taskinfo page - PR#3864: drop stray typing hint * Tue May 16 2023 Tomas Kopecek - 1.33.0-1 - PR#3775: Import koji archive types - PR#3816: kiwi: remove tech-preview warning - PR#3800: avoid noisy chained tracebacks when converting Faults - PR#3782: Fix typo - PR#3803: createTag raises error when perm ID isn't exists - PR#3799: Increase sidetag CLI tests - PR#3804: use fakehub as a user - PR#3769: Add component/built archives in list-buildroot - PR#3760: Add renewal session timeout - PR#3798: kojira: prioritize awaited repos - PR#3777: CG: allow reimports into failed/cancelled builds - PR#3791: Increase hub unit tests - PR#3788: fix syntax for tox 4.4.8 - PR#3741: vm: ignore B113: request_without_timeout - PR#3784: remove Host.getTask method - PR#3783: fakehub --pdb option - PR#3780: tagNotification: user_id is int when get_user is used - PR#3781: Set COLUMNS for tests to handle different terminals - PR#3778: docs: Emphasize new build_from_scm hub policy - PR#3773: Fix prune-signed-copies unit tests - PR#3751: Save task_id correctly also in CGInitBuild - PR#3763: Update deprecated policy comments - PR#3771: prune-signed-copies unit tests - PR#3754: Unify behavior when result is empty in get_maven/image/win/build - PR#3746: Fix backward compatibility - PR#3707: Add repoID in listBuildroots and create repoinfo command - PR#3752: Increase hub unit tests 03-02 - PR#3747: Fix editSidetag fstring variable formats and fix test unit tests - PR#3722: Increate sidetag hub unit tests - PR#3745: Fix pkglist_add when extra_arches is None - PR#3703: RawHeader improvements - PR#3738: Increase CLI uni tests - PR#3720: list-tagged: only check for build dir when --sigs is given - PR#3727: Fix mtime logic for py2.x - PR#3690: only pad header lengths for signature headers - PR#3679: vm: Retry libvirt connection - PR#3687: koji-gc: fail on additional arguments - PR#3674: sidetag: allowed list for rpm macros - PR#3712: download-build: preserve build artefacts last modification time - PR#3716: CLI: cancel error msg - PR#3699: Set daemon = true instead of call deaprecated setDaemon - PR#3686: Let "--principal=" works for users using multiple TGT's - PR#3678: Move db/auth to kojihub module - PR#3701: Editing extra in sidetags - PR#3695: remove debug print - PR#3691: fix doc links * Fri Feb 3 2023 Tomas Kopecek - 1.32.0-1 - PR#3530: use_fast_upload=True as default everywhere - PR#3562: rpmdiff: replace deprecated rpm call - PR#3584: kojikamid: remove clamav scanner - PR#3588: Move hub code to site-packages - PR#3589: Replace _multiRow, _singleRow, _singleValue with QP - PR#3599: Remove krbLogin API - PR#3608: koji-gc: use history to query trashcan contents - PR#3614: fix default archivetypes extensions - PR#3618: handle migrated rpmdb path - PR#3624: unify migration scripts - PR#3632: Next rewrite Select/Update queries - PR#3636: Deprecated get_sequence_value - PR#3647: hub: remove print statement - PR#3649: Remove DisableGSSAPIProxyDNFallback option on Hub - PR#3654: replace deprecated distutils - PR#3657: Fix callnum handling - PR#3659: rawdata not needed for callnum update - PR#3660: Add custom_user_metadata to build info for wrapperRPM build type - PR#3661: Fix auth unit tests - PR#3663: cli: improve help for call --python option - PR#3664: Recreate timeouted session - PR#3668: Reset build processor values with specific value only - PR#3672: CLI download-tasks has sorted tasks in check closed/not closed tasks * Mon Jan 9 2023 Tomas Kopecek - 1.31.1-1 - PR#3644: www: fix target link in taskinfo page - PR#3650: Add test cases for help - PR#3639: doc: better wording in listTagged - PR#3598: kiwi: upload log for failed tasks - PR#3641: Fix typo in CLI add-tag-inheritance error msg - PR#3630: Use old-style checkout for shortened refs - PR#3620: fix typo preventing building docker images - PR#3607: Change canceled icon color from red to orange - PR#3611: Replace deprecated inspect methods - PR#3601: Create DeleteProcessor class and use it - PR#3604: Support deleted build tag in taskinfo. - PR#3615: fix different PG capabilities in schema * Mon Nov 7 2022 Tomas Kopecek - 1.31.0-1 - PR#3407: build policy - PR#3417: save source for wrapperRPM - PR#3426: header-based sessions - PR#3446: Add active sessions web page - PR#3453: Index for rpm search - PR#3455: www: more generic taskinfo parameter handling - PR#3474: Move database classes and functions from kojihub.py to koji/db.py - PR#3476: Remove login shell from kojibuilder user - PR#3481: Fix URLs to pull requests - PR#3488: CLI download-task more specific info for not CLOSED tasks. - PR#3489: Rewrite DB query to Procesors - PR#3490: Emphasize non-working image XML - PR#3503: kojivmd: import xmlrpc.server - PR#3504: kojivmd: narrow error handling for missing VMs - PR#3505: kojivmd: pass "-F qcow2" to qemu-img create - PR#3506: doc: explain waitrepo tasks in vm channel - PR#3507: kojivmd: cleanup VMs with UNDEFINE_NVRAM - PR#3509: Enable fetching any ref from git repo - PR#3513: Return data when query execute asList with transform - PR#3516: Add number and size for download-build - PR#3521: spec: change license identifiers - PR#3528: Increase CLI unit tests - PR#3531: Error on list-tagged --sigs --paths without mount - PR#3533: CLI list-hosts fix when list of channels is empty - PR#3535: CLI edit-channel set default value for None and error msg to stderr. - PR#3538: vm: handle waitrepo tasks in kojivmd - PR#3540: kojid: use session correctly - PR#3541: kojid: fix restartHosts on py 3.5+ - PR#3542: cli: fix nvr sorting in list-builds - PR#3544: doc: use bullets for winbuild "buildrequires" syntax - PR#3546: Increase list-tag-inheritance unit tests - PR#3548: Increase unit tests - PR#3550: Allow buildTagID and destTagID as string and dict in getBuildTargets - PR#3552: Add regex --filter and --skip option for download-task - PR#3555: fix include path - PR#3557: Log when session ID, session key and hostip is not related - PR#3558: kiwi: propagate --type option - PR#3560: Rename global session in kojid - PR#3563: Rewrite Query DB to Processors in auth.py - PR#3565: kojira: fix docs - PR#3566: Fix koji-sweep-db - PR#3569: Add absolute to clean sessions in koji-sweep-db - PR#3573: koji-gc: fix check for type cc_addr, bcc_addr - PR#3576: kojivmd: improve topurl example and error handling - PR#3585: kiwi: Make /dev mounting by magic - PR#3592: Use inspect.getfullargspec instead of getargspec on hub and web * Mon Oct 3 2022 Tomas Kopecek - 1.30.1-1 - PR#3464: cli: allow redirects for file size checking - PR#3469: Fix dist-repo repo.json url - PR#3479: fix flake8 errors - PR#3484: Use nextval function instead of query 'SELECT nextval' - PR#3486: packaging: Block py3 compilation in py2 env - PR#3492: Fix arch filter in list of hosts webUI - PR#3496: kiwi: handle include protocols - PR#3498: kiwi: Explicitly use koji-generated description - PR#3502: Download all files, skip downloaded files - PR#3518: doc: fix missing characters * Thu Aug 18 2022 Tomas Kopecek - 1.30.0-1 - PR#3308: server-side clonetag - PR#3352: CLI: Remove --paths option from list-buildroot - PR#3354: remove force option from groupPackageListRemove hub call - PR#3357: Remove deprecated remove-channel/removeChannel - PR#3359: Drop old indices - PR#3360: proton: save messages when connection fails - PR#3363: CLI: list-channels with specific arch - PR#3364: Catch koji.AuthError and bail out - PR#3380: Increase hub unit tests - PR#3382: www: archivelist and rpmlist raise error when imageID is unknown - PR#3383: Increase www unit tests - PR#3385: koji download-task retry download file - PR#3390: www: Set SameSite and Set-Cookie2 - PR#3391: Use compression_type in listArchiveFiles - PR#3401: CLI: download-task prints "No files for download found." to stdout - PR#3402: Correct getAverageDuration values for most GC builds - PR#3403: Consistence pre/postPackageListChange sequence - PR#3404: don't propagate SIGHUP ignore to child processes - PR#3405: beautify logged commands issued by koji - PR#3406: Add a utility function to watch builds - PR#3422: hub: check release/version format in cg_import - PR#3423: Fix rpm_hdr_size file closing - PR#3425: Fix download-task all files in build/buildArch method tasks - PR#3428: Fix arches check in kiwi plugin - PR#3430: Fix download-task with wait option - PR#3437: Authtype as enum and getSessionInfo prints authtype name - PR#3438: CLI: More details when files conflict in download-task - PR#3440: Parse_arches allows string and list of arches - PR#3444: expect dict for chainmaven builds - PR#3445: Don't crash in _checkImageState if there's no image.os_plugin - PR#3450: convert data to string in escapeHTML first - PR#3457: Fix query with LIKE string in getAverageBuildDirection * Mon Jun 27 2022 Tomas Kopecek - 1.29.1-1 - PR#3343 Download output for all type of task in download-task - PR#3388 postgresql hub: date_part instead of EXTRACT - PR#3368 Order channels at hosts page - PR#3374 Add long description to setup.py - PR#3411 doc: mention CGRefundBuild in CG docs - PR#3415 Rename log to cg_import.log and add successful import log message. - PR#3398 more verbose default policy denials - PR#3413 Fix wrong encoding in changelog entries * Thu May 12 2022 Tomas Kopecek - 1.29.0-1 - PR#3349: Py3 re pattern fix - PR#3338: Add header separaton to list-hosts and list-channels - PR#3336: Fix list-permissions ordering and header - PR#3325: cli: fix more users in userinfo - PR#3355: call git rev-parse before chowning source directory - PR#3353: Fix wrapper-rpm unit test - PR#3326: Add tag2distrepo plugin to hub - PR#3321: Add admin check when priority has negative value in wrapperRPM - PR#3347: Fix input validation - PR#3282: Add extra of builds to listTagged call result - PR#3344: Fix age to max_age in protonmsg - PR#3289: log content-length when we get an error reading request - PR#3334: Add blocked option to packages page - PR#3346: www: display load/capacity at hosts page - PR#3278: Download-logs with nvr without task ID downloads a logs - PR#3313: Add as_string option to showOpts for raw string or dict output - PR#3217: Adding Driver Update