Name: texlive-underscore Version: 18261 Release: %mkrel 1 Summary: Control the behaviour of "_" in text Group: Publishing URL: License: LPPL Source0:{version}.tar.xz Source1:{version}.tar.xz BuildArch: noarch BuildRequires: texlive-tlpkg Requires(pre): texlive-tlpkg Requires(post): texlive-collection-basic %description With the package, \_ in text mode (i.e., \textunderscore) prints an underscore so that hyphenation of words either side of it is not affected; a package option controls whether an actual hyphenation point appears after the underscore, or merely a break point. The package also arranges that, while in text, '_' itself behaves as \textunderscore (the behaviour of _ in maths mode is not affected. %post %{_sbindir}/ %postun if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then %{_sbindir}/ fi %prep %autosetup -p1 -c -a1 %build %nil %install mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_texmfdistdir} cp -fpar tex doc %{buildroot}%{_texmfdistdir} %files %{_texmfdistdir}/tex/latex/underscore/underscore.sty %doc %{_texmfdistdir}/doc/latex/underscore/miscdoc.sty %doc %{_texmfdistdir}/doc/latex/underscore/underscore.pdf %doc %{_texmfdistdir}/doc/latex/underscore/underscore.tex