# ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― # File: paratype-pt-public-fonts-all.spec # Copyright 🄯 2020—2023, 2025 Van de Bugger. # SPDX-License-Identifier: FSFAP # ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― %vdb # Do the magic. %global src file://PT_Public_Pack_OtTt.zip %{rem: Original name of the font archive is `PT Public Pack_OtTt.zip`. File name with spaces cause troubles on some platforms, so I renamed the downloaded archive to this name. Unfortunately, there is no direct link to download the font archive. Page uses scripts to show the license, and then generates temporary link with short lifetime. Other sources (*.conf files) will be added by Lua script below. } %global ver %{lua: --[[-- There is no way to figure out the font version. Neither TTF file nor Paratype website contains version information. Let's use the downloading date (== the font archive modification date) as the version. --]]-- spec( os.date( '%Y%m%d', posix.stat( expand( '%{S:0}' ), 'mtime' ) ) ) } %global rel 0.vdb.9 %{rem: Usually I use release starting with zero for packages not released by Fedora. This is an exception: Fedora released PT Sans font family as pt-sans-fonts package, but they didn't release other fonts from PT Public pack. } Version: %{ver} Release: %{rel}%{?dist} URL: https://www.paratype.ru/collections/pt/44157 %global foundry paratype %global fontlicense OFL-1.1 %{rem: The font archive, downloaded from %{URL}, contains only font files, there is no license there. However, the SIL Open Font License version 1.1 is shown at the Paratype website when user press `Download` button to download this font archive. } Source0: file://PT_Public_Pack_OtTt.zip Name: %{foundry}-pt-public-fonts-all Summary: PT Public Pack, a collection of free fonts by Paratype foundry License: %{fontlicense} BuildArch: noarch BuildRequires: vdb-rpm-macros BuildRequires: fonts-rpm-macros BuildRequires: unzip %{rem: Need to unpack Source0. } %global fontorg com.paratype %global fontcontact van.de.bugger@ya.ru %{rem: Inspite the macro name, it's packager contact, not font author contact. } %{lua: local n = 0 -- Font number, will be bumped for each font, so font numbers will start from 1. local ver_rel = get( 'version' ) .. '-' .. get( 'release' ) local foundry = get( 'foundry' ) local requires = 'Requires' if rpm.vercmp( rpm_version(), '4.16.0' ) >= 0 then -- "Requires(meta)" tag was introduced in rpm 4.16.0. requires = requires .. '(meta)' end confs = {} -- .conf files. -- Declare a subpackage. local function font( family, summary, description ) n = n + 1 local c = 100 + n -- Source number of the corresponding .conf file. local id = ident( family ) spec( sprintf( "%s: %s-%s-fonts = %s", requires, foundry, id, ver_rel ), sprintf( "Source%s: paratype-%s.conf", c, id ) ) set( 'fontfamily' .. n, family ) set( 'fontsummary' .. n, summary ) set( 'fonts' .. n, sprintf( "'%s'_*/*.ttf", family ) ) set( 'fontconfs' .. n, sprintf( "65-%s.conf", id ) ) set( 'fontdescription' .. n, reflow( description ) ) confs[ c ] = id end font( 'PT Astra Sans', 'A variable-width sans-serif font family', '(No description provided by Paratype foundry.)' ) font( 'PT Astra Serif', 'A variable-width serif font family', '(No description provided by Paratype foundry.)' ) font( 'PT Mono', 'Monospaced font family of the PT Project series', [[ PT Mono is a monospaced font of the PT Project series, the other families of the series are PT Sans and PT Serif. PT Mono was developed for the special needs — for use in forms, tables, work sheets etc. Equal widths of characters are very helpful in setting complex documents, with such font you may easily calculate size of entry fields, column widths in tables and so on. One of the most important area of use is Web sites of “electronic governments“ where visitors have to fill different request forms. Designer Alexandra Korolkova with a participation of Isabella Chaeva. Released by ParaType in 2011. ]] ) font( 'PT Root UI', 'A modern uniwidth font family for screen reading, interfaces, websites', [[ PT Root UI is a special part of the PT Root typeface family, intended for screen reading, interfaces, websites, as well as wayfinding systems. PT Root UI is a modern uniwidth sans serif whose individual character widths are constant across all weights. This is especially convenient for headers, menu bars and interface elements. It consists of four