Warning: Permanently added '2620:52:3:1:dead:beef:cafe:c1ce' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.

You can reproduce this build on your computer by running:

  sudo dnf install copr-rpmbuild
  /usr/bin/copr-rpmbuild --verbose --drop-resultdir --task-url https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/backend/get-build-task/8121634-fedora-eln-x86_64 --chroot fedora-eln-x86_64

Version: 1.0
PID: 6946
Logging PID: 6947
{'allow_user_ssh': False,
 'appstream': False,
 'background': False,
 'build_id': 8121634,
 'buildroot_pkgs': [],
 'chroot': 'fedora-eln-x86_64',
 'enable_net': True,
 'fedora_review': False,
 'git_hash': 'c9f2a7cf90a7fc6f864eda38abd7dad8ac29154d',
 'git_repo': 'https://copr-dist-git.fedorainfracloud.org/git/vowstar/eda/jimtcl',
 'isolation': 'default',
 'memory_reqs': 2048,
 'package_name': 'jimtcl',
 'package_version': '0.83-20240920.0.git1273201d',
 'project_dirname': 'eda',
 'project_name': 'eda',
 'project_owner': 'vowstar',
 'repo_priority': None,
 'repos': [{'baseurl': 'https://download.copr.fedorainfracloud.org/results/vowstar/eda/fedora-eln-x86_64/',
            'id': 'copr_base',
            'name': 'Copr repository',
            'priority': None}],
 'sandbox': 'vowstar/eda--vowstar',
 'source_json': {},
 'source_type': None,
 'ssh_public_keys': None,
 'storage': None,
 'submitter': 'vowstar',
 'tags': [],
 'task_id': '8121634-fedora-eln-x86_64',
 'timeout': 18000,
 'uses_devel_repo': False,
 'with_opts': [],
 'without_opts': []}

Running: git clone https://copr-dist-git.fedorainfracloud.org/git/vowstar/eda/jimtcl /var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/workspace/workdir-pan01eh2/jimtcl --depth 500 --no-single-branch --recursive

cmd: ['git', 'clone', 'https://copr-dist-git.fedorainfracloud.org/git/vowstar/eda/jimtcl', '/var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/workspace/workdir-pan01eh2/jimtcl', '--depth', '500', '--no-single-branch', '--recursive']
cwd: .
rc: 0
stderr: Cloning into '/var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/workspace/workdir-pan01eh2/jimtcl'...

Running: git checkout c9f2a7cf90a7fc6f864eda38abd7dad8ac29154d --

cmd: ['git', 'checkout', 'c9f2a7cf90a7fc6f864eda38abd7dad8ac29154d', '--']
cwd: /var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/workspace/workdir-pan01eh2/jimtcl
rc: 0
stderr: Note: switching to 'c9f2a7cf90a7fc6f864eda38abd7dad8ac29154d'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:

  git switch -c <new-branch-name>

Or undo this operation with:

  git switch -

Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false

HEAD is now at c9f2a7c automatic import of jimtcl

Running: dist-git-client sources

cmd: ['dist-git-client', 'sources']
cwd: /var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/workspace/workdir-pan01eh2/jimtcl
rc: 0
stderr: INFO: Reading stdout from command: git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
INFO: Reading stdout from command: git rev-parse HEAD
INFO: Reading sources specification file: sources