Disk building support - PR#3318: Hub, plugins and tools inputs validation - PR#3256: add strict option to getRPMHeaders - PR#3342: cli: document "list-signed" requires filesystem access - PR#3257: Add log file for match_rpm warnings in cg_import - PR#3276: Use PrivateTmp for kojid/kojira - PR#3333: doc: winbuild documentation updates - PR#3329: Fix number of packages without blocked - PR#3331: doc: better description for kiwi channel requirements - PR#3279: Skip activate_session when logged - PR#3272: Webui: add free task for admin - PR#3301: doc: clarify rpm imports - PR#3306: Koji 1.28.1 release notes - PR#3309: cli: rename "args" var for list-tags command - PR#3248: Retry gssapi_login if it makes sense - PR#3303: www: fix attribute test - PR#3292: docs: Task flow diagram - PR#3290: web: encode filename as UTF-8 - PR#3259: kojira: don't call listTags more than once - PR#3262: Fix parsing of URLs with port numbers - PR#3298: Use buildins.type when option is called type in readTaggedRPMS - PR#3300: Same format output for list-builroot with verbose for py3/py2 - PR#3297: doc: fix readTaggedRPMs rpmsigs option description - PR#3234: Check ccache size before trying to use it - PR#3270: Increase CLI test cases - PR#3208: hub: improve inheritance priority collision error message - PR#3269: return 400 codes when client fails to send a full request - PR#3265: Set dst permissions same as src permissions - PR#3255: allow untag-build for blocked packages - PR#3252: Fix tag and target shows as string, not as dict to string - PR#3238: Remove koji.listFaults - PR#3237: Remove taskReport API call * Mon Mar 28 2022 Tomas Kopecek - 1.28.0-1 - PR#3263: Fix syntax error - PR#3303: www: fix attribute test - PR#3292: docs: Task flow diagram - PR#3290: web: encode filename as UTF-8 - PR#3259: kojira: don't call listTags more than once - PR#3262: Fix parsing of URLs with port numbers - PR#3298: Use buildins.type when option is called type in readTaggedRPMS - PR#3300: Same format output for list-builroot with verbose for py3/py2 - PR#3297: doc: fix readTaggedRPMs rpmsigs option description - PR#3270: Increase CLI test cases - PR#3208: hub: improve inheritance priority collision error message - PR#3265: Set dst permissions same as src permissions - PR#3252: Fix tag and target shows as string, not as dict to string * Wed Feb 2 2022 Tomas Kopecek - 1.27.0-1 - PR#3028: Add limits on name values - PR#3105: Deprecated --paths option in list-buildroot - PR#3108: Remove rename-channel CLI and use editChannel in renameChannel - PR#3116: RLIMIT_OFILE alias for RLIMIT_NOFILE - PR#3117: Deprecated hub option DisableGSSAPIProxyDNFallback - PR#3119: AuthExpire returns code 1 in kojid - PR#3123: Centralize name/id lookup clauses - PR#3137: www: rpminfo/fileinfo/imageinfo/archiveinfo page shows human-readable filesize - PR#3145: Deprecated force option in groupPackageListRemove call - PR#3146: CLI mock-config: when topdir option, remove topurl value - PR#3158: Deprecated remove-channel CLI and removeChannel API - PR#3159: Taginfo page shows packages with/without blocked - PR#3164: [hub] only raise error when authtype is not proxyauthtype - PR#3168: protonmsg: allow users to specify router-specific topic prefixes - PR#3177: Drop RHEL6 references - PR#3192: Release notes 1.27.1 - PR#3195: Link to overview video - PR#3196: hub: default with_blocked=True in listPackages - PR#3204: lib: refactor variables in is_conn_err() - PR#3205: Implant releasever into kiwi description - PR#3206: doc: explain IMA signing vs usual RPM signing - PR#3211: save modified .kiwi files per arch - PR#3212: Allow password in SCM url with new builder option - PR#3214: Add description for permissions - PR#3215: Show total builds and add two more date options - PR#3218: doc: additional explanations for RPM signatures - PR#3223: Provide meaningful message when importing image files fails - PR#3226: doc: improve multicall documentation * Tue Dec 21 2021 Tomas Kopecek - 1.27.1-1 - PR#3098: Add all options to hub_conf.rst - PR#3104: Make setup.py executable - PR#3113: error function instead of print with sys.exit in CLI commands - PR#3115: Add and update CLI unit tests - PR#3118: handle dictionary parameter in get_tag() - PR#3138: doc: improve protonmsg SSL parameter descriptions - PR#3139: www: style channelinfo hosts table - PR#3142: devtools: print fakeweb listening URL - PR#3150: Rewrite Acceptable keys to Requested keys in missing_signatures log - PR#3157: Pytest instead of nose in unittest - PR#3161: hub: fix spelling in comments for archive handling - PR#3164: [hub] only raise error when authtype is not proxyauthtype - PR#3166: kojira: don't fail on deleted items - PR#3172: Return mistakenly dropped option (--keytab) - PR#3174: hub: document getBuildLogs method - PR#3180: Add unit test for get_options - PR#3186: Don't fail on missing buildroot tag - PR#3189: buildtag_inherits_from docs * Mon Jun 21 2021 Tomas Kopecek - 1.25.1-1 - PR#2849 hub: replace with py3 exception - PR#2881 update .coveragerc to ignore p3 code - PR#2888 web: docs for KojiHubCA/ClientCA - PR#2889 kojihub - Use parse_task_params rather than manual task parsing - PR#2890 tests - Add support for running tox with specific test(s) - PR#2896 Drop download link from deleted build - PR#2898 hub: fix SQL condition - PR#2900 kojiweb - Fix getting tag ID for buildMaven taskinfo page. - PR#2906 lib: return taskLabel for unknown tasks - PR#2916 [policy] use "name" in result of lookup_name for CGs * Mon May 10 2021 Tomas Kopecek - 1.25.0-1 - PR#2844: protonmsg: use consistent data format for messages - PR#2764: kojira: faster startup - PR#2831: Add wait/nowait to tag-build, image-build-indirection - PR#2827: web: don't use count(*) on first tasks page - PR#2833: Add squashfs-only and compress-arg options to livemedia - PR#2828: web: additional info on API page - PR#2826: Add kerberos debug message - PR#2821: Python egginfo - PR#2843: update dockerfiles for f34 - PR#2824: lib: is_conn_error catch more exceptions - PR#2823: Add default task ID to prep_repo_init/done - PR#2816: koji-gc: Allow specifying all CLI options in config - PR#2817: koji-gc: Implement hastag policy for koji-gc - PR#2771: lib: use parse_task_params for taskLabel - PR#2829: fix tests for changed helpstring - PR#2688: cli: list-api method - PR#2791: with_owners options for readPackageList and readTaggedBuilds - PR#2802: Repo info with task id - PR#2803: unify warn messages - PR#2808: cli: multicalls for write-signed-rpm - PR#2796: api: getVolume with strict - PR#2792: cli: mock-config check arch - PR#2790: cli: list-builds sort-key warning - PR#2756: Show VCS and DistURL tags as links when appropriate - PR#2819: lib: more portable BadStatusLine checking - PR#2818: hub: Fix typo in postRepoInit callback from distRepo - PR#2779: 1.24.1 release notes - PR#2810: cli: fix multicall usage in list_hosts - PR#2798: Fix list-hosts and hostinfo for older hub - PR#2773: unify error messages for web - PR#2799: kojid.conf: fix linewrapped comment - PR#2794: lib: set sinfo=None for failed ssl_login - PR#2689: lib: missing default values in read_config - PR#2784: Tolerate floats in metadata timestamps - PR#2787: Revert "requests exception" - PR#2770: cli: buildinfo returns error for non exist build - PR#2766: api getLastHostUpdate returns timestamp - PR#2735: lib: more verbose conn AuthError for ssl/gssapi - PR#2782: Be tolerant with duplicate parents in _writeInheritanceData - PR#2615: cli: catch koji.ParameterError in list_task_output_all_volumes - PR#2749: web: optional KojiHubCA usage - PR#2753: drop PyOpenSSL usage - PR#2765: kojira: check repo.json before deleting - PR#2777: docs: fix Fedora's koji URL - PR#2722: cli: use multicall for cancel command - PR#2772: Fix small documentation typo - PR#2699: Fix race handling in rmtree - PR#2755: kojira: check rm queue before adding new path - PR#2769: cli: hostinfo with non-exist host - PR#2768: tests: fix locale setting - PR#2721: API: createWinBuild with wrong win/build info - PR#2761: cli: rpminfo with non-exist rpm - PR#2736: api: createMavenBuild wrong buildinfo/maveninfo - PR#2732: api: createImageBuild non-existing build wrong buildinfo - PR#2733: Unify error messages - PR#2759: tests: stop mock in DBQueryTest - PR#2754: doc: jenkins fedora -> centos migration - PR#2744: devtools: updated Dockerfiles - PR#2715: acquire logging locks before forking - PR#2747: Escape vcs and disturl - PR#2705: cli: show connection exception - PR#2703: cli: list-untagged returns error non-exist package - PR#2738: cli: fix help message formatting - PR#2737: plugins: fix typo - PR#2734: cli: --no-auth for 'call' command - PR#2711: Task priority policy - PR#2730: configurable sidetags suffixes - PR#2678: support modules and other btypes in download-build - PR#2731: web: set WSGIProcessGroup inside Directory - PR#2727: Fix progname - PR#2717: doc: Additional docs for CVE-CVE-2020-15856 - PR#2723: better ssl_login() error message when cert is None - PR#2725: doc: remove "ca" option from server howto - PR#2724: doc: update kojid steps in server howto - PR#2692: adding check for the license header key - PR#2702: cli: list-history error non-exist channel, host - PR#2706: hub: document getNextRelease method - PR#2709: cli: mock-config error for non existing buildroot - PR#2694: adding invalid target name error message - PR#2713: set correct import_type for volume policy in completeImageBuild * Thu Feb 4 2021 Tomas Kopecek - 1.24.0-1 - PR#2637: plugin hooks for repo modification - PR#2680: fix the mode of tarfile.open - PR#2608: cli: support download-build --type=remote-sources - PR#2674: cli: fix tests - PR#2667: spec: pythonic provides - PR#2671: fix typo - PR#2651: make policy test thread safe - PR#2664: requires python[23]-requests-gssapi for rhel[78] - PR#2655: readFullInheritance stops/jumps deprecation - PR#2589: history query by key - PR#2633: handle plugins and generator results in count and countAndFilterResults - PR#2649: kojid: backward compatible hub call - PR#2647: explicit encoding for text file operations - PR#2661: web: add comment explaining null