# ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― # File: vdb-rpm-macros.spec # Copyright 🄯 2021 Van de Bugger. # SPDX-License-Identifier: FSFAP # ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― %{lua: package.path = rpm.expand( '%{_sourcedir}' ) .. '/?.lua;' .. package.path -- Look into source directory for Lua modules. local vdb = require "vdb" } %global fonts_lua %{_rpmluadir}/fedora/srpm/fonts.lua %global statedir %{_localstatedir}/lib/rpm-state/%{name} %global patchcmd(RNi:) %{__patch} -p1 -s -r - -d %{_rpmluadir}/fedora/srpm %** || { \ status=$?; \ echo "Can’t patch ‘%{fonts_lua}’: patch exited with non-zero status $status." >&2; \ false; \ } Name: vdb-rpm-macros Version: 0.0.2 Release: 0.vdb.1%{?dist} URL: https://example.org/ Summary: Lua functions used in VdB RPMs License: GPL-3.0-or-later BuildArch: noarch Source0: vdb.lua Source1: fedora-srpm-fonts.lua.patch Source2: macros.vdb Source3: harness.lua Source4: tests.lua BuildRequires: rpm >= 4.14.0 %{rem: `rpm.undefine` appears in rpm 4.14.0.} Requires: rpm >= 4.14.0 %{rem: Also, rpm 4.11.3 fails few tests.} %description TODO %{lua: local harness = require "harness" local tests = require "tests" } %prep # Do nothing. %build # Do nothing. %install %{__install} -D -m u=rw,go=r -t %{buildroot}%{_rpmluadir} %{S:0} %{__install} -D -m u=rw,go=r -t %{buildroot}%{_pkgdatadir} %{S:1} %{__install} -D -m u=rw,go=r -t %{buildroot}%{_rpmmacrodir} %{S:2} %check # Actually, the tests are run early, this code just shows the result. : ------------------------------ : $tests_total tests run : $tests_passed tests passes : $tests_failed tests failed : ------------------------------ if (( $tests_failed > 0 )); then cat %{_topdir}/tests.log fi (( $tests_total > 0 )) (( $tests_passed + $tests_failed == $tests_total )) (( $tests_failed == 0 )) %files %{_rpmluadir}/vdb.lua %dir %{_pkgdatadir} %{_pkgdatadir}/fedora-srpm-fonts.lua.patch %{_rpmmacrodir}/macros.vdb %pre %{rem: New package before installing.} if [[ $1 == 2 ]]; then # Upgrading. # We are going to upgrade existing package. The old patch will be overwritten with a new one. # Let's save the old patch, so preun of the old package can use it to restore the files. if [[ -f %{_pkgdatadir}/fedora-srpm-fonts.lua.patch ]]; then %{__mkdir_p} %{statedir} %{__cp} %{_pkgdatadir}/fedora-srpm-fonts.lua.patch %{statedir} fi fi %post %{rem: New package after install or upgrade.} %{__mkdir_p} %{statedir} echo > %{statedir}/need-to-apply-patch.flag %preun %{rem: Old package before uininstalling.} if [[ -f %{fonts_lua} ]]; then if [[ $1 == 1 ]]; then # Upgrading. # We are in the middle of upgrade. Patch is already replaced with new one, but we have to # use old patch, which is saved in state dir. if [[ -f %{statedir}/fedora-srpm-fonts.lua.patch ]]; then %patchcmd -R -i %{statedir}/fedora-srpm-fonts.lua.patch %{__rm} -f %{statedir}/fedora-srpm-fonts.lua.patch fi else # Uninstalling. if [[ -f %{_pkgdatadir}/fedora-srpm-fonts.lua.patch ]]; then %patchcmd -R -i %{_pkgdatadir}/fedora-srpm-fonts.lua.patch fi fi fi %filetriggerin -- %{fonts_lua} %patchcmd -N -i %{_pkgdatadir}/fedora-srpm-fonts.lua.patch %posttrans if [[ -f %{fonts_lua} ]]; then if [[ -e %{statedir}/need-to-apply-patch.flag ]]; then %patchcmd -N -i %{_pkgdatadir}/fedora-srpm-fonts.lua.patch %{__rm} -f %{statedir}/need-to-apply-patch.flag fi fi %changelog * Tue Mar 18 2025 Van de Bugger - 0.0.2-0.vdb.1 - Test-only spec converted to real package. - Many changes in vdb.lua. * Sun Nov 7 2021 Van de Bugger - 0.0.1-0.vdb.1 - Initial release.