/usr/bin/tail: /var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/main.log: file truncated
Running (timeout=18000): unbuffer mock --spec /var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/workspace/workdir-pan01eh2/jimtcl/jimtcl.spec --sources /var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/workspace/workdir-pan01eh2/jimtcl --resultdir /var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/results --uniqueext 1728458116.067818 -r /var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/results/configs/child.cfg
INFO: mock.py version 5.9 starting (python version = 3.12.1, NVR = mock-5.9-1.fc39), args: /usr/libexec/mock/mock --spec /var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/workspace/workdir-pan01eh2/jimtcl/jimtcl.spec --sources /var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/workspace/workdir-pan01eh2/jimtcl --resultdir /var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/results --uniqueext 1728458116.067818 -r /var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/results/configs/child.cfg
Start(bootstrap): init plugins
INFO: tmpfs initialized
INFO: selinux enabled
INFO: chroot_scan: initialized
INFO: compress_logs: initialized
Finish(bootstrap): init plugins
Start: init plugins
INFO: tmpfs initialized
INFO: selinux enabled
INFO: chroot_scan: initialized
INFO: compress_logs: initialized
Finish: init plugins
INFO: Signal handler active
Start: run
INFO: Start(/var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/workspace/workdir-pan01eh2/jimtcl/jimtcl.spec)  Config(fedora-eln-x86_64)
Start: clean chroot
Finish: clean chroot
Mock Version: 5.9
INFO: Mock Version: 5.9
Start(bootstrap): chroot init
INFO: mounting tmpfs at /var/lib/mock/fedora-eln-x86_64-bootstrap-1728458116.067818/root.
INFO: calling preinit hooks
INFO: enabled root cache
INFO: enabled package manager cache
Start(bootstrap): cleaning package manager metadata
Finish(bootstrap): cleaning package manager metadata
INFO: Guessed host environment type: unknown
INFO: Using bootstrap image: quay.io/fedoraci/fedora:eln
INFO: Pulling image: quay.io/fedoraci/fedora:eln
INFO: Copy content of container quay.io/fedoraci/fedora:eln to /var/lib/mock/fedora-eln-x86_64-bootstrap-1728458116.067818/root
INFO: Checking that quay.io/fedoraci/fedora:eln image matches host's architecture
INFO: mounting quay.io/fedoraci/fedora:eln with podman image mount
INFO: image quay.io/fedoraci/fedora:eln as /var/lib/containers/storage/overlay/db7471296082c4cf5a143a9bae3ced8aa6d1833e3b5797bed6b7e600179a4675/merged
INFO: umounting image quay.io/fedoraci/fedora:eln (/var/lib/containers/storage/overlay/db7471296082c4cf5a143a9bae3ced8aa6d1833e3b5797bed6b7e600179a4675/merged) with podman image umount
INFO: Package manager dnf5 detected and used (fallback)
INFO: Not updating bootstrap chroot, bootstrap_image_ready=True
Start(bootstrap): creating root cache
Finish(bootstrap): creating root cache
Finish(bootstrap): chroot init
Start: chroot init
INFO: mounting tmpfs at /var/lib/mock/fedora-eln-x86_64-1728458116.067818/root.
INFO: calling preinit hooks
INFO: enabled root cache
INFO: enabled package manager cache
Start: cleaning package manager metadata
Finish: cleaning package manager metadata
INFO: enabled HW Info plugin
INFO: Package manager dnf5 detected and used (direct choice)
INFO: Buildroot is handled by package management downloaded with a bootstrap image:
Start: installing minimal buildroot with dnf5
Updating and loading repositories:
 Fedora - ELN BaseOS - Developmental pa 100% |   4.8 MiB/s | 982.6 KiB |  00m00s
 Fedora - ELN AppStream - Developmental 100% |   6.7 MiB/s |   1.2 MiB |  00m00s
 Fedora - ELN CodeReady Linux Builders  100% |   2.0 MiB/s | 318.6 KiB |  00m00s
 Fedora - ELN Extras - Developmental pa 100% |   2.5 MiB/s | 577.6 KiB |  00m00s
 Copr repository                        100% |  64.4 KiB/s |  18.9 KiB |  00m00s
Repositories loaded.
Package                      Arch   Version                      Repository         Size
 bash                        x86_64 5.2.32-2.eln142              eln-baseos      8.2 MiB
 bzip2                       x86_64 1.0.8-19.eln142              eln-baseos     99.6 KiB
 coreutils                   x86_64 9.5-10.eln143                eln-baseos      5.7 MiB
 cpio                        x86_64 2.15-2.eln142                eln-baseos      1.1 MiB
 diffutils                   x86_64 3.10-8.eln142                eln-baseos      1.6 MiB
 fedora-release-eln          noarch 42-0.3.eln143                eln-baseos      0.0   B
 findutils                   x86_64 1:4.10.0-4.eln142            eln-baseos      1.9 MiB
 gawk                        x86_64 5.3.0-4.eln142               eln-baseos      1.7 MiB
 glibc-minimal-langpack      x86_64 2.40.9000-1.eln142           eln-baseos      0.0   B
 grep                        x86_64 3.11-9.eln142                eln-baseos      1.0 MiB
 gzip                        x86_64 1.13-2.eln142                eln-baseos    393.0 KiB
 info                        x86_64 7.1.1-1.eln142               eln-baseos    361.9 KiB
 patch                       x86_64 2.7.6-25.eln142              eln-appstream 270.7 KiB
 redhat-rpm-config           noarch 296-1.eln143                 eln-appstream 186.6 KiB
 rpm-build                   x86_64 4.19.94-1.eln142             eln-appstream 194.3 KiB
 sed                         x86_64 4.9-3.eln142                 eln-baseos    861.5 KiB
 tar                         x86_64 2:1.35-4.eln142              eln-baseos      3.0 MiB
 unzip                       x86_64 6.0-64.eln142                eln-baseos    410.7 KiB
 util-linux                  x86_64 2.40.2-8.eln142              eln-baseos      3.7 MiB
 which                       x86_64 2.21-42.eln142               eln-baseos     80.2 KiB
 xz                          x86_64 1:5.6.3-1.eln143             eln-baseos      1.2 MiB
Installing dependencies:
 alternatives                x86_64 1.30-1.eln142                eln-baseos     66.3 KiB
 audit-libs                  x86_64 4.0.2-1.eln142               eln-baseos    343.3 KiB
 authselect                  x86_64 1.5.0-7.eln142               eln-baseos    157.4 KiB
 authselect-libs             x86_64 1.5.0-7.eln142               eln-baseos    800.9 KiB
 basesystem                  noarch 11-21.eln142                 eln-baseos      0.0   B
 binutils                    x86_64 2.43.1-1.eln142              eln-baseos     27.5 MiB
 bzip2-libs                  x86_64 1.0.8-19.eln142              eln-baseos     80.7 KiB
 ca-certificates             noarch 2024.2.69_v8.0.401-2.eln143  eln-baseos      2.6 MiB
 coreutils-common            x86_64 9.5-10.eln143                eln-baseos     11.2 MiB
 cracklib                    x86_64 2.9.11-6.eln142              eln-baseos    242.9 KiB
 crypto-policies             noarch 20240822-1.git367040b.eln142 eln-baseos    109.1 KiB
 curl                        x86_64 8.10.1-2.eln143              eln-baseos    453.3 KiB
 cyrus-sasl-lib              x86_64 2.1.28-27.eln142             eln-baseos    732.1 KiB
 debugedit                   x86_64 5.0-18.eln143                eln-appstream 199.3 KiB
 dwz                         x86_64 0.15-7.eln143                eln-appstream 299.2 KiB
 ed                          x86_64 1.20.2-2.eln142              eln-baseos    146.8 KiB
 efi-srpm-macros             noarch 5-12.eln142                  eln-appstream  40.1 KiB
 elfutils                    x86_64 0.191-8.eln142               eln-baseos      2.6 MiB
 elfutils-debuginfod-client  x86_64 0.191-8.eln142               eln-baseos     64.9 KiB
 elfutils-default-yama-scope noarch 0.191-8.eln142               eln-baseos      1.8 KiB
 elfutils-libelf             x86_64 0.191-8.eln142               eln-baseos      1.2 MiB
 elfutils-libs               x86_64 0.191-8.eln142               eln-baseos    654.1 KiB
 fedora-gpg-keys             noarch 42-0.2.eln143                eln-baseos    126.4 KiB
 fedora-release-common       noarch 42-0.3.eln143                eln-baseos     19.5 KiB
 fedora-release-identity-eln noarch 42-0.3.eln143                eln-baseos      1.7 KiB
 fedora-repos-eln            noarch 42-0.2.eln143                eln-baseos     12.1 KiB
 file                        x86_64 5.45-7.eln142                eln-baseos    103.5 KiB