start_time values - PR#2639: web: return correct content-length - PR#2654: cli: hide import-sig --write option - PR#2644: Lower default multicall batch values - PR#2584: require gssapi-requests 1.22 - PR#2576: db: add debian package archivetype - PR#2627: hub: remove global SSLVerifyClient option - PR#2605: cli: return error if add/remove-tag-inheritance can't be applied - PR#2630: fix nightly getNextReelase format - PR#2610: cli: raise NotImplementedError with btype name - PR#2598: lib: better print with debug_xmlrpc - PR#2621: docs: mention the final destination for new dist-repos - PR#2617: docs: link to tag2distrepo hub plugin - PR#2609: hub: doc listArchive types param for content generators - PR#2595: unify sql case - PR#2566: cli: list-task --after/--before/--all - PR#2574: hub: limit CGImport to allow only one CG per import - PR#2564: external repos can have specified arch list - PR#2562: cli: list-hosts can display description/comment - PR#2529: remove deprecated --ca option - PR#2555: hub: [listBuilds] add nvr glob pattern support - PR#2560: cli: allow removal of unused external repo even with --alltags - PR#2571: Add option to use repos from kickstart for livemedia builds - PR#2559: web: order methods by name in select box - PR#2540: Add nomacboot option for spin-livemedia - PR#2561: hub: fix tests * Mon Jan 4 2021 Tomas Kopecek - 1.23.1-1 - PR#2603: hub: fix py2-like 'stop' usage in getFullInheritance - PR#2593: docs: assign multicall to "m" in code example - PR#2586: cli: some options are not supplied in all _list_tasks calls - PR#2579: Install into /usr/lib rather than /usr/lib64/ - PR#2569: Revert "timezones for py 2.7" - PR#2547: builder: mergerepo uses workdir as tmpdir - PR#2558: web: disable links to deleted tags - PR#2548: kojira: don't expire ignored tags with targets - PR#2567: hub: use CTE for build_references - PR#2533: kojira: cache external repo timestamps by arch_url - PR#2515: to_list is not needed in py3 code - PR#2517: lib: better argument checking for eventFromOpts - PR#2504: Only redirect back to HTTP_REFERER if it points to kojiweb - PR#2526: sidetag: remove double "usage" - PR#2577: fix not found build id error for list-builds - PR#2509: doc: api docs - PR#2528: doc: python support matrix * Tue Jul 28 2020 Mike McLean - 1.22.0-1 - PR#2404: release bump and changelog - PR#2393: release notes - 1.22 - PR#2397: kojira: remove unused delete_batch_size - PR#2401: kojira: drop reference to krb_login - PR#2280: Use requests_gssapi instead of requests_kerberos - PR#2244: remove deprecated krbV support - PR#2340: kojira: threaded repo deletion - PR#2337: align option naming with mock - PR#2363: sphinx formatting fixes for hub policy doc - PR#2377: hub: document listBType return value when query matches no entries - PR#2123: Pass buildroot to preSCMCheckout and postSCMCheckout where applicable. - PR#2257: BuildSRPMFromSCMTask: Support auto-selecting a matching specfile name - PR#2387: cli: list-tags: fall back to old behavior on ParameterError - PR#2353: turn off dnf_warning in mock.cfg - PR#2385: doc: exporting repositories - PR#2372: TaskManager: clean both result and results dirs - PR#2376: kojid: use mergerepo_c for all merge modes - PR#2359: hub: importImage doesn't honor volume - PR#2364: cli clone-tag - get srctag info with event - PR#2347: cli: fix image-build-indirection --wait - PR#2366: upgrade-sql: fix backward compatibility - PR#2369: hub: make sure checksum_type is int for DB - PR#2306: Provide task-based data to volume policy - PR#2346: cli: --wait for download-task - PR#2342: fix simple_error_message encoding - PR#2358: web: remove "GssapiLocalName off" setting - PR#2354: fix error message - PR#2351: hub: remove "GssapiLocalName off" setting - PR#2350: doc: improve hub selinux instructions - PR#2352: doc: update test suite dependency list for py3 - PR#2348: fix option order - PR#2339: kojira: drop kojira.sysconfig - PR#2320: hub: allow glob matching for listTags - PR#2344: runroot: basic docs - PR#2345: builder: document plugin callbacks - PR#2327: koji-gc: fix py3 compare behaviour for dicts - PR#2338: hub: fix typo - PR#2334: hub: fix index so it gets used by planner - PR#2137: more debug info for un/tracked tasks in kojira - PR#2161: doc: update documentation for SSLCACertificateFile - PR#2162: hub: remove "GssapiSSLonly Off" option - PR#2287: doc: rewrite PostgreSQL authorization instructions - PR#2290: vm: clone mac address via xml - PR#2317: md5: try the best to use sha256 instead of md5 and ignore FIPS in other parts - PR#2263: improve race condition for getNextRelease / images - PR#2085: hide local --debug options - PR#2301: avoid redundant clauses and joins in query_buildroots() - PR#2237: db: use timestamps with timezone - PR#2329: docs: align "Hub" text in diagram - PR#2330: clean_old option was duplicated on clean_empty - PR#2331: hub: document listChannels arguments - PR#2318: make mock depsolver policy configurable - PR#1932: per-tag settings for mock's sign plugin - PR#2328: koji-gc: fix flake8 - PR#2218: Drop py2 support for hub/web - PR#2316: kojira: replace deprecated Thread.isAlive() - PR#2309: hub: simplify recipients condition in build_notification() - PR#2326: sidetag: parenthesis typo - PR#2322: Side tags: allow admin ops and misc fixes - PR#2323: kojira: Fix logic detecting directories - PR#2276: document merge modes - PR#2310: hub: fix "opt-outs" comment in get_notification_recipients() - PR#2256: Don't break on deleted tag - PR#2154: kojira: swap first_seen with latest mtime for repo - PR#2275: hub: default policy allow packagelist changes with 'tag' permission - PR#2255: cli: output extra['rpm.macro.*'] to mock-config - PR#2253: koji-gc: set smtp_host to localhost by default - PR#2308: hub: return empty list in get_notification_recipients() - PR#2293: disable notifications by default in [un]tagBuildBypass calls - PR#2303: hub: query_buildroots fix query behaviour - PR#2299: hub: query_buildroots have to return ASAP - PR#2166: mock's boostrap + image support - PR#2295: Koji 1.21.1 release notes - PR#2278: koji-gc: fix cc/bcc e-mail handling - PR#2212: kojid: remove bootstrap dir - PR#2254: openRemoteFile retries and checks downloaded content - PR#2225: hub: log tracebacks for multicalls - PR#2279: koji-gc: fix query order - PR#2064: Support tag specific environment variables - PR#2153: koji-gc: various typos in maven path - PR#2193: www: repoinfo page - PR#2268: don't decode signature headers - PR#2214: cli: drop unneeded activate_session - PR#2266: Correctly identify "hostname doesn't match" errors - PR#2228: cli: flush stdout during watch-logs - PR#2264: replace deprecated function with logging - PR#2262: Pass bootloader append option to livemedia builds - PR#2195: koji-gc: allow specifying CC and BCC address for email notifications - PR#2141: kojiweb: update for mod_auth_gssapi configuration - PR#2238: hub: deprecate host.getTask call - PR#2224: cli: fix variable name - PR#2245: cli: extend docs for --before/--after options - PR#2246: deprecated warning for cli option --ca as well - PR#2248: doc: links to copr builds - PR#2223: cli: fix un/lock-tag permission handling - PR#2241: hub: API docs - PR#2242: hub: additional API docs - PR#2199: koji-gc: add systemd unit files - PR#2157: kojira: use cached getTag for external repos - PR#2226: cli: deprecate --ca - PR#2197: Use %autosetup (fixes #2196) - PR#2235: doc: update postgresql-setup command for el8 and Fedora - PR#2236: fix additional flake8 problems - PR#2233: fix flake8 errors - PR#2151: koji-gc: support request_kerberos - PR#2211: koji-gc: test existence of trashcan tag - PR#2132: listSideTags returns also user info - PR#2187: koji-sweep-db: use "Type=oneshot" for systemd - PR#2213: Correct docstring about deleting inheritance rules - PR#2209: koji-utils: only requires /usr/bin/python2 on rhel<=7 - PR#2205: doc: fix koji-sweep-db filename typo - PR#2206: doc: indent SQL query for user ID discovery - PR#2207: cli: improve grant-permission --new --help message - PR#2203: hub: admin can't force tag now - PR#2194: remove obsoleted note - PR#2158: hub: document addExternalRepoToTag arguments - PR#2172: hub: document createUser arguments - PR#2180: cli: fix "list-history --help" text for "--cg" - PR#2044: Unify error messages in CLI - fix flake8 - PR#2024: queue log file for kojira - PR#2136: replace logging.warn with warning - PR#2038: Don't use listTagged(tag, *) for untag-build - PR#2103: fix list-signed --tag memory issues - PR#2150: translate exceptions to GenericError - PR#2176: hub: document editUser method - PR#2175: kojira: remove duplicate Kerberos configuration boilerplate - Merge #2173 `hub: document getTagExternalRepos` - PR#2177: doc: "koji build" requires a target - PR#2178: docs: Fix sidetag enablement typo - PR#2174: hub: document removeExternalRepoFromTag arguments - hub: document getTagExternalRepos - fix docs - missing file from 1.21 docs * Wed Jun 03 2020 Tomas Kopecek - 1.21.1-1 - PR#2279: koji-gc: fix query order - PR#2038: Don't use listTagged(tag, *) for untag-build - PR#2245: cli: extend docs for --before/--after options - PR#2103: fix list-signed --tag memory issues - PR#2241: hub: API docs - PR#2242: hub: additional API docs - PR#2136: replace logging.warn with warning - PR#2141: kojiweb: update for mod_auth_gssapi configuration - PR#2153: koji-gc: various typos in maven path - PR#2157: kojira: use cached getTag for external repos - PR#2158: hub: document addExternalRepoToTag arguments - PR#2194: remove obsoleted note - PR#2211: koji-gc: test existence of trashcan tag - PR#2203: hub: admin can't force tag now - PR#2224: cli: fix variable name - PR#2223: cli: fix un/lock-tag permission handling - PR#2268: don't decode signature headers - PR#2248: doc: links to copr builds - PR#2178: docs: Fix sidetag enablement typo - PR#2174: hub: document removeExternalRepoFromTag arguments - fix docs - missing file from 1.21 docs * Tue Apr 14 2020 Tomas Kopecek - 1.21-1 - PR#2057: update docs on httpd configuration - PR#1385: Add --no-delete option to clone-tag - PR#2054: editSideTag API call - PR#2081: new policy for dist-repo - PR#2129: hub: document deleteExternalRepo arguments - PR#2128: hub: document getExternalRepo arguments - PR#2127: fix sanity check in merge_scratch - PR#2125: Set default keytab for kojira - PR#2071: Better help for build/latest-build - PR#516: kojira monitors external repos changes - PR#2121: kojira: be tolerant of old with_src configuration option - PR#2105: always set utf8 pg client encoding - PR#2106: kojira: Allow using Kerberos without krbV - PR#2088: fix missing /lib/ in hub-plugins path - PR#2097: display merge mode for external repos - PR#2098: move admin force usage to assert_policy - PR#1990: allow debuginfo for sidetag repos - PR#2082: delete oldest failed buildroot, when there is no space - PR#2115: Correct json.dumps usage - PR#2113: don't break on invalid task - PR#2058: merge_scratch: Compare SCM URLs only if built from an SCM - PR#2074: Limit final query by prechecking buildroot ids - PR#2022: reverse score ordering for tags - PR#2056: fix table name - PR#2002: try to better guess mock's error log - PR#2080: koji download-build - consider resume downloads by default - PR#2042: add-host work even if host already tried to log in - PR#2051: hub: editTagExternalRepo is able to set merge_mode - PR#2040: koji.ClientSession: fix erroneous conversion to latin-1 - PR#2089: propagate event to get_tag_extra - PR#2047: limit size of extra field in proton msgs - PR#2019: log --force usage by admins - PR#2083: allow to skip SRPM rebuild for scratch builds - PR#2068: use real time for events - PR#2078: Adapt older win-build docs - PR#2075: Don't use datetime timestamp() as it's not in Python 2 - PR#2028: make xz options configurable - PR#2079: prune old docs about interaction with Fedora's koji - PR#2030: raise error on non-existing tag - PR#1749: rpm: remove references to EOL fedora versions - PR#1194: client: use default CA store during SSL auth if serverca is unset - PR#2073: trivial flake8 warning fix - PR#2048: use only gssapi_login in CLI - PR#2016: Add detail about known koji signatures to buildinfo - PR#2027: raise GenericError instead of TypeError in filterResults - PR#2009: CG: add and update buildinfo.extra.typeinfo if it doesn't exist - PR#2049: extending flake8 rules - PR#1891: Disable notifications from clone-tag by default - PR#2006: add missing koji-sidetag-cleanup script - PR#2025: Include livemedia builds in accepted wrapperRPM methods - PR#2045: insert path before import kojihub - PR#2034: update docs to current jenkins setup - PR#1987: Add doc string for virtual methods - PR#1916: replace xmlrpc_client exception with requests - PR#751: xmlrpcplus: use parent Marshaller's implementations where possible - PR#2004: obsolete external sidetag plugin - PR#1992: deprecation of krb_login - PR#2001: remove usage of deprecated cgi.escape function - PR#1333: file locking for koji-gc - PR#692: Add smtp authentication support - PR#1956: Merge sidetag plugin - PR#478: Add _taskLabel entry for indirectionimage - PR#2000: hub: improve listBTypes() API documentation - PR#1058: Add 'target' policy - PR#938: Deprecating list-tag-history and tagHistory - PR#1971: remove outdated comment in schema file - PR#1986: fix test - PR#1984: Remove deprecated md5/sha1 constructors - PR#1059: Emit user in PackageListChange messages - PR#1945: check permission id in edit_tag - PR#1948: check package list existence before blocking - PR#1949: don't allow setTaskPriority on closed task - PR#1950: print warn to stderr instead of stdout - PR#1951: add strict to getChangelogEntries - PR#1975: update runs_here.rst: correcting usage of koji at CERN - PR#1934: remove unused option --with-src in kojira - PR#1911: hub: [newRepo] raise error when tag doesn't exist - PR#1886: cli: make list-signed accepting integer params - PR#1863: hub: remove debugFunction API * Thu Mar 5 2020 Tomas Kopecek - 1.20.1-1 - PR#1995: hub: improve search() API documentation - PR#1993: Always use stream=True when iterating over a request - PR#1982: ensure that all keys in distrepo are lowered - PR#1962: improve sql speed in build_references - PR#1960: user proper type for buildroot state comparison - PR#1958: fix potentially undeclared variable error - PR#1967: don't use full listTags in list-groups call - PR#1944: analyze/vacuum all affected tables - PR#1929: fix flags display for list-tag-inheritance - PR#1935: docs for kojira and koji-gc - PR#1923: web: fix typo - the param[0] is tag, not target - PR#1919: expect, that hub is returning GM time - PR#1465: unittest fix: tests/test_cli/test_list_tagged.py - PR#1920: display some taskinfo for deleted buildtags - PR#1488: Display params also for malformed tasks in webui - PR#2020: move needed functions - PR#1946: fix usage message for add-pkg - PR#1947: fix help message for list-groups - PR#2060: build_references: fix the type of event_id used by max * Mon Jan 20 2020 Tomas Kopecek - 1.20.0-1 - PR#1908: koji 1.20 release - PR#1909: a follow-up fix for koji-gc - PR#1921: fix test for PR1918 - PR#1893: raise GenericError on existing build reservation - PR#1917: Update typeinfo metadata documentation - PR#1918: cli: add "--new" option in "grant-permission" help summary - PR#1912: hub: [distRepo] fix input tag arg for getBuildConfig call - PR#1832: docstrings for API - PR#1889: fix nvr/dict params - PR#1743: basic zchunk support for dist-repo - PR#1869: limit distRepo tasks per tag - PR#1873: koji-gc: untagging/moving to trashcan is very slow - PR#1829: Add a sanity check on remotely opened RPMs - PR#1892: kojid: use binary msg for python3 in *Notification tasks - PR#1854: do not use with statement with requests.get - PR#1875: document noarch rpmdiff behaviour - PR#1872: hub: getUser: default krb_princs value is changed to True - PR#1824: additional options to clean database - PR#1246: split admin_emails option for kojid - PR#1794: merge duplicate docs - PR#763: clean all unused `import` and reorder imports - PR#1626: build can wait for actual repo - PR#1640: Provide for passing credentials to SRPMfromSCM - PR#1820: [web] human-friendly file sizes in taskinfo page - PR#1821: browsable api - PR#1839: fix closing table tag - PR#1785: unify return values for permission denied - PR#1428: Add koji-gc/kojira/koji-shadow to setup.py - PR#1868: extend docstrings for CGInit/RefundBuild - PR#1853: fix CGRefundBuild to release build properly - PR#1862: gitignore: exclude .vscode folder - PR#1845: QueryProcessor: fix countOnly for group sql - PR#1850: fix conflict -r option for kernel version - PR#1848: list-pkgs: fix opts check - PR#1847: hub: fix BulkInsertProcessor call in CGImport - PR#1841: continue instead of exiting - PR#1837: A few fixes for kojikamid - PR#1823: docs for partitioning buildroot_listings - PR#1771: koji-sweep-db: Turn on autocommit to eliminate VACUUMing errors - PR#723: improve test and clean targets in Makefiles - PR#1037: use --update for dist-repos if possible - PR#1817: document tag inheritance - PR#1691: human-readable timestamp in koji-gc log - PR#1755: drop buildMap API call - PR#1814: some list-pkgs options work only in combinations - PR#821: Log kernel version used for buildroot - PR#983: fix downloads w/o content-length - PR#284: Show build link(s) on buildContainer task page - PR#1826: fix time type for restartHosts - PR#1790: remove old db constraint - PR#1775: clarify --ts usage - PR#1542: Replace urllib.request with requests library - PR#1380: no notifications in case of deleted tag - PR#1787: raise error when config search paths is empty - PR#1828: cli: refine output of list-signed - PR#1781: Remove title option for livemedia-creator - PR#1714: use BulkInsertProcessor for hub mass inserts - PR#1797: hub: build for policy check should be build_id in host.tagBuild - PR#1807: util: rename "dict" arg - PR#1149: hub: new addArchiveType RPC - PR#1798: rm old test code - PR#1795: fix typos for GenericError - PR#1799: hub: document cg_import parameters - PR#1804: docs: MaxRequestsPerChild -> MaxConnectionsPerChild - PR#1806: docs: explain "compile/builder1" user principal - PR#1800: rpm: remove %defattr - PR#1805: docs: recommend 2048 bit keys - PR#1801: docs: fix indent for reloading postgres settings - PR#1802: docs: simplify admin bootstrapping intro - PR#1803: docs: fix rST syntax for DB listening section - PR#1551: cluster health info page - PR#1525: include profile name in parsed config options - PR#1773: make rpm import optional in koji/__init__.py - PR#1767: check ConfigParser object rather than config path list * Fri Nov 8 2019 Brendan Reilly - 1.19.1-1 - PR#1751: hub: Fix issue with listing users and old versions of Postgres - PR#1753: Fix hub reporting of bogus ownership data - PR#1733: allow tag or target permissions as appropriate (on master) * Wed Oct 30 2019 Brendan Reilly - 1.19.0-1 - PR#1720: backward-compatible db conversion - PR#1713: cli: fix typo in edit-user cmd - PR#1662: CGUninitBuild for cancelling CG reservations - PR#1681: add all used permissions to db - PR#1702: fix log message to show package name - PR#1682: mostly only mock exit code 10 ends in build.log - PR#1694: doc: change user creating sql for kerberos auth - PR#1706: fix test for RHEL6 - PR#1701: fix user operations typos - PR#1296: extract read_config_files util for config parsing - PR#1670: verifyChecksum fails for non-output files - PR#1492: bundle db maintenance script to hub - PR#1160: hub: new listCGs RPC - PR#1120: Show inheritance flags in list-tag-inheritance output - PR#1683: in f30+ python-devel defaults to python3 - PR#1685: Tag permission can be used for un/tagBuildBypass - PR#902: Added editUser api call - PR#1684: use preferred arch if there is more options - PR#1700: README: fix bullet indentation - PR#1159: enforce unique content generator names in database - PR#1699: remove references to PythonOption - PR#923: Remove Groups CLI Call - PR#1696: fix typo in createUser - PR#1419: checking kerberos prinicipal instead of username in GSSAPI authentication - PR#1648: support multiple realms by kerberos auth - PR#1657: Use bytes for debug string - PR#1068: hub: [getRPMFile] add strict behavior - PR#1631: check options for list-signed - PR#1688: clarify fixed/affected versions in cve announcement - PR#1687: Docs updates for CVE-2019-17109 - PR#1686: Fix for CVE-2019-17109 - PR#1680: drop unused host.repoAddRPM call - PR#1666: Fix typo preventing vm builds - PR#1677: docs for build.extra.source - PR#1675: Subselect gives better performance - PR#1642: Handle sys.exc_clear in Python 3 - PR#1157: cli: [make-task] raise readable error when no args - PR#1678: swapped values in message - PR#1676: Made difference between Builds and Tags sections more clear - PR#1173: hub: [groupListRemove] raise Error when no group for tag - PR#1197: [lib] ensuredir: normalize directory and don't throw error when dir exists - PR#1244: hub: add missing package list check - PR#1523: builder: log insufficent disk space location - PR#1616: docs/schema-upgrade-1.18-1.19.sql/schema.sql: additional CoreOS artifact types. - PR#1643: fix schema.sql introduced by moving owner from tag_packages to another table - PR#1589: query builds per chunks in prune-signed-builds - PR#1653: Allow ClientSession objects to get cleaned up by the garbage collector - PR#1473: move tag/package owners to separate table - PR#1430: koji-gc: Added basic email template - PR#1633: Fix lookup_name usage + tests - PR#1627: Don't allow archive imports that don't match build type - PR#1618: write binary data to ks file - PR#1623: Extend help message to clarify clone-tag usage - PR#1621: rework update of reserved builds - PR#1508: fix btype lookup in list_archive_files() - PR#1223: Unit test download_file - PR#1613: Allow builder to attempt krb if gssapi is available - PR#1612: use right top limit - PR#1595: enable dnf_warning in mock config - PR#1458: remove deprecated koji.util.relpath - PR#1511: remove deprecated BuildRoot.uploadDir() - PR#1512: remove deprecated koji_cli.lib_unique_path - PR#1490: deprecate sha1/md5_constructor from koji.util * Fri Aug 9 2019 Mike McLean - 1.18.0-1 - PR#1606: pull owner from correct place - PR#1602: copy updated policy for reserved cg builds - PR#1601: fix recycling build due to cg - PR#1597: Backward-compatible fix for CG import - PR#1591: secrets import is missing 'else' variant - PR#1555: use _writeInheritanceData in _create_tag - PR#1580: cli: verify user in block-notification command - PR#1578: cli:fix typo in mock-config - PR#1464: API for reserving NVRs for content generators - PR#898: Add support for tag/target macros for Mageia - PR#1544: use RawConfigParser for kojid - PR#863: cli: change --force to real bool arg for add-tag-inheritance - PR#1253: cli: add option for custom cert location - PR#1353: Create db index for listTagged - PR#1375: docs: add architecture diagram - PR#892: cli: also load plugins from ~/.koji/plugins - PR#1516: kojibuilder: Pass mergerepo_c --all for bare mode as well. - PR#1524: set module_hotfixes=1 in yum.conf via tag config - PR#1417: notification's optouts - PR#1515: add debug message to new multicall to match original - PR#1480: Add raw-gz and compressed QCOW2 archive types. - PR#1260: use LANG=C for running all tests - PR#1447: handle deleted tags in kojira - PR#1513: Allow hub policy to match version and release - PR#1462: rebuildSRPM task - PR#1498: Pass bytes to md5_constructor - PR#1502: Don't pass block list in bare merge mode - PR#1489: pass bytes to sha1 constructor - PR#1499: remove merge option from edit-external-repo - PR#1427: Fix typo in getArchiveTypes docstring - PR#957: New multicall interface - PR#1280: put fix_pyver before printing command help - PR#1415: New 'buildtype' test for policies - PR#1258: retain old search pattern in web ui - PR#1479: use better index for sessions - PR#1279: let hub decide, what headers are supported - PR#1454: introduce host-admin permission + docs - PR#1303: fix history display for parallel host_channels updates - PR#1278: createrepo_c is used by default now - PR#1449: show load/capacity in list-channels - PR#1476: Allow taginfo cli to use tag IDs; fixed Inheritance printing bug - PR#1445: turn back on test skipped due to coverage bug - PR#1452: fix parentheses for tuple in _writeInheritanceData - PR#1456: deprecate BuildRoot.uploadDir method - PR#1461: check existence of tag_id in getInheritanceData - PR#1471: list-hosts shouldn't error on empty list - PR#1273: Allow generating separate src repo for build repos - PR#1255: always check existence of tag in setInheritanceData - PR#1256: add strict option to getTaskChildren - PR#1257: fail runroot task on non-existing tag - PR#1272: check architecture names for mistakes - PR#1322: Reduce duplicate "fixEncoding" code - PR#1327: volume option for dist-repo - PR#1442: delete_build: handle results of lazy build_references call - PR#1425: add --show-channels listing to list-hosts - PR#1432: py2.6 compatibility fix - PR#1434: hub: fix check_fields and duplicated parent_id in _writeInheritanceData - PR#1439: user correct column in sql (getTask) - PR#1437: fix table name in build_references query - PR#1414: Fix jenkins config for new python mock - PR#1411: handle bare merge mode - PR#1410: build_srpm: Wait until after running the sources command to check for alt_sources_dir - PR#1383: display task durations in webui - PR#1358: rollback errors in multiCall - PR#1413: Makefile: print correct urls for test coverage - PR#1409: Fix SQL after introduction of host_config - PR#1324: createEmptyBuild errors for non-existent user - PR#1406: fix mapping iteration in getFullInheritance - PR#1398: kojid: Download only 'origin' - PR#1365: Check CLI arguments for enable/disable host - PR#1390: CLI list-channels sorted output - PR#1389: block_pkglist compatibility fix - PR#1376: use context manager for open in CLI - PR#1392: Replace references to latest-pkg with latest-build - PR#1386: scale task_avail_delay based on bin rank - PR#1363: Use createrepo_update even for first repo run - PR#1368: update test requirements in jenkins - PR#1374: honor mock.package_manager tag setting in mock-config cli - PR#1387: remove unused variable - PR#1143: hub: document CG access method arguments - PR#1169: docs: use systemctl enable --now for postgres and kojid - PR#1155: hub: document addHost and editHost arguments - PR#1242: kojid.conf documentation - PR#1340: Update server doc for newer TLS and event worker - PR#1359: docs: remove "TBD" sections - PR#1360: docs: remove mod_python references - PR#1361: docs: kojirepod -> kojira - PR#1370: add vhdx archivetype - PR#1331: provide lower level versions of build_target functions - PR#1348: rm old references to Mozilla - PR#1297: Support tilde in search - PR#1356: kojira: fix iteration over repos in py3 - PR#1342: Remove python2.4 OptionParse fix - PR#1347: Fix hub startup handling - PR#1346: Rely on ozif_enabled switch in BaseImageTask - PR#1344: add .tgz to list of tar's possible extensions - PR#1086: hub: unittest for get_external_repos - PR#1170: docs: koji package provides schema.sql file - PR#1281: remove urlescape from package name - PR#1304: hub: document setInheritanceData arguments - PR#1277: Remove 'keepalive' option - PR#1330: fix docs typos - PR#1339: fix typo in usage of six's import of MIMEText - PR#1337: minor gc optimizations - PR#1254: doc: Include AnyStor mention to 'koji runs here' doc - PR#1325: run py3 tests in CI by default - PR#1326: README: link to Pungi project instead of mash - PR#1329: Update plugin doc (confusing sentence) * Wed Mar 6 2019 Mike McLean - 1.17.0-1 - PR#1320: also remove nonprintable changelog chars in py3 - PR#1293: fix dict encoding in py3 - PR#1309: Fix binary output in cli in py3 - PR#1317: fix deps for utils/vm subpackages on py3 - PR#1315: fix checksum validation in CG_Importer - PR#1313: Fix encoding issues with base64 data - PR#1307: python3-koji-hub requires python3-psycopg2 - PR#1290: downloadTaskOutput fix for py3 - PR#1300: require correct mod_wsgi - PR#1301: use greetings list from lib - PR#1284: replace urrlib.quote with six.moves - PR#1286: correctly escape license in web ui - PR#1292: define _sortByKeyFuncNoneGreatest as staticmethod - PR#1227: Added volume id as argument to livemedia and livecd tasks - PR#1070: consolidate access to rpm headers - PR#1274: cve-2018-1002161 - PR#1271: decode Popen.communicate result under py3 - PR#1269: require librepo on python3 - PR#1222: Include CLI plugins in setup.py - PR#1265: py3 tests + related fixes - PR#1220: Fix non-ascii strings in xmlrpc - PR#1229: document reason strings in policies - PR#1263: python 3 can't index dict.keys() - PR#1235: fix weak deps handling in rpminfo web page - PR#1251: fix race-condition with librepo temp directories - PR#1245: organize python 2/3 cases in spec file - PR#1231: remove unused directory - PR#1248: use six move for email.MIMEText - PR#1150: using ConfigParser.read_file for PY3 - PR#1249: more detailed help for block-group-pkg - PR#1117: python3 kojid - PR#891: Web UI python3 changes - PR#921: Py3 hub - PR#1182: hub: document get_channel arguments - PR#1014: cli: preserve build order in clone-tag - PR#1218: docs: drop HTML tags from howto doc - PR#1211: Fix wrong error message - PR#1184: rest of python3 support for koji lib - PR#1062: fix pyOpenSSL dependency for py26 in setup.py - PR#1019: Use python2/3 instead of python in Makefile/spec - PR#1190: hub: document all edit_tag arguments - PR#1201: re-add urlparse import in kojikamid - PR#1203: Fix `is_conn_error()` for Python 3.3+ change to `socket.error` - PR#967: use correct fileinfo checksum field - PR#1187: Add ctx option to ClientSession.krb_login() - PR#1175: kojira: avoid race condition that causes "unknown task" errors - PR#964: few sort speedups - PR#852: drop encode_int helper - PR#1043: remove old messagebus plugin - PR#1176: kojid: implement task_avail_delay check - PR#1180: Update source when recycling build - PR#1178: cli: document parse_arches method parameters - PR#920: use relative symlinks for hub imports - PR#981: cli: add a param in watch_tasks to override KeyboardInterrupt output - PR#1042: don't fail on missing field in base policy tests - PR#1172: make timeout of authentication configurable - PR#1168: remove shebang in context module - PR#1045: cli: [free-task] raise error when no task-id specified - PR#1056: Print warning to stderr - PR#1057: raise error for non-existing task in list_task_output - PR#1061: hub: [getRPMDeps] add strict behavior - PR#1065: fix wrong message - PR#1081: hub: [getPackageID] add strict behavior - PR#1099: hub: [hasPerm] add strict behavior - PR#732: koji.next.md: drop RHEL 5 requirements - PR#1156: hub: unlimited NameWidth for kojifiles Apache location - PR#1154: docs: update cheetah template user guide link - PR#1148: docs: use "postgresql-setup initdb" to initialize database - PR#1141: hub: document edit_tag argument types - PR#1138: cli: fix "at least" typo in help text - PR#1137: docs: unify "dnf" and "yum" instructions in server howto - PR#1125: Ignore non-existing option when activate a session - PR#1111: Don't retry if certificate is not readable - PR#928: check tag existence in list-tagged cmd and listTagged* APIs - PR#1127: only pass new incl_blocked call opt if it is explicitly needed - PR#1124: tooltip for search field - PR#1115: Do not require split_debuginfo - PR#1123: fix wrong old value in postBuildStateChange callback - PR#1097: hub: [getTaskInfo] add strict behavior - PR#1098: cli: [download-task] readable error when no task found - PR#1096: cli: fix typos in *-notification error msg - PR#1072: Include WadersOS mention to 'koji runs here' doc - PR#1094: hub: [postBuildStateChange] passing the newest build info - PR#1066: Simple mode for mergerepos - PR#1091: more informative error for invalid scm schemes - PR#1003: update jenkins configuration - PR#947: exclude py compiled files under util/ - PR#965: check rpm headers support directly - PR#978: get_next_release should check also running builds - PR#1041: fix utf-8 output in CLI - PR#1036: Add more test patterns for rpmdiff unit test. - PR#1023: Expand user directory from config - PR#1002: prioritize unittest2 - PR#1000: Fix target handling in make_task - PR#997: Fix rpmdiff's ignoring of size - PR#1012: Fix isinstance with lists - PR#1030: Create symlinks for builds imported onto non-default volumes - PR#1021: Raise error for non-200 codes in download_file - PR#1005: Add unit tests for check volume id substitution list - PR#1027: [kojihub] add strict parameter in getBuildNotification - PR#1016: raise Error when user not found in getBuildNotifications - PR#1008: decode_args(): make a copy of the opts dict, rather than modifying it in-place - PR#989: additional info on builders in channelinfo page - PR#685: Rest of automated conversion from py3 changes - PR#962: put source target scratch into policy_data in make_task - PR#980: cli: rename _unique_path to unique_path, and deprecate the old one - PR#900: enable batch multiCall in clone-tag - PR#973: Check empty arches before spawning dist-repo - PR#959: fix wrong tagNotification in tagBuildBypass API - PR#969: Enable python3 on RHEL8 build - PR#970: Add RISC-V (riscv64) to distrepo task - PR#897: Fix use_host_resolv with new mock version (2017 Nov 22+) - PR#868: allow force for pkglist_add - PR#845: propagate exception correctly - PR#831: Use unittest2 for rhel6 compatibility - PR#873: Allow listing of blocked data in readTagGroups - PR#940: Add --enabled --ready filters for list-channels - PR#952: cli: [clone-tag] preserve build order - PR#919: remove deprecated BuildRoot.scrub() - PR#948: cli: don't show license for external RPM in rpminfo - PR#879: cli: change bad reference in clone-tag - PR#946: force using python2 to run script - PR#925: Allow longer Build Target names * Tue May 15 2018 Mike McLean - 1.16.0-1 - Fix CVE-2018-1002150 - distRepoMove missing access check - PR#884: Add option to configure DB port - PR#914: dist repo updates - PR#843: make py2 files parseable with py3 - PR#841: kojid: make install timeout of imagefactory conf configurable - PR#777: add debug timestamp log for logs - PR#904: replace long with int - PR#911: readTaggedRPMS: passing table 'tag_listing' in eventCondition - PR#691: option for notifications in untagBuildBypass - PR#869: also forget requests session in _forget() - PR#874: Update URL for Open Science Grid Koji instance - PR#883: Doc: add repos-dist to koji filesystem skeleton - PR#894: tests for download_logs - PR#909: Docs for CVE-2018-1002150 - PR#778: add history to edit_host - PR#774: Cache rpmdiff results and don't spawn special process - PR#908: Fix typo in deleted mount check - PR#770: print debug and error messages to stderr - PR#688: CLI commands for notifications - PR#901: Add more path info to volume documentation - PR#678: fix grplist_block - PR#734: hub: add strict behavior in `get_archive_file()` and `list_archive_files()` - PR#726: pass full buildinfo obtained by get_build to postBuildStateChange callbacks - PR#823: Add --old-chroot option to runroot command - PR#881: add txkoji to related projects - PR#822: Don't show license for external rpms - PR#779: drop cascade in schema-clear - PR#860: mavenBuild uses wrong session - PR#858: restart-hosts fails if provided arguments - PR#853: Show the krb principal name in debug log - PR#711: Drop explicit python-krbV dependency for modern platforms - PR#768: json serialize additional types in protonmsg - PR#849: kojira: sanity check in pruneLocalRepos - PR#848: use subprocess.Popen instead of subprocess.check_output - PR#819: Drop pre-2.6 compat function koji.util._relpath - PR#828: fix runroot output on py3 - PR#765: search build by source - PR#817: Update the volume ID substitutions list and application - PR#744: Replace cmp= with key= for python3 support - PR#748: hub: make list_archives to accept strict argument - PR#769: handle None in place of string in buildNotification - PR#824: Add internal_dev_setup option to runroot config - PR#804: hub: fix KeyError in `get_notification_recipients` - PR#802: omit the last dot of cname when krb_canon_host=True - PR#820: compressed xml archive type - PR#743: Fix key access mechanism in _build_image - PR#800: Don't allow combination of --mine and task-ids - PR#812: Fix AttributeError during archive import - PR#796: Fix comparison with Enum value - PR#695: blacklist tags for kojira - PR#773: create/edit notification checks for duplicity - PR#799: Fix values for non-existent options - PR#805: fix duplicated args "parent" in waittest task - PR#806: honour runroot --quiet for old-style call - PR#767: update docs for listRPMFile - PR#797: Move kojira's regen loop into dedicated thread - PR#794: Work around race in add_external_rpm - PR#753: check python-requests-kerberos version before gssapi login - PR#783: don't join users table if countOnly - PR#775: drop pycurl dependency - PR#733: ut: [cli] fix unexcepted order problem in test_taskinfo - PR#730: add unit test for cli commands, coverage(40%) - PR#787: builder: make temp dir to be configured - PR#498: remove old ssl library - PR#755: remove simplejson imports - PR#731: koji.next.md: Content Generators are available - PR#754: drop rhel5 cases from spec - PR#761: proper comments of unused spec macros - PR#762: remove unused import in koji-shadow - PR#764: incorrect py3 syntax - PR#757: Force coverage3 read correct rc file. - PR#632: drop migrateImage call - PR#759: cli: fix issues in dist-repo command * Mon Dec 18 2017 Mike McLean - 1.15.0-1 - PR#602: don't use /tmp in chroot - PR#674: store git commit hash to build.source - PR#492: Setuptools support - PR#740: Check for login earlier - PR#708: Implement support for keytab in gssapi codepaths - PR#446: run checks earlier for cg_import - PR#610: show components for all archives - PR#578: cli: fix changelog encode for PY3 - PR#533: Treat canceled tasks as failed for optional_archs - PR#686: Display license info in CLI's rpminfo and Web UI - PR#718: convenience script to run py2 and py3 tests in parallel - PR#722: docs: check external repos with taginfo - PR#675: refactory cli unittests, move share code pieces to utilities library - PR#714: Use task id as key to sort - PR#707: add argument detection to prevent array out of index error. - PR#717: Fix watch-tasks unit tests - PR#615: don't send notifications to disabled users or hosts - PR#698: set optional_arches to list - PR#703: cli: make return code of watch_task to always ignore sub-task failure - PR#704: cli: use strict with getTag call when appropriate - PR#710: use `hasPerm` to check permission in save_failed_tree - PR#699: Add documentation for storage volumes - PR#693: Import koji.plugin explicitly - PR#647: Don't check non-existing file - PR#664: make grab_session_options to accept dict directly - PR#673: functions for parsing task parameters - PR#681: use six.StringIO everywhere - PR#684: correct format and fix issue #682 - PR#646: Improve test coverage in koji/util - PR#677: handle DateTime objects in encode_datetime - PR#670: Create repo without --deltas if no old package dir is set - PR#666: Few cheap python3 compatibilities - PR#662: mock koji.commands._running_in_bg function to run unittest in background - PR#645: don't fail on CLI plugins without docstrings - PR#655: fix unreachable code - PR#656: remove unused calls - PR#652: add unittests for koji commands - PR#658: consolidate safe_rmtree, rmtree and shutil.rmtree - PR#660: more runroot tests - PR#633: unify runroot CLI interface - PR#649: delete build directory if cg_import fails - PR#653: Add krb_canon_host option - PR#657: protonmsg: include the arch in the headers of rpm sign messages - PR#651: protonmsg: don't send rpm.sign messages when the sigkey is empty - PR#654: Update links in docs to point to correct pages - PR#631: cg_import fails immediately if build directory already exists - PR#601: replace pycurl with requests - PR#608: tests for handling user groups - PR#637: set timezone to US/Eastern when test_build_notification executing - PR#636: use urlparse.parse_qs instead of deprecated cgi.parse_qs - PR#628: add a unit test for buildNotification task - PR#620: some tests for koji.auth - PR#625: watch-logs --mine --follow - PR#629: fix wrong mock.patch target - PR#598: kojira: speed up repo dist check - PR#622: basic volume policy