styles of normal proportions, from Light to Bold. It has a broad language support, including the Latin Extended and Cyrillic (including Cyrillic Asian), different sets of figures and currency signs, fractions and indices, as well as a number of wayfinding signs and alternative forms. PT Root UI was designed by Vitaly Kuzmin and released by Paratype in 2018. ]] ) font( 'PT Sans', 'Sans-serif font family of the PT Project series', [[ It consists of 8 styles: regular and bold weights with corresponding italics form a standard computer font family; two narrow styles (regular and bold) are intended for documents that require tight set; two caption styles (regular and bold) are for texts of small point sizes. The design combines traditional conservative appearance with modern trends of humanistic sans serif and characterized by enhanced legibility. These features beside conventional use in business applications and printed stuff made the fonts quite usable for direction and guide signs, schemes, screens of information kiosks and other objects of urban visual communications. The fonts next to standard Latin and Cyrillic character sets contain signs of title languages of the national republics of Russian Federation and support the most of the languages of neighboring countries. The fonts were developed and released by ParaType in 2009 with financial support from Federal Agency of Print and Mass Communications of Russian Federation. Design by Alexandra Korolkova with assistance of Olga Umpeleva and supervision of Vladimir Yefimov. ]] ) font( 'PT Serif', 'Serif font family of the PT Project series', [[ PT Serif is a universal type family designed for use together with PT Sans released earlier. PT Serif coordinates with PT Sans on metrics, proportions, weights and design. It consists of six styles: regular and bold weights with corresponding italics form a standard computer font family; two caption styles (regular and italic) are for texts of small point sizes. The letter forms are distinguished by large x-height, modest stroke contrast, robust wedge-like serifs, and triangular terminals. Due to these features the face can be qualified as matched to modern trends of type design and of enhanced legibility. Mentioned characteristics beside conventional use in business applications and printed stuff make the fonts quite usable for advertising and display typography. Each font next to standard Latin and Cyrillic character sets contains alphabet glyphs of title languages of the national republics of Russian Federation and support the most of the languages of neighboring countries. The fonts were developed and released by ParaType in 2010 with financial support from Federal Agency of Print and Mass Communications of Russian Federation. Designed by Alexandra Korolkova with assistance of Olga Umpeleva and supervision of Vladimir Yefimov. ]] ) } %description %{text -- \ The collection includes 6 font families: PT Serif, PT Sans, PT Mono, PT Root UI, PT Astra Serif, PT Astra Sans. All fonts included into the collection are released under SIL Open Font License version 1.1 (aka OFL). The collection are available at Paratype website and can be downloaded as "PT Public Pack_OtTt.zip" archive. (There are some more fonts released by Paratype under OFL, but they are not part of the "PT Public Pack" for unknown reason.) } %fontpkg -a %prep %setup -q -n Fonts %{lua: for c, id in pairs( confs ) do spec( sprintf( "%%{__cp} %%{S:%d} 65-%s.conf", c, id ), '' ) end } %build %fontbuild -a %install %fontinstall -a %check %fontcheck -a %files %fontfiles -a %changelog * Fri Mar 21 2025 Van de Bugger - 20201114-0.vdb.9 - vdb.lua moved to a dedicated package. - Links to Paratype website updated. * Mon Feb 24 2025 Van de Bugger - 20201114-0.vdb.8 - Version of OFL specified. - F41 rebuild. * Sat May 6 2023 Van de Bugger - 20201114-0.vdb.7 - Minor spec update. * Mon May 01 2023 Van de Bugger - 20201114-0.vdb.6 - F38 rebuild. * Fri Nov 25 2022 Van de Bugger - 20201114-0.vdb.5 - F37 rebuild. * Thu May 12 2022 Van de Bugger - 20201114-0.vdb.4 - F36 rebuild. * Thu May 6 2021 Van de Bugger - 20201114-0.vdb.3 - F34 rebuild. * Sun Nov 15 2020 Van de Bugger - 20201114-0.vdb.2 - Specific *-fonts packages couldn't satisfy paratype-pt-public-fonts-all requirements. Fixed. - conf files renamed to have common prefix. * Sun Nov 15 2020 Van de Bugger - 20201114-0.vdb.1 - First release.