 file-libs                   x86_64 5.45-7.eln142                eln-baseos      9.9 MiB
 filesystem                  x86_64 3.18-29.eln143               eln-baseos    106.0   B
 fonts-srpm-macros           noarch 1:2.0.5-17.eln142            eln-appstream  55.8 KiB
 forge-srpm-macros           noarch 0.4.0-1.eln143               eln-appstream  38.9 KiB
 gdb-minimal                 x86_64 15.1-2.eln142                eln-appstream  12.8 MiB
 gdbm                        x86_64 1:1.23-7.eln142              eln-baseos    468.8 KiB
 gdbm-libs                   x86_64 1:1.23-7.eln142              eln-baseos    129.8 KiB
 glibc                       x86_64 2.40.9000-1.eln142           eln-baseos      6.3 MiB
 glibc-common                x86_64 2.40.9000-1.eln142           eln-baseos      1.0 MiB
 glibc-gconv-extra           x86_64 2.40.9000-1.eln142           eln-baseos      8.1 MiB
 gmp                         x86_64 1:6.3.0-2.eln142             eln-baseos    815.4 KiB
 go-srpm-macros              noarch 3.6.0-1.eln143               eln-appstream  60.6 KiB
 jansson                     x86_64 2.13.1-10.eln142             eln-baseos     88.3 KiB
 kernel-srpm-macros          noarch 1.0-24.eln142                eln-appstream   1.9 KiB
 keyutils-libs               x86_64 1.6.3-4.eln142               eln-baseos     58.4 KiB
 krb5-libs                   x86_64 1.21.3-2.eln142              eln-baseos      2.3 MiB
 libacl                      x86_64 2.3.2-2.eln143               eln-baseos     40.0 KiB
 libarchive                  x86_64 3.7.6-1.eln143               eln-baseos    938.8 KiB
 libattr                     x86_64 2.5.2-4.eln142               eln-baseos     28.5 KiB
 libblkid                    x86_64 2.40.2-8.eln142              eln-baseos    262.5 KiB
 libbrotli                   x86_64 1.1.0-5.eln142               eln-baseos    849.5 KiB
 libcap                      x86_64 2.70-4.eln142                eln-baseos    232.2 KiB
 libcap-ng                   x86_64 0.8.5-3.eln142               eln-baseos     73.1 KiB
 libcom_err                  x86_64 1.47.1-3.eln142              eln-baseos     67.2 KiB
 libcurl                     x86_64 8.10.1-2.eln143              eln-baseos    838.3 KiB
 libeconf                    x86_64 0.6.2-3.eln142               eln-baseos     62.0 KiB
 libevent                    x86_64 2.1.12-14.eln142             eln-baseos    907.6 KiB
 libfdisk                    x86_64 2.40.2-8.eln142              eln-baseos    362.9 KiB
 libffi                      x86_64 3.4.6-3.eln142               eln-baseos     86.4 KiB
 libgcc                      x86_64 14.2.1-4.eln143              eln-baseos    270.6 KiB
 libgomp                     x86_64 14.2.1-4.eln143              eln-baseos    531.8 KiB
 libidn2                     x86_64 2.3.7-2.eln142               eln-baseos    329.1 KiB
 libmount                    x86_64 2.40.2-8.eln142              eln-baseos    355.8 KiB
 libnghttp2                  x86_64 1.63.0-1.eln142              eln-baseos    174.1 KiB
 libpkgconf                  x86_64 2.3.0-1.eln142               eln-baseos     78.2 KiB
 libpsl                      x86_64 0.21.5-4.eln142              eln-baseos     80.5 KiB
 libpwquality                x86_64 1.4.5-11.eln142              eln-baseos    421.7 KiB
 libselinux                  x86_64 3.7-6.eln142                 eln-baseos    181.1 KiB
 libsemanage                 x86_64 3.7-3.eln142                 eln-baseos    298.0 KiB
 libsepol                    x86_64 3.7-3.eln142                 eln-baseos    818.1 KiB
 libsmartcols                x86_64 2.40.2-8.eln142              eln-baseos    180.3 KiB
 libssh                      x86_64 0.11.1-1.eln142              eln-baseos    569.6 KiB
 libssh-config               noarch 0.11.1-1.eln142              eln-baseos    277.0   B
 libstdc++                   x86_64 14.2.1-4.eln143              eln-baseos      2.8 MiB
 libtasn1                    x86_64 4.19.0-9.eln142              eln-baseos    179.7 KiB
 libtool-ltdl                x86_64 2.4.7-12.eln142              eln-baseos     70.1 KiB
 libunistring                x86_64 1.1-8.eln142                 eln-baseos      1.7 MiB
 libuuid                     x86_64 2.40.2-8.eln142              eln-baseos     41.4 KiB
 libverto                    x86_64 0.3.2-9.eln142               eln-baseos     29.5 KiB
 libxcrypt                   x86_64 4.4.36-7.eln142              eln-baseos    270.5 KiB
 libxml2                     x86_64 2.12.8-2.eln142              eln-baseos      1.7 MiB
 libzstd                     x86_64 1.5.6-2.eln142               eln-baseos    755.7 KiB
 lua-libs                    x86_64 5.4.6-6.eln142               eln-baseos    281.0 KiB
 lua-srpm-macros             noarch 1-14.eln142                  eln-appstream   1.3 KiB
 lz4-libs                    x86_64 1.10.0-1.eln142              eln-baseos    145.5 KiB
 mpfr                        x86_64 4.2.1-5.eln142               eln-baseos    832.0 KiB
 ncurses-base                noarch 6.5-2.20240629.eln142        eln-baseos    326.3 KiB
 ncurses-libs                x86_64 6.5-2.20240629.eln142        eln-baseos    983.2 KiB
 ocaml-srpm-macros           noarch 10-3.eln142                  eln-appstream   1.9 KiB
 openblas-srpm-macros        noarch 2-18.eln142                  eln-appstream 112.0   B
 openldap                    x86_64 2.6.8-5.eln142               eln-baseos    644.3 KiB
 openssl-libs                x86_64 1:3.2.2-8.eln142             eln-baseos      7.8 MiB
 p11-kit                     x86_64 0.25.5-3.eln142              eln-baseos      2.2 MiB
 p11-kit-trust               x86_64 0.25.5-3.eln142              eln-baseos    399.4 KiB
 package-notes-srpm-macros   noarch 0.5-12.eln142                eln-appstream   1.6 KiB
 pam                         x86_64 1.6.1-6.eln142               eln-baseos      1.8 MiB
 pam-libs                    x86_64 1.6.1-6.eln142               eln-baseos    139.0 KiB
 pcre2                       x86_64 10.44-1.eln142.1             eln-baseos    657.5 KiB
 pcre2-syntax                noarch 10.44-1.eln142.1             eln-baseos    251.6 KiB
 perl-srpm-macros            noarch 1-56.eln142                  eln-appstream 861.0   B
 pkgconf                     x86_64 2.3.0-1.eln142               eln-baseos     88.6 KiB
 pkgconf-m4                  noarch 2.3.0-1.eln142               eln-baseos     14.4 KiB
 pkgconf-pkg-config          x86_64 2.3.0-1.eln142               eln-baseos    989.0   B
 popt                        x86_64 1.19-7.eln142                eln-baseos    136.8 KiB
 publicsuffix-list-dafsa     noarch 20240107-4.eln142            eln-baseos     67.5 KiB
 pyproject-srpm-macros       noarch 1.15.1-1.eln143              eln-appstream   1.9 KiB
 python-srpm-macros          noarch 3.13-3.eln142                eln-appstream  51.0 KiB
 qt6-srpm-macros             noarch 6.7.2-3.eln142               eln-appstream 456.0   B
 readline                    x86_64 8.2-11.eln142                eln-baseos    493.1 KiB
 rpm                         x86_64 4.19.94-1.eln142             eln-baseos      3.1 MiB
 rpm-build-libs              x86_64 4.19.94-1.eln142             eln-baseos    206.7 KiB
 rpm-libs                    x86_64 4.19.94-1.eln142             eln-baseos    726.1 KiB
 rpm-sequoia                 x86_64 1.7.0-1.eln142               eln-baseos      2.4 MiB
 rust-toolset-srpm-macros    noarch 1.81.0-5.eln143              eln-appstream   2.0 KiB
 setup                       noarch 2.15.0-5.eln142              eln-baseos    720.7 KiB
 shadow-utils                x86_64 2:4.16.0-5.eln143            eln-baseos      4.1 MiB
 sqlite-libs                 x86_64 3.46.0-4.eln142              eln-baseos      1.4 MiB
 systemd-libs                x86_64 256.5-1.eln142               eln-baseos      2.0 MiB
 util-linux-core             x86_64 2.40.2-8.eln142              eln-baseos      1.5 MiB
 xz-libs                     x86_64 1:5.6.3-1.eln143             eln-baseos    218.4 KiB
 zip                         x86_64 3.0-41.eln142                eln-baseos    715.2 KiB
 zlib-ng-compat              x86_64 2.1.7-3.eln142               eln-baseos    138.0 KiB
 zstd                        x86_64 1.5.6-2.eln142               eln-baseos      1.6 MiB