support - PR#624: fix formatTime for DateTime - PR#537: messagebus plugin: deferred sending and test mode - PR#605: update docstring - PR#611: the split_cli.py script is no longer needed - PR#617: display suid bit in web ui - PR#619: cleanup unnecessary subdir phony - PR#606: drop importBuildInPlace call - PR#609: move spin-livemedia to build section * Mon Sep 25 2017 Mike McLean - 1.14.0-1 - PR#597: use_old_ssl is deprecated - PR#591: Normalize paths for scms - PR#432: override build_arch_can_fail settings - PR#566: allow profiles to request a specific python version - PR#554: deprecate importBuildInPlace hub call - PR#590: support repo_include_all tag extra option - PR#582: Content generator metadata documentation update - PR#579: ignore inodes when running rpmdiff. - PR#493: modify activate_session to be easily used without CLI - PR#589: fix scratch ref for scm callback - PR#587: add `build_tag` argument in `postSCMCheckout` callback - PR#583: support rpm LONG*SIZE header fields - PR#526: Added list builds command to koji CLI - PR#581: Add a note to get_build docstring - PR#575: add xjb and yaml type in archivetypes table - PR#571: Support large ints over xmlrpc using i8 tag - PR#538: protonmsg plugin: test mode - PR#547: update version in sphinx config - PR#548: set task arch for indirection image builds - PR#568: spec: use correct macro - rhel instead redhat for RHEL version - PR#558: cli: Fix exit code for building images - PR#559: return result status in save-failed-tree - PR#561: rename rpm-python to python*-rpm for EOL of F24 - PR#562: fix serverca default in kojivmd - PR#565: expose graceful reload in kojid service config and init script - PR#544: incorrect parameter for error message - PR#510: cli: change download-task to regular curl download - PR#536: fix docs links, plus minor docs cleanup - PR#539: runroot: friendlier parsing of path_subs config - PR#542: check RPMTAG_LONGSIZE is RPMTAG_SIZE is null - PR#419: Koji support for custom Lorax templates in LiveMedia tasks - PR#546: fix test_krbv_disabled unit test - PR#518: Error out if krbV is unavailable and gssapi did not work - PR#535: datetime compatibility for plugins - PR#524: Add support for debugsource - PR#528: allow some missing path sections in runroot config - PR#530: Spelling fixes - PR#506: Track artifacts coming from koji itself - PR#499: runroot: use /builddir/runroot.log instead of /tmp/runroot.log - PR#509: CLI block-group command - PR#514: Fix resubmit - PR#521: update links in README.md - PR#502: download-build: suppress output on quiet and add --noprogress - PR#511: unit tests for delete_tag() [Open] - PR#484: fix NoneType TypeError in deleteTag - PR#490: getUserPerms should throw GenericError when no user found - PR#497: remove deprecated buildFromCVS call - PR#503: Remove deprecated compat_mode from runroot plugin - PR#507: drop unused add_db_logger call and db table - PR#508: drop mod_python support * Fri Jun 30 2017 Mike McLean - 1.13.0-1 - PR#496 Makefile/spec fixes for building on el6 - PR#491 epel-compatible macro in spec - PR#487 alter specfile for rhel6/7 - PR#488 python2.5 doesn't know named components - PR#400 per-tag configuration of chroot mock behaviour - PR#480 koji_cli name interferes with new library - PR#475 fix StringType and itervalues in plugin and cli - PR#476 provide a temporary workdir for restart task unit tests - PR#477 update .gitignore - PR#465 Don't allow not-null empty arch/userID in listHosts - PR#471 Rework build log display in web ui - PR#472 New features for restart-hosts command - PR#474 propagate task.assign return value - PR#353 add pre/postSCMCheckout plugin_callbacks - PR#199 CLI plugins - PR#449 Make sure to fix encoding all RPM Headers - PR#442 list-channels CLI command - PR#445 log failed plugin - PR#441 document easier bootstrap for groups - PR#438 Fix traceback for missing update - PR#453 honor --quiet in list-tagged - PR#448 Fix python3 deps - PR#450 epel-compatible python3 macros - PR#444 require mod_auth_gssapi instead of mod_auth_kerb where applicable - PR#434 devtools: fakehub and fakeweb - PR#447 python3 docs update - PR#417 Python3 support for CLI + XMLRPC client - PR#421 Extend allowed_scms format to allow explicit blocks - PR#424 handle task fault results in download-logs - PR#431 don't inspect results for failed createImage tasks - PR#430 note about where API docs are found - PR#403 fixEncoding for changelogs - PR#402 parse deleted mountpoints - PR#418 use old tarfile arguments - PR#422 doc: use `tag-build` instead of alias cmd `tag-pkg` - PR#404 XZ threads are very bad about memory, so use only two threads. - PR#408 Support proxyuser=username in krbLogin - PR#411 Replace references to cvs with modern git examples - PR#381 use /etc/ in the spec file - PR#380 Make raw-xz faster by using xz threads - PR#397 missing argument - PR#399 Added hostinfo command to cli - PR#401 add default_md to docs (ssl.cnf) - PR#394 link to kojiji (Koji Java Interface) - PR#388 Increase 50 character limit of tag names - PR#352 Optional JSON output for 'koji call' - PR#393 remove minor version from User-Agent header - PR#372 update jenkins config - PR#375 raise error on non-existing profile - PR#382 update the 1.11 to 1.12 upgrade schema for BDR - PR#384 Pull in some get_header_fields enhancements from Kobo - PR#378 Couple of small fixes to the koji documentation - PR#385 allow kojid to start when not using ssl cert auth * Tue Apr 18 2017 Mike McLean - 1.12.0-1 - PR#373 backward-compatible try/except - PR#365 handle buildroots with state=None - PR#367 play nice with older hubs and new volume options - PR#359 Add koji-tools link to docs - PR#318 Signed repos, take two [dist repos] - PR#200 Saving failed build trees - PR#354 more runroot tests - PR#232 Allow uploading files to non-default volumes - PR#350 cli: clarify some "mismatch" warnings - PR#351 cli: check # of args in handle_set_build_volume() - PR#358 jenkins configuration update - PR#260 Add debug and debug_xmlrpc to default koji config - PR#304 unify KeyboardInterrupt behaviour for watch commands - PR#341 Some more 2to3 python2.4 safe results - PR#345 support removing extra values from tags - PR#295 Set compatrequests defaults same as requests - PR#348 remove unused function parse_timestamp - PR#347 Return datetime objects in iso string format - PR#343 Handle empty file upload - PR#337 cli: move list-permissions to info category - PR#332 remove has_key (not working in python3) - PR#336 use alabaster theme for docs - PR#333 Fix README link to mash project - PR#331 use new exception syntax - PR#330 formatting typo - PR#226 print statement -> print function - PR#319 Added support for CG provided owner - PR#324 jenkins' docs - PR#326 use multicall for clone tag - PR#283 wrap sending email in try except - PR#323 Honor excludearch and exclusivearch for noarch builds - PR#322 fix encoding when parsing json data on the hub - PR#278 mock_output.log not included with logs when importing rpm builds - PR#321 hub: enforce strict in get_user() - PR#309 Make --can-fail option working for make-image - PR#243 add TrustForwardedIP and CheckClientIP for hubs behind proxies - PR#307 Fix options.force in import_comps - PR#308 fix a syntax error introduced by commit 6f4c576 - PR#303 check http request status before attempting to decode response - PR#317 docs update - krbV configuration - PR#310 Fix koji-devel mailing list address - PR#311 Add indirectionimage to pull-down menu in webui - PR#313 docs typo - PR#316 update test requirements docs - PR#281 web.conf options for specifying which methods will appear in filter - PR#291 Missing --can-fail option for spin-appliance - PR#209 add disttag handling to get_next_release - PR#262 koji-shadow: allow use without certs - PR#297 Fixed minor typo in writing koji code doc - PR#289 Don't fail on unimported krbV - PR#287 Update content generator metadata documentation - PR#223 convert the packages page to use paginateMethod() - PR#240 Convert from pygresql to psycopg2 - PR#239 Allow principal and keytab in cli config - PR#263 Error message for missing certificates - PR#274 Fix kojiweb error using getfile to download non-text files - PR#177 allow tasks to fail on some arches for images/lives/appliances - PR#264 unify CLI parsing of multiple architectures - PR#265 fix poll_interval ref in list-history cmd - PR#272 fix default values for buildroot.container_type - PR#242 Make tests compatible with rhel7/centos7 - PR#267 more direct tag functions for the hub - PR#256 update url and source in spec - PR#257 Clarify purpose of cfgmap - PR#245 Rewrite koji.util.rmtree to avoid forming long paths - PR#244 Add krb_rdns to koji-shadow - PR#246 Revert "default krb_rdns to True" - PR#248 Make koji-gc also work with principal and keytab - PR#253 Updated links in docs/code - PR#254 Extended clone-tag - PR#83 add support for putting scripts just before the closing tag - PR#141 Don't hide results in kojiweb - PR#225 Also set WSGIApplicationGroup to %{GLOBAL} for the web - PR#238 make the tlstimeout class compatible with newer versions of qpid * Thu Dec 8 2016 Mike McLean - 1.11.0-1 - content generator support - generic build type support (btypes) - use python-requests for client connections - support gssapi auth - unit tests - protonmsg messaging plugin - lots of code cleanup - better documentation - support building images with LiveMedia - many other fixes and enhancements * Thu Oct 29 2015 Mike McLean - 1.10.1-1 - fixes for SSL errors - add support for Image Factory generation of VMWare Fusion Vagrant boxes - cli: add download-task command - docs: Document how to write a plugin - fix for a rare deadlock issue in taskSetWait - use encode_int on rpm sizes - check for tag existence in add-pkg - Remove koji._forceAscii (unused) - Resolve the canonical hostname when constructing the Kerberos server principal - don't omit debuginfos on buildinfo page - correct error message in fastUpload - Check task method before trying to determine "scratch" status. * Tue Jul 14 2015 Mike McLean - 1.10.0-1 - 1.10.0 release * Mon Mar 24 2014 Mike McLean - 1.9.0-1 - 1.9.0 release * Mon