Transaction Summary:
 Installing:      141 packages

Total size of inbound packages is 51 MiB. Need to download 51 MiB.
After this operation 176 MiB will be used (install 176 MiB, remove 0 B).
[  1/141] bzip2-0:1.0.8-19.eln142.x86_6 100% | 233.4 KiB/s |  52.5 KiB |  00m00s
[  2/141] cpio-0:2.15-2.eln142.x86_64   100% |   1.2 MiB/s | 291.9 KiB |  00m00s
[  3/141] coreutils-0:9.5-10.eln143.x86 100% |   2.0 MiB/s |   1.1 MiB |  00m01s
[  4/141] fedora-release-eln-0:42-0.3.e 100% |   1.2 MiB/s |  12.4 KiB |  00m00s
[  5/141] diffutils-0:3.10-8.eln142.x86 100% |   3.9 MiB/s | 405.9 KiB |  00m00s
[  6/141] findutils-1:4.10.0-4.eln142.x 100% |   7.4 MiB/s | 549.0 KiB |  00m00s
[  7/141] glibc-minimal-langpack-0:2.40 100% |   5.6 MiB/s | 120.9 KiB |  00m00s
[  8/141] grep-0:3.11-9.eln142.x86_64   100% |   7.5 MiB/s | 300.2 KiB |  00m00s
[  9/141] gzip-0:1.13-2.eln142.x86_64   100% |   7.9 MiB/s | 170.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 10/141] info-0:7.1.1-1.eln142.x86_64  100% |   6.0 MiB/s | 183.1 KiB |  00m00s
[ 11/141] gawk-0:5.3.0-4.eln142.x86_64  100% |   5.6 MiB/s |   1.1 MiB |  00m00s
[ 12/141] patch-0:2.7.6-25.eln142.x86_6 100% |   5.6 MiB/s | 131.4 KiB |  00m00s
[ 13/141] redhat-rpm-config-0:296-1.eln 100% |   3.2 MiB/s |  82.2 KiB |  00m00s
[ 14/141] rpm-build-0:4.19.94-1.eln142. 100% |   6.8 MiB/s |  83.0 KiB |  00m00s
[ 15/141] sed-0:4.9-3.eln142.x86_64     100% |   6.3 MiB/s | 318.0 KiB |  00m00s
[ 16/141] unzip-0:6.0-64.eln142.x86_64  100% |   2.4 MiB/s | 187.1 KiB |  00m00s
[ 17/141] tar-2:1.35-4.eln142.x86_64    100% |   6.0 MiB/s | 860.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 18/141] which-0:2.21-42.eln142.x86_64 100% |   3.7 MiB/s |  41.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 19/141] xz-1:5.6.3-1.eln143.x86_64    100% |   9.5 MiB/s | 475.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 20/141] util-linux-0:2.40.2-8.eln142. 100% |   7.2 MiB/s |   1.2 MiB |  00m00s
[ 21/141] filesystem-0:3.18-29.eln143.x 100% |   9.9 MiB/s |   1.1 MiB |  00m00s
[ 22/141] bash-0:5.2.32-2.eln142.x86_64 100% |   1.6 MiB/s |   1.8 MiB |  00m01s
[ 23/141] ncurses-libs-0:6.5-2.20240629 100% |   5.4 MiB/s | 333.6 KiB |  00m00s
[ 24/141] bzip2-libs-0:1.0.8-19.eln142. 100% |   3.4 MiB/s |  41.6 KiB |  00m00s
[ 25/141] gmp-1:6.3.0-2.eln142.x86_64   100% |  15.5 MiB/s | 317.8 KiB |  00m00s
[ 26/141] libacl-0:2.3.2-2.eln143.x86_6 100% |   2.2 MiB/s |  24.6 KiB |  00m00s
[ 27/141] libattr-0:2.5.2-4.eln142.x86_ 100% |   1.8 MiB/s |  18.2 KiB |  00m00s
[ 28/141] libcap-0:2.70-4.eln142.x86_64 100% |   7.7 MiB/s |  86.2 KiB |  00m00s
[ 29/141] libselinux-0:3.7-6.eln142.x86 100% |   7.2 MiB/s |  89.0 KiB |  00m00s
[ 30/141] openssl-libs-1:3.2.2-8.eln142 100% |  55.1 MiB/s |   2.3 MiB |  00m00s
[ 31/141] systemd-libs-0:256.5-1.eln142 100% |  37.7 MiB/s | 733.2 KiB |  00m00s
[ 32/141] fedora-release-common-0:42-0. 100% |   1.5 MiB/s |  23.1 KiB |  00m00s
[ 33/141] fedora-repos-eln-0:42-0.2.eln 100% | 932.0 KiB/s |   9.3 KiB |  00m00s
[ 34/141] mpfr-0:4.2.1-5.eln142.x86_64  100% |  22.6 MiB/s | 346.8 KiB |  00m00s
[ 35/141] readline-0:8.2-11.eln142.x86_ 100% |  13.0 MiB/s | 213.2 KiB |  00m00s
[ 36/141] glibc-0:2.40.9000-1.eln142.x8 100% |   7.4 MiB/s |   2.2 MiB |  00m00s
[ 37/141] coreutils-common-0:9.5-10.eln 100% |  10.2 MiB/s |   2.1 MiB |  00m00s
[ 38/141] glibc-common-0:2.40.9000-1.el 100% |  20.0 MiB/s | 410.4 KiB |  00m00s
[ 39/141] ed-0:1.20.2-2.eln142.x86_64   100% |   6.6 MiB/s |  81.7 KiB |  00m00s
[ 40/141] file-0:5.45-7.eln142.x86_64   100% |   4.4 MiB/s |  49.1 KiB |  00m00s
[ 41/141] zip-0:3.0-41.eln142.x86_64    100% |  18.7 MiB/s | 268.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 42/141] pcre2-0:10.44-1.eln142.1.x86_ 100% |   7.7 MiB/s | 244.8 KiB |  00m00s
[ 43/141] efi-srpm-macros-0:5-12.eln142 100% |   1.8 MiB/s |  22.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 44/141] dwz-0:0.15-7.eln143.x86_64    100% |   8.0 MiB/s | 138.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 45/141] fonts-srpm-macros-1:2.0.5-17. 100% |   2.4 MiB/s |  27.1 KiB |  00m00s
[ 46/141] forge-srpm-macros-0:0.4.0-1.e 100% |   1.8 MiB/s |  19.7 KiB |  00m00s
[ 47/141] rpm-0:4.19.94-1.eln142.x86_64 100% |  10.3 MiB/s | 547.2 KiB |  00m00s
[ 48/141] go-srpm-macros-0:3.6.0-1.eln1 100% |   2.2 MiB/s |  27.0 KiB |  00m00s
[ 49/141] kernel-srpm-macros-0:1.0-24.e 100% | 897.2 KiB/s |   9.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 50/141] lua-srpm-macros-0:1-14.eln142 100% | 811.4 KiB/s |   8.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 51/141] ocaml-srpm-macros-0:10-3.eln1 100% | 767.3 KiB/s |   9.2 KiB |  00m00s
[ 52/141] openblas-srpm-macros-0:2-18.e 100% | 706.7 KiB/s |   7.8 KiB |  00m00s
[ 53/141] package-notes-srpm-macros-0:0 100% | 899.0 KiB/s |   9.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 54/141] perl-srpm-macros-0:1-56.eln14 100% | 777.8 KiB/s |   8.6 KiB |  00m00s
[ 55/141] pyproject-srpm-macros-0:1.15. 100% |   1.2 MiB/s |  13.3 KiB |  00m00s
[ 56/141] python-srpm-macros-0:3.13-3.e 100% |   2.1 MiB/s |  23.8 KiB |  00m00s
[ 57/141] qt6-srpm-macros-0:6.7.2-3.eln 100% | 835.4 KiB/s |   9.2 KiB |  00m00s
[ 58/141] rust-toolset-srpm-macros-0:1. 100% |   1.2 MiB/s |  13.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 59/141] elfutils-libelf-0:0.191-8.eln 100% |  14.5 MiB/s | 207.4 KiB |  00m00s
[ 60/141] libarchive-0:3.7.6-1.eln143.x 100% |   9.2 MiB/s | 415.0 KiB |  00m00s
[ 61/141] pkgconf-pkg-config-0:2.3.0-1. 100% | 294.9 KiB/s |  10.0 KiB |  00m00s
[ 62/141] elfutils-0:0.191-8.eln142.x86 100% |   4.0 MiB/s | 530.4 KiB |  00m00s
[ 63/141] popt-0:1.19-7.eln142.x86_64   100% |   1.7 MiB/s |  66.1 KiB |  00m00s
[ 64/141] rpm-build-libs-0:4.19.94-1.el 100% |   2.2 MiB/s |  99.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 65/141] rpm-libs-0:4.19.94-1.eln142.x 100% |   7.1 MiB/s | 310.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 66/141] debugedit-0:5.0-18.eln143.x86 100% |   1.9 MiB/s |  80.3 KiB |  00m00s
[ 67/141] audit-libs-0:4.0.2-1.eln142.x 100% |   4.4 MiB/s | 127.6 KiB |  00m00s
[ 68/141] authselect-libs-0:1.5.0-7.eln 100% |   4.5 MiB/s | 214.8 KiB |  00m00s
[ 69/141] libblkid-0:2.40.2-8.eln142.x8 100% |   3.4 MiB/s | 125.6 KiB |  00m00s
[ 70/141] zstd-0:1.5.6-2.eln142.x86_64  100% |   2.3 MiB/s | 467.7 KiB |  00m00s
[ 71/141] libcap-ng-0:0.8.5-3.eln142.x8 100% | 438.1 KiB/s |  32.4 KiB |  00m00s
[ 72/141] libfdisk-0:2.40.2-8.eln142.x8 100% |   2.8 MiB/s | 160.0 KiB |  00m00s
[ 73/141] libmount-0:2.40.2-8.eln142.x8 100% |   7.3 MiB/s | 156.3 KiB |  00m00s
[ 74/141] libsmartcols-0:2.40.2-8.eln14 100% |   1.9 MiB/s |  83.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 75/141] libuuid-0:2.40.2-8.eln142.x86 100% | 680.0 KiB/s |  29.2 KiB |  00m00s
[ 76/141] pam-libs-0:1.6.1-6.eln142.x86 100% |   1.3 MiB/s |  57.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 77/141] pam-0:1.6.1-6.eln142.x86_64   100% |  11.7 MiB/s | 553.4 KiB |  00m00s
[ 78/141] zlib-ng-compat-0:2.1.7-3.eln1 100% |   2.4 MiB/s |  77.8 KiB |  00m00s
[ 79/141] xz-libs-1:5.6.3-1.eln143.x86_ 100% |   2.2 MiB/s | 112.1 KiB |  00m00s
[ 80/141] setup-0:2.15.0-5.eln142.noarc 100% |   4.9 MiB/s | 154.6 KiB |  00m00s
[ 81/141] util-linux-core-0:2.40.2-8.el 100% |   3.7 MiB/s | 537.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 82/141] glibc-gconv-extra-0:2.40.9000 100% |  22.9 MiB/s |   1.7 MiB |  00m00s
[ 83/141] basesystem-0:11-21.eln142.noa 100% | 527.4 KiB/s |   7.4 KiB |  00m00s
[ 84/141] libgcc-0:14.2.1-4.eln143.x86_ 100% |   5.9 MiB/s | 133.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 85/141] ncurses-base-0:6.5-2.20240629 100% |   5.1 MiB/s |  88.4 KiB |  00m00s
[ 86/141] libsepol-0:3.7-3.eln142.x86_6 100% |  17.6 MiB/s | 343.1 KiB |  00m00s
[ 87/141] crypto-policies-0:20240822-1. 100% |   2.9 MiB/s |  85.1 KiB |  00m00s
[ 88/141] fedora-release-identity-eln-0 100% | 529.8 KiB/s |  14.8 KiB |  00m00s
[ 89/141] fedora-gpg-keys-0:42-0.2.eln1 100% |   4.5 MiB/s | 133.7 KiB |  00m00s
[ 90/141] pcre2-syntax-0:10.44-1.eln142 100% |   7.0 MiB/s | 150.0 KiB |  00m00s
[ 91/141] file-libs-0:5.45-7.eln142.x86 100% |  25.7 MiB/s | 762.6 KiB |  00m00s
[ 92/141] curl-0:8.10.1-2.eln143.x86_64 100% |  15.5 MiB/s | 221.6 KiB |  00m00s
[ 93/141] ca-certificates-0:2024.2.69_v 100% |   5.4 MiB/s | 944.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 94/141] alternatives-0:1.30-1.eln142. 100% |   3.2 MiB/s |  42.3 KiB |  00m00s
[ 95/141] elfutils-debuginfod-client-0: 100% |   3.6 MiB/s |  37.2 KiB |  00m00s
[ 96/141] jansson-0:2.13.1-10.eln142.x8 100% |   4.3 MiB/s |  44.3 KiB |  00m00s
[ 97/141] elfutils-libs-0:0.191-8.eln14 100% |  18.0 MiB/s | 258.3 KiB |  00m00s
[ 98/141] libzstd-0:1.5.6-2.eln142.x86_ 100% |  20.7 MiB/s | 296.2 KiB |  00m00s
[ 99/141] libxml2-0:2.12.8-2.eln142.x86 100% |  37.2 MiB/s | 685.5 KiB |  00m00s
[100/141] lz4-libs-0:1.10.0-1.eln142.x8 100% |   5.8 MiB/s |  71.0 KiB |  00m00s
[101/141] libstdc++-0:14.2.1-4.eln143.x 100% |  10.7 MiB/s | 907.6 KiB |  00m00s
[102/141] pkgconf-0:2.3.0-1.eln142.x86_ 100% |   2.9 MiB/s |  45.2 KiB |  00m00s
[103/141] pkgconf-m4-0:2.3.0-1.eln142.n 100% |   1.3 MiB/s |  14.4 KiB |  00m00s
[104/141] libgomp-0:14.2.1-4.eln143.x86 100% |  23.3 MiB/s | 357.2 KiB |  00m00s
[105/141] lua-libs-0:5.4.6-6.eln142.x86 100% |   4.8 MiB/s | 131.3 KiB |  00m00s
[106/141] rpm-sequoia-0:1.7.0-1.eln142. 100% |  38.4 MiB/s | 905.5 KiB |  00m00s
[107/141] authselect-0:1.5.0-7.eln142.x 100% |   7.9 MiB/s | 145.6 KiB |  00m00s
[108/141] gdbm-1:1.23-7.eln142.x86_64   100% |   8.2 MiB/s | 151.8 KiB |  00m00s
[109/141] gdbm-libs-1:1.23-7.eln142.x86 100% |   2.1 MiB/s |  56.7 KiB |  00m00s
[110/141] libeconf-0:0.6.2-3.eln142.x86 100% |   1.1 MiB/s |  32.1 KiB |  00m00s
[111/141] libpwquality-0:1.4.5-11.eln14 100% |   6.1 MiB/s | 119.2 KiB |  00m00s
[112/141] sqlite-libs-0:3.46.0-4.eln142 100% |   5.3 MiB/s | 712.9 KiB |  00m00s
[113/141] libxcrypt-0:4.4.36-7.eln142.x 100% |   3.9 MiB/s | 118.9 KiB |  00m00s
[114/141] libffi-0:3.4.6-3.eln142.x86_6 100% |   1.2 MiB/s |  40.2 KiB |  00m00s
[115/141] p11-kit-0:0.25.5-3.eln142.x86 100% |  12.3 MiB/s | 491.6 KiB |  00m00s
[116/141] p11-kit-trust-0:0.25.5-3.eln1 100% |   1.9 MiB/s | 132.7 KiB |  00m00s
[117/141] elfutils-default-yama-scope-0 100% | 353.3 KiB/s |  12.4 KiB |  00m00s
[118/141] binutils-0:2.43.1-1.eln142.x8 100% |   4.9 MiB/s |   6.5 MiB |  00m01s
[119/141] libpkgconf-0:2.3.0-1.eln142.x 100% |   1.4 MiB/s |  38.5 KiB |  00m00s
[120/141] cracklib-0:2.9.11-6.eln142.x8 100% |   3.6 MiB/s |  92.1 KiB |  00m00s
[121/141] libtasn1-0:4.19.0-9.eln142.x8 100% |   3.1 MiB/s |  74.1 KiB |  00m00s
[122/141] libcurl-0:8.10.1-2.eln143.x86 100% |   2.5 MiB/s | 371.8 KiB |  00m00s
[123/141] gdb-minimal-0:15.1-2.eln142.x 100% |  28.2 MiB/s |   4.3 MiB |  00m00s
[124/141] libidn2-0:2.3.7-2.eln142.x86_ 100% |  10.5 MiB/s | 118.4 KiB |  00m00s
[125/141] krb5-libs-0:1.21.3-2.eln142.x 100% |   4.9 MiB/s | 755.3 KiB |  00m00s
[126/141] libnghttp2-0:1.63.0-1.eln142. 100% |   6.3 MiB/s |  76.9 KiB |  00m00s
[127/141] libbrotli-0:1.1.0-5.eln142.x8 100% |  10.8 MiB/s | 343.6 KiB |  00m00s
[128/141] libpsl-0:0.21.5-4.eln142.x86_ 100% |   5.7 MiB/s |  64.1 KiB |  00m00s
[129/141] libssh-0:0.11.1-1.eln142.x86_ 100% |  10.8 MiB/s | 232.4 KiB |  00m00s
[130/141] keyutils-libs-0:1.6.3-4.eln14 100% |   2.8 MiB/s |  31.7 KiB |  00m00s
[131/141] openldap-0:2.6.8-5.eln142.x86 100% |   8.3 MiB/s | 255.5 KiB |  00m00s
[132/141] libverto-0:0.3.2-9.eln142.x86 100% |   1.7 MiB/s |  20.7 KiB |  00m00s
[133/141] libcom_err-0:1.47.1-3.eln142. 100% |   2.0 MiB/s |  26.4 KiB |  00m00s
[134/141] libssh-config-0:0.11.1-1.eln1 100% | 860.0 KiB/s |   9.5 KiB |  00m00s
[135/141] publicsuffix-list-dafsa-0:202 100% |   4.7 MiB/s |  58.3 KiB |  00m00s
[136/141] cyrus-sasl-lib-0:2.1.28-27.el 100% |   7.6 MiB/s | 101.3 KiB |  00m00s
[137/141] libevent-0:2.1.12-14.eln142.x 100% |  11.4 MiB/s | 257.2 KiB |  00m00s
[138/141] libtool-ltdl-0:2.4.7-12.eln14 100% |   3.2 MiB/s |  35.8 KiB |  00m00s
[139/141] libunistring-0:1.1-8.eln142.x 100% |  10.8 MiB/s | 544.0 KiB |  00m00s
[140/141] libsemanage-0:3.7-3.eln142.x8 100% |   9.5 MiB/s | 117.3 KiB |  00m00s
[141/141] shadow-utils-2:4.16.0-5.eln14 100% |  10.4 MiB/s |   1.3 MiB |  00m00s
[141/141] Total                         100% |  16.0 MiB/s |  51.4 MiB |  00m03s
Running transaction
Importing PGP key 0x105EF944:
 Userid     : "Fedora (42) <fedora-42-primary@fedoraproject.org>"
 Fingerprint: B0F4950458F69E1150C6C5EDC8AC4916105EF944
 From       : file:///usr/share/distribution-gpg-keys/fedora/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-rawhide-primary
The key was successfully imported.
Importing PGP key 0x105EF944:
 Userid     : "Fedora (42) <fedora-42-primary@fedoraproject.org>"
 Fingerprint: B0F4950458F69E1150C6C5EDC8AC4916105EF944
 From       : file:///usr/share/distribution-gpg-keys/fedora/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-42-primary
The key was successfully imported.
Importing PGP key 0xE99D6AD1:
 Userid     : "Fedora (41) <fedora-41-primary@fedoraproject.org>"
 Fingerprint: 466CF2D8B60BC3057AA9453ED0622462E99D6AD1
 From       : file:///usr/share/distribution-gpg-keys/fedora/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-41-primary
The key was successfully imported.
Importing PGP key 0xA15B79CC:
 Userid     : "Fedora (40) <fedora-40-primary@fedoraproject.org>"
 Fingerprint: 115DF9AEF857853EE8445D0A0727707EA15B79CC
 From       : file:///usr/share/distribution-gpg-keys/fedora/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-40-primary
The key was successfully imported.
[  1/143] Verify package files          100% | 646.0   B/s | 141.0   B |  00m00s
>>> Running pre-transaction scriptlet: filesystem-0:3.18-29.eln143.x86_64
>>> Stop pre-transaction scriptlet: filesystem-0:3.18-29.eln143.x86_64
[  2/143] Prepare transaction           100% |   1.6 KiB/s | 141.0   B |  00m00s
[  3/143] Installing libgcc-0:14.2.1-4. 100% |  66.5 MiB/s | 272.3 KiB |  00m00s
>>> Running post-install scriptlet: libgcc-0:14.2.1-4.eln143.x86_64
>>> Stop post-install scriptlet: libgcc-0:14.2.1-4.eln143.x86_64
[  4/143] Installing libssh-config-0:0. 100% | 796.9 KiB/s | 816.0   B |  00m00s
[  5/143] Installing publicsuffix-list- 100% |  66.7 MiB/s |  68.3 KiB |  00m00s
[  6/143] Installing pkgconf-m4-0:2.3.0 100% |  14.5 MiB/s |  14.8 KiB |  00m00s
[  7/143] Installing pcre2-syntax-0:10. 100% |  82.7 MiB/s | 254.1 KiB |  00m00s
[  8/143] Installing fedora-release-ide 100% |   1.2 MiB/s |   2.5 KiB |  00m00s
[  9/143] Installing fedora-gpg-keys-0: 100% |   8.4 MiB/s | 172.2 KiB |  00m00s
[ 10/143] Installing fedora-release-com 100% |   7.7 MiB/s |  23.8 KiB |  00m00s
[ 11/143] Installing fedora-repos-eln-0 100% |   0.0   B/s |  12.4 KiB |  00m00s
[ 12/143] Installing fedora-release-eln 100% |   0.0   B/s | 124.0   B |  00m00s
[ 13/143] Installing setup-0:2.15.0-5.e 100% |  27.3 MiB/s | 726.1 KiB |  00m00s
>>> Running post-install scriptlet: setup-0:2.15.0-5.eln142.noarch
>>> Stop post-install scriptlet: setup-0:2.15.0-5.eln142.noarch
[ 14/143] Installing filesystem-0:3.18- 100% | 924.4 KiB/s | 212.6 KiB |  00m00s
[ 15/143] Installing basesystem-0:11-21 100% |   0.0   B/s | 124.0   B |  00m00s
[ 16/143] Installing ncurses-base-0:6.5 100% |  28.6 MiB/s | 351.7 KiB |  00m00s
[ 17/143] Installing glibc-minimal-lang 100% |   0.0   B/s | 124.0   B |  00m00s
[ 18/143] Installing ncurses-libs-0:6.5 100% |  31.2 MiB/s | 989.8 KiB |  00m00s
>>> Running pre-install scriptlet: glibc-0:2.40.9000-1.eln142.x86_64
>>> Stop pre-install scriptlet: glibc-0:2.40.9000-1.eln142.x86_64
warning: posix.fork(): .fork(), .exec(), .wait() and .redirect2null() are deprecated, use rpm.spawn() or rpm.execute() instead
warning: posix.wait(): .fork(), .exec(), .wait() and .redirect2null() are deprecated, use rpm.spawn() or rpm.execute() instead
warning: posix.exec(): .fork(), .exec(), .wait() and .redirect2null() are deprecated, use rpm.spawn() or rpm.execute() instead
warning: posix.fork(): .fork(), .exec(), .wait() and .redirect2null() are deprecated, use rpm.spawn() or rpm.execute() instead
warning: posix.wait(): .fork(), .exec(), .wait() and .redirect2null() are deprecated, use rpm.spawn() or rpm.execute() instead
warning: posix.exec(): .fork(), .exec(), .wait() and .redirect2null() are deprecated, use rpm.spawn() or rpm.execute() instead
[ 19/143] Installing glibc-0:2.40.9000- 100% |  47.4 MiB/s |   6.3 MiB |  00m00s
>>> Running post-install scriptlet: glibc-0:2.40.9000-1.eln142.x86_64
>>> Stop post-install scriptlet: glibc-0:2.40.9000-1.eln142.x86_64
[ 20/143] Installing bash-0:5.2.32-2.el 100% |  81.7 MiB/s |   8.2 MiB |  00m00s
>>> Running post-install scriptlet: bash-0:5.2.32-2.eln142.x86_64
>>> Stop post-install scriptlet: bash-0:5.2.32-2.eln142.x86_64
[ 21/143] Installing glibc-common-0:2.4 100% |  55.3 MiB/s |   1.1 MiB |  00m00s
warning: posix.fork(): .fork(), .exec(), .wait() and .redirect2null() are deprecated, use rpm.spawn() or rpm.execute() instead
warning: posix.wait(): .fork(), .exec(), .wait() and .redirect2null() are deprecated, use rpm.spawn() or rpm.execute() instead
warning: posix.exec(): .fork(), .exec(), .wait() and .redirect2null() are deprecated, use rpm.spawn() or rpm.execute() instead
[ 22/143] Installing glibc-gconv-extra- 100% |  71.4 MiB/s |   8.2 MiB |  00m00s
>>> Running post-install scriptlet: glibc-gconv-extra-0:2.40.9000-1.eln142.x86_6
>>> Stop post-install scriptlet: glibc-gconv-extra-0:2.40.9000-1.eln142.x86_64
[ 23/143] Installing zlib-ng-compat-0:2 100% |  67.8 MiB/s | 138.8 KiB |  00m00s
[ 24/143] Installing bzip2-libs-0:1.0.8 100% |  26.6 MiB/s |  81.8 KiB |  00m00s
[ 25/143] Installing xz-libs-1:5.6.3-1. 100% |  71.4 MiB/s | 219.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 26/143] Installing readline-0:8.2-11. 100% | 120.9 MiB/s | 495.2 KiB |  00m00s
[ 27/143] Installing popt-0:1.19-7.eln1 100% |  15.6 MiB/s | 143.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 28/143] Installing libuuid-0:2.40.2-8 100% |  20.8 MiB/s |  42.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 29/143] Installing libblkid-0:2.40.2- 100% | 128.7 MiB/s | 263.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 30/143] Installing gmp-1:6.3.0-2.eln1 100% | 159.7 MiB/s | 817.6 KiB |  00m00s
[ 31/143] Installing libattr-0:2.5.2-4. 100% |  28.8 MiB/s |  29.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 32/143] Installing libacl-0:2.3.2-2.e 100% |   3.3 MiB/s |  40.8 KiB |  00m00s
[ 33/143] Installing libstdc++-0:14.2.1 100% | 109.4 MiB/s |   2.8 MiB |  00m00s
[ 34/143] Installing libzstd-0:1.5.6-2. 100% |  52.8 MiB/s | 757.0 KiB |  00m00s
[ 35/143] Installing elfutils-libelf-0: 100% | 167.0 MiB/s |   1.2 MiB |  00m00s
[ 36/143] Installing libxcrypt-0:4.4.36 100% |  88.9 MiB/s | 273.2 KiB |  00m00s
[ 37/143] Installing gdbm-libs-1:1.23-7 100% |   2.0 MiB/s | 131.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 38/143] Installing libeconf-0:0.6.2-3 100% |  31.1 MiB/s |  63.6 KiB |  00m00s
[ 39/143] Installing dwz-0:0.15-7.eln14 100% |  97.8 MiB/s | 300.6 KiB |  00m00s
[ 40/143] Installing mpfr-0:4.2.1-5.eln 100% | 135.7 MiB/s | 833.7 KiB |  00m00s
[ 41/143] Installing gawk-0:5.3.0-4.eln 100% |  59.9 MiB/s |   1.7 MiB |  00m00s
[ 42/143] Installing unzip-0:6.0-64.eln 100% | 101.1 MiB/s | 414.2 KiB |  00m00s
[ 43/143] Installing file-libs-0:5.45-7 100% | 146.0 MiB/s |   9.9 MiB |  00m00s
[ 44/143] Installing file-0:5.45-7.eln1 100% |  11.4 MiB/s | 105.0 KiB |  00m00s
>>> Running pre-install scriptlet: crypto-policies-0:20240822-1.git367040b.eln14
>>> Stop pre-install scriptlet: crypto-policies-0:20240822-1.git367040b.eln142.n
[ 45/143] Installing crypto-policies-0: 100% |  10.7 MiB/s | 131.5 KiB |  00m00s
>>> Running post-install scriptlet: crypto-policies-0:20240822-1.git367040b.eln1
>>> Stop post-install scriptlet: crypto-policies-0:20240822-1.git367040b.eln142.
[ 46/143] Installing pcre2-0:10.44-1.el 100% |  49.5 MiB/s | 658.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 47/143] Installing grep-0:3.11-9.eln1 100% |  83.6 MiB/s |   1.0 MiB |  00m00s
[ 48/143] Installing xz-1:5.6.3-1.eln14 100% |  68.7 MiB/s |   1.2 MiB |  00m00s
[ 49/143] Installing libcap-ng-0:0.8.5- 100% |  36.6 MiB/s |  75.0 KiB |  00m00s
[ 50/143] Installing audit-libs-0:4.0.2 100% |  30.7 MiB/s | 345.3 KiB |  00m00s
[ 51/143] Installing pam-libs-0:1.6.1-6 100% |  69.0 MiB/s | 141.4 KiB |  00m00s
[ 52/143] Installing libcap-0:2.70-4.el 100% |  57.9 MiB/s | 237.0 KiB |  00m00s
[ 53/143] Installing systemd-libs-0:256 100% | 113.4 MiB/s |   2.0 MiB |  00m00s
[ 54/143] Installing libsmartcols-0:2.4 100% |  88.6 MiB/s | 181.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 55/143] Installing libsepol-0:3.7-3.e 100% |  53.3 MiB/s | 819.0 KiB |  00m00s
[ 56/143] Installing libselinux-0:3.7-6 100% |  89.0 MiB/s | 182.4 KiB |  00m00s
[ 57/143] Installing sed-0:4.9-3.eln142 100% |  44.7 MiB/s | 869.7 KiB |  00m00s
[ 58/143] Installing findutils-1:4.10.0 100% |  66.5 MiB/s |   1.9 MiB |  00m00s
[ 59/143] Installing libmount-0:2.40.2- 100% | 116.2 MiB/s | 356.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 60/143] Installing alternatives-0:1.3 100% |  33.1 MiB/s |  67.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 61/143] Installing lz4-libs-0:1.10.0- 100% |  71.6 MiB/s | 146.6 KiB |  00m00s
[ 62/143] Installing lua-libs-0:5.4.6-6 100% |  45.9 MiB/s | 282.2 KiB |  00m00s
[ 63/143] Installing libffi-0:3.4.6-3.e 100% |  42.9 MiB/s |  87.8 KiB |  00m00s
[ 64/143] Installing libtasn1-0:4.19.0- 100% |  59.1 MiB/s | 181.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 65/143] Installing p11-kit-0:0.25.5-3 100% |  69.1 MiB/s |   2.2 MiB |  00m00s
[ 66/143] Installing libunistring-0:1.1 100% |  86.5 MiB/s |   1.7 MiB |  00m00s
[ 67/143] Installing libidn2-0:2.3.7-2. 100% |  21.8 MiB/s | 335.0 KiB |  00m00s
[ 68/143] Installing libpsl-0:0.21.5-4. 100% |  39.9 MiB/s |  81.6 KiB |  00m00s
[ 69/143] Installing p11-kit-trust-0:0. 100% |  32.6 MiB/s | 401.1 KiB |  00m00s
>>> Running post-install scriptlet: p11-kit-trust-0:0.25.5-3.eln142.x86_64
>>> Stop post-install scriptlet: p11-kit-trust-0:0.25.5-3.eln142.x86_64
[ 70/143] Installing zstd-0:1.5.6-2.eln 100% |  15.9 MiB/s |   1.6 MiB |  00m00s
[ 71/143] Installing util-linux-core-0: 100% |  66.4 MiB/s |   1.5 MiB |  00m00s
[ 72/143] Installing tar-2:1.35-4.eln14 100% |  98.7 MiB/s |   3.0 MiB |  00m00s
[ 73/143] Installing libsemanage-0:3.7- 100% |  73.2 MiB/s | 299.8 KiB |  00m00s
[ 74/143] Installing shadow-utils-2:4.1 100% |  63.8 MiB/s |   4.1 MiB |  00m00s
[ 75/143] Installing zip-0:3.0-41.eln14 100% | 140.4 MiB/s | 719.1 KiB |  00m00s
[ 76/143] Installing gdbm-1:1.23-7.eln1 100% |  92.5 MiB/s | 473.7 KiB |  00m00s
[ 77/143] Installing cyrus-sasl-lib-0:2 100% |  60.0 MiB/s | 737.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 78/143] Installing libfdisk-0:2.40.2- 100% | 118.5 MiB/s | 364.0 KiB |  00m00s
[ 79/143] Installing libxml2-0:2.12.8-2 100% | 100.9 MiB/s |   1.7 MiB |  00m00s
[ 80/143] Installing bzip2-0:1.0.8-19.e 100% |  50.8 MiB/s | 104.1 KiB |  00m00s
[ 81/143] Installing sqlite-libs-0:3.46 100% |  84.1 MiB/s |   1.4 MiB |  00m00s
[ 82/143] Installing ed-0:1.20.2-2.eln1 100% |  48.5 MiB/s | 149.1 KiB |  00m00s
[ 83/143] Installing patch-0:2.7.6-25.e 100% |  20.4 MiB/s | 272.2 KiB |  00m00s
[ 84/143] Installing elfutils-default-y 100% | 291.9 KiB/s |   2.0 KiB |  00m00s
>>> Running post-install scriptlet: elfutils-default-yama-scope-0:0.191-8.eln142
>>> Stop post-install scriptlet: elfutils-default-yama-scope-0:0.191-8.eln142.no
[ 85/143] Installing elfutils-libs-0:0. 100% | 106.8 MiB/s | 655.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 86/143] Installing cpio-0:2.15-2.eln1 100% |  47.8 MiB/s |   1.1 MiB |  00m00s
[ 87/143] Installing diffutils-0:3.10-8 100% |  49.7 MiB/s |   1.6 MiB |  00m00s
[ 88/143] Installing jansson-0:2.13.1-1 100% |  87.6 MiB/s |  89.7 KiB |  00m00s
[ 89/143] Installing libgomp-0:14.2.1-4 100% | 130.2 MiB/s | 533.2 KiB |  00m00s
[ 90/143] Installing libpkgconf-0:2.3.0 100% |  77.5 MiB/s |  79.3 KiB |  00m00s
[ 91/143] Installing pkgconf-0:2.3.0-1. 100% |   1.7 MiB/s |  91.1 KiB |  00m00s