Apr 1 2013 Mike McLean - 1.8.0-1 - refactor how images are stored and tracked (images as builds) - delete repos in background - limit concurrent maven regens - let kojira delete repos for deleted tags - check for a target before waiting on a repo - don't append to artifact_relpaths twice in the case of Maven builds - Use standard locations for maven settings and local repository - Specify altDeploymentRepository for Maven in settings.xml NOT on command line - rather than linking to each artifact from the Maven repo, link the version directory - handle volumes in maven repos - fix integer overflow issue in checkUpload handler - koji-shadow adjustments - change default ssl timeout to 60 seconds - rewrite ensuredir function to avoid os.makedirs race - rename -pkg commands to -build - implement remove-pkg for the cli - a little more room to edit host comments - use wsgi.url_scheme instead of HTTPS - handle relative-to-koji urls in mergerepos * Mon Nov 19 2012 Mike McLean - 1.7.1-1 - improved upload mechanism - koji-shadow enhancements - handle multiple topurl values in kojid - fix form handling - mount all of /dev for image tasks - avoid error messages on canceled/reassigned tasks - handle unauthenticated case in moshimoshi - fix the tag_updates query in tag_changed_since_event - stop tracking deleted repos in kojira - don't die on malformed tasks - fix bugs in our relpath backport - avoid baseurl option in createrepo - message bus plugin: use timeout and heartbeat - add maven and win to the supported cli search types - remove latest-by-tag command - fix noreplace setting for web.conf - add sanity checks to regen-repo command - debuginfo and source options for regen-repo command - make taginfo command compatible with older koji servers * Thu May 31 2012 Mike McLean - 1.7.0-1 - mod_wsgi support - mod_python support deprecated - kojiweb configuration file (web.conf) - split storage support (build volumes) - configurable resource limits (hub, web, and kojid) - drop pkgurl in favor of topurl - better approach to web themes - more helpful policy errors - clearer errors when rpc args do not match function signature - avoid retry errors on some common builder calls - don't rely on pgdb._quoteparams - avoid hosts taking special arch tasks they cannot handle - kojid: configure yum proxy - kojid: configure failed buildroot lifetime - kojid: literal_task_arches option - support for arm hardware floating point arches - maven build options: goals, envs, extra packages - store Maven build output under the standard build directory - make the list of files ignored in the local Maven repo configurable - add Maven information to taginfo - make kojira more efficient using multicalls and caching - speed up kojira startup - kojira: configurable sleep time - kojira: count untracked newRepo tasks towards limits - kojira: limit non-waiting newRepo tasks - gssapi support in the messagebus plugin - grant-permission --new - improved argument display for list-api command - moshimoshi - download task output directly from KojiFilesURL, rather than going through getfile - option to show buildroot data in rpminfo command - show search help on blank search command - wait-repo: wait for the build(s) to be the latest rather than just present * Thu Dec 16 2010 Mike McLean - 1.6.0-1 - extend debuginfo check to cover newer formats - ignore tasks that TaskManager does not have a handler for - avoid possible traceback on ^c - graceful mass builder restart - no longer issue condrestart in postinstall scriptlet - fix ssl connections for python 2.7 - more sanity checks on wait-repo arguments (ticket#192) - maven: only treat files ending in .patch as patch files - maven: retain ordering so more recent builds will take precedence - enable passing options to Maven - maven: use strict checksum checking * Thu Nov 11 2010 Mike McLean - 1.5.0-1 - koji vm daemon for executing certain tasks in virtual machine - major refactoring of koji daemons - support for complete history query (not just tag operations) - allow filtering tasks by channel in webui - rename-channel and remove-channel commands - clean up tagBuild checks (rhbz#616839) - resurrect import-comps command - utf8 encoding fixes - allow getfile to handle files > 2G - update the messagebus plugin to use the new qpid.messaging API - rpm2maven plugin: use Maven artifacts from rpm builds in Koji's Maven repos - log mock output * Thu Jul 8 2010 Mike McLean - 1.4.0-1 - Merge mead branch: support for building jars with Maven * - support for building appliance images * - soft dependencies for LiveCD/Appliance features - smarter prioritization of repo regenerations - package list policy to determine if package list changes are allowed - channel policy to determine which channel a task is placed in - edit host data via webui - description and comment fields for hosts * - cleaner log entries for kojihub - track user data in versioned tables * - allow setting retry parameters for the cli - track start time for tasks * - allow packages built from the same srpm to span multiple external repos - make the command used to fetch sources configuable per repo - kojira: remove unexpected directories - let kojid to decide if it can handle a noarch task - avoid extraneous ssl handshakes - schema changes to support starred items * Tue Nov 10 2009 Mike Bonnet - 1.3.2-1 - support for LiveCD creation - new event-based callback system * Fri Jun 12 2009 Mike Bonnet - 1.3.1-2 - use * now that Maven 2.0.8 is available in the buildroots - retrieve Maven info for a build from the top-level pom.xml in the source tree - allow specifying one or more Maven profiles to be used during a build * Fri Feb 20 2009 Mike McLean 1.3.1-1 - external repo urls rewritten to end with / - add schema file for upgrades from 1.2.x to 1.3 - explicitly request sha1 for backward compatibility with older yum - fix up sparc arch handling * Wed Feb 18 2009 Mike McLean 1.3.0-1 - support for external repos - support for noarch subpackages - support rpms with different signatures and file digests - hub configuration file - drop huge tables from database - build srpms in chroots - hub policies - limited plugin support - limited web ui theming - many miscellaneous enhancements and bugfixes - license fields changed to reflect code additions * Mon Aug 25 2008 Mike McLean 1.2.6-1 - fix testbuild conditional [downstream] - fix license tag [downstream] - bump version - more robust client sessions - handle errors gracefully in web ui - koji-gc added to utils subpackage - skip sleep in kojid after taking a task - new dir layout for task workdirs (avoids large directories) - unified boolean option parsing in kojihub - new ServerOffline exception - other miscellaneous fixes * Fri Jan 25 2008 jkeating 1.2.5-1 - Put createrepo arguments in correct order * Thu Jan 24 2008 jkeating 1.2.4-1 - Use the --skip-stat flag in createrepo calls. - canonicalize tag arches before using them (dgilmore) - fix return value of delete_build - Revert to getfile urls if the task is not successful in emails - Pass --target instead of --arch to mock. - ignore trashcan tag in prune-signed-copies command - add the "allowed_scms" kojid parameter - allow filtering builds by the person who built them * Fri Dec 14 2007 jkeating 1.2.3-1 - New upstream release with lots of updates, bugfixes, and enhancements. * Tue Jun 5 2007 Mike Bonnet - 1.2.2-1 - only allow admins to perform non-scratch builds from srpm - bug fixes to the cmd-line and web UIs * Thu May 31 2007 Mike Bonnet - 1.2.1-1 - don't allow ExclusiveArch to expand the archlist (bz#239359) - add a summary line stating whether the task succeeded or failed to the end of the "watch-task" output - add a search box to the header of every page in the web UI - new koji download-build command (patch provided by Dan Berrange) * Tue May 15 2007 Mike Bonnet - 1.2.0-1 - change version numbering to a 3-token scheme - install the koji favicon * Mon May 14 2007 Mike Bonnet - 1.1-5 - cleanup koji-utils Requires - fix encoding and formatting in email notifications - expand archlist based on ExclusiveArch/BuildArchs - allow import of rpms without srpms - commit before linking in prepRepo to release db locks - remove exec bit from kojid logs and uploaded files (patch by Enrico Scholz) * Tue May 1 2007 Mike Bonnet - 1.1-4 - remove spurious Requires: from the koji-utils package * Tue May 1 2007 Mike Bonnet - 1.1-3 - fix typo in BuildNotificationTask (patch provided by Michael Schwendt) - add the --changelog param to the buildinfo command - always send email notifications to the package builder and package owner - improvements to the web UI * Tue Apr 17 2007 Mike Bonnet - 1.1-2 - re-enable use of the --update flag to createrepo * Mon Apr 09 2007 Jesse Keating 1.1-1 - make the output listPackages() consistent regardless of with_dups - prevent large batches of repo deletes from holding up regens - allow sorting the host list by arches * Mon Apr 02 2007 Jesse Keating 1.0-1 - Release 1.0! * Wed Mar 28 2007 Mike Bonnet - 0.9.7-4 - set SSL connection timeout to 12 hours * Wed Mar 28 2007 Mike Bonnet - 0.9.7-3 - avoid SSL renegotiation - improve log file handling in kojid - bug fixes in command-line and web UI * Sun Mar 25 2007 Mike Bonnet - 0.9.7-2 - enable http access to packages in kojid - add Requires: pyOpenSSL - building srpms from CVS now works with the Extras CVS structure - fixes to the chain-build command - bug fixes in the XML-RPC and web interfaces * Tue Mar 20 2007 Jesse Keating - 0.9.7-1 - Package up the needed ssl files * Tue Mar 20 2007 Jesse Keating - 0.9.6-1 - 0.9.6 release, mostly ssl auth stuff - use named directories for config stuff - remove -3 requires on creatrepo, don't need that specific anymore * Tue Feb 20 2007 Jesse Keating - 0.9.5-8 - Add Authors COPYING LGPL to the docs of the main package * Tue Feb 20 2007 Jesse Keating - 0.9.5-7 - Move web files from /var/www to /usr/share - Use -p in install calls - Add rpm-python to requires for koji * Mon Feb 19 2007 Jesse Keating - 0.9.5-6 - Clean up spec for package review * Sun Feb 04 2007 Mike McLean - 0.9.5-1 - project renamed to koji