[ 92/143] Installing pkgconf-pkg-config 100% |   1.7 MiB/s |   1.8 KiB |  00m00s
[ 93/143] Installing libbrotli-0:1.1.0- 100% | 166.4 MiB/s | 851.8 KiB |  00m00s
[ 94/143] Installing libnghttp2-0:1.63. 100% |  85.6 MiB/s | 175.2 KiB |  00m00s
[ 95/143] Installing keyutils-libs-0:1. 100% |   5.3 MiB/s |  59.8 KiB |  00m00s
[ 96/143] Installing libcom_err-0:1.47. 100% |  33.4 MiB/s |  68.3 KiB |  00m00s
[ 97/143] Installing libverto-0:0.3.2-9 100% |  15.3 MiB/s |  31.3 KiB |  00m00s
[ 98/143] Installing libtool-ltdl-0:2.4 100% |  34.8 MiB/s |  71.3 KiB |  00m00s
[ 99/143] Installing rust-toolset-srpm- 100% |   0.0   B/s |   2.3 KiB |  00m00s
[100/143] Installing qt6-srpm-macros-0: 100% |   0.0   B/s | 732.0   B |  00m00s
[101/143] Installing perl-srpm-macros-0 100% |   0.0   B/s |   1.1 KiB |  00m00s
[102/143] Installing package-notes-srpm 100% |   2.0 MiB/s |   2.0 KiB |  00m00s
[103/143] Installing openblas-srpm-macr 100% |   0.0   B/s | 392.0   B |  00m00s
[104/143] Installing ocaml-srpm-macros- 100% |   0.0   B/s |   2.2 KiB |  00m00s
[105/143] Installing kernel-srpm-macros 100% |   2.3 MiB/s |   2.3 KiB |  00m00s
[106/143] Installing coreutils-common-0 100% |  99.0 MiB/s |  11.2 MiB |  00m00s
[107/143] Installing openssl-libs-1:3.2 100% | 139.7 MiB/s |   7.8 MiB |  00m00s
[108/143] Installing coreutils-0:9.5-10 100% |  26.5 MiB/s |   5.7 MiB |  00m00s
>>> Running pre-install scriptlet: ca-certificates-0:2024.2.69_v8.0.401-2.eln143
>>> Stop pre-install scriptlet: ca-certificates-0:2024.2.69_v8.0.401-2.eln143.no
[109/143] Installing ca-certificates-0: 100% |   1.1 MiB/s |   2.4 MiB |  00m02s
>>> Running post-install scriptlet: ca-certificates-0:2024.2.69_v8.0.401-2.eln14
>>> Stop post-install scriptlet: ca-certificates-0:2024.2.69_v8.0.401-2.eln143.n
[110/143] Installing libarchive-0:3.7.6 100% | 131.2 MiB/s | 940.7 KiB |  00m00s
[111/143] Installing gzip-0:1.13-2.eln1 100% |  97.3 MiB/s | 398.5 KiB |  00m00s
[112/143] Installing authselect-libs-0: 100% |  61.2 MiB/s | 814.1 KiB |  00m00s
[113/143] Installing krb5-libs-0:1.21.3 100% | 165.3 MiB/s |   2.3 MiB |  00m00s
[114/143] Installing libssh-0:0.11.1-1. 100% | 139.6 MiB/s | 571.6 KiB |  00m00s
[115/143] Installing cracklib-0:2.9.11- 100% |  27.6 MiB/s | 254.3 KiB |  00m00s
[116/143] Installing libpwquality-0:1.4 100% |  42.4 MiB/s | 434.1 KiB |  00m00s
[117/143] Installing pam-0:1.6.1-6.eln1 100% |  47.9 MiB/s |   1.9 MiB |  00m00s
[118/143] Installing rpm-sequoia-0:1.7. 100% | 220.4 MiB/s |   2.4 MiB |  00m00s
[119/143] Installing rpm-libs-0:4.19.94 100% | 177.6 MiB/s | 727.6 KiB |  00m00s
[120/143] Installing rpm-build-libs-0:4 100% | 101.3 MiB/s | 207.5 KiB |  00m00s
[121/143] Installing libevent-0:2.1.12- 100% | 178.0 MiB/s | 911.4 KiB |  00m00s
[122/143] Installing openldap-0:2.6.8-5 100% | 158.2 MiB/s | 648.0 KiB |  00m00s
[123/143] Installing libcurl-0:8.10.1-2 100% | 204.9 MiB/s | 839.4 KiB |  00m00s
[124/143] Installing elfutils-debuginfo 100% |  32.7 MiB/s |  66.9 KiB |  00m00s
[125/143] Installing binutils-0:2.43.1- 100% |  55.5 MiB/s |  27.6 MiB |  00m00s
>>> Running post-install scriptlet: binutils-0:2.43.1-1.eln142.x86_64
>>> Stop post-install scriptlet: binutils-0:2.43.1-1.eln142.x86_64
[126/143] Installing elfutils-0:0.191-8 100% | 143.1 MiB/s |   2.6 MiB |  00m00s
[127/143] Installing gdb-minimal-0:15.1 100% |  46.7 MiB/s |  12.9 MiB |  00m00s
[128/143] Installing debugedit-0:5.0-18 100% |  65.8 MiB/s | 202.0 KiB |  00m00s
[129/143] Installing curl-0:8.10.1-2.el 100% |  26.2 MiB/s | 455.7 KiB |  00m00s
>>> Running pre-install scriptlet: rpm-0:4.19.94-1.eln142.x86_64
>>> Stop pre-install scriptlet: rpm-0:4.19.94-1.eln142.x86_64
[130/143] Installing rpm-0:4.19.94-1.el 100% |  59.7 MiB/s |   2.5 MiB |  00m00s
[131/143] Installing efi-srpm-macros-0: 100% |  40.2 MiB/s |  41.2 KiB |  00m00s
[132/143] Installing lua-srpm-macros-0: 100% |   1.9 MiB/s |   1.9 KiB |  00m00s
[133/143] Installing fonts-srpm-macros- 100% |  55.7 MiB/s |  57.0 KiB |  00m00s
[134/143] Installing forge-srpm-macros- 100% |  39.3 MiB/s |  40.3 KiB |  00m00s
[135/143] Installing go-srpm-macros-0:3 100% |  60.3 MiB/s |  61.8 KiB |  00m00s
[136/143] Installing python-srpm-macros 100% |   5.1 MiB/s |  52.2 KiB |  00m00s
[137/143] Installing redhat-rpm-config- 100% |  37.7 MiB/s | 193.2 KiB |  00m00s
[138/143] Installing rpm-build-0:4.19.9 100% |  39.6 MiB/s | 202.9 KiB |  00m00s
[139/143] Installing pyproject-srpm-mac 100% |   1.2 MiB/s |   2.5 KiB |  00m00s
[140/143] Installing util-linux-0:2.40. 100% |  70.2 MiB/s |   3.7 MiB |  00m00s
>>> Running post-install scriptlet: util-linux-0:2.40.2-8.eln142.x86_64
>>> Stop post-install scriptlet: util-linux-0:2.40.2-8.eln142.x86_64
[141/143] Installing authselect-0:1.5.0 100% |  31.6 MiB/s | 161.8 KiB |  00m00s
[142/143] Installing which-0:2.21-42.el 100% |  40.2 MiB/s |  82.4 KiB |  00m00s
warning: posix.fork(): .fork(), .exec(), .wait() and .redirect2null() are deprecated, use rpm.spawn() or rpm.execute() instead
warning: posix.wait(): .fork(), .exec(), .wait() and .redirect2null() are deprecated, use rpm.spawn() or rpm.execute() instead
warning: posix.exec(): .fork(), .exec(), .wait() and .redirect2null() are deprecated, use rpm.spawn() or rpm.execute() instead
[143/143] Installing info-0:7.1.1-1.eln 100% | 118.4 KiB/s | 362.3 KiB |  00m03s
>>> Running post-transaction scriptlet: filesystem-0:3.18-29.eln143.x86_64
>>> Stop post-transaction scriptlet: filesystem-0:3.18-29.eln143.x86_64
>>> Running post-transaction scriptlet: ca-certificates-0:2024.2.69_v8.0.401-2.e
>>> Stop post-transaction scriptlet: ca-certificates-0:2024.2.69_v8.0.401-2.eln1
>>> Running post-transaction scriptlet: authselect-libs-0:1.5.0-7.eln142.x86_64
>>> Stop post-transaction scriptlet: authselect-libs-0:1.5.0-7.eln142.x86_64
>>> Running post-transaction scriptlet: rpm-0:4.19.94-1.eln142.x86_64
>>> Stop post-transaction scriptlet: rpm-0:4.19.94-1.eln142.x86_64
>>> Running trigger-install scriptlet: glibc-common-0:2.40.9000-1.eln142.x86_64
>>> Stop trigger-install scriptlet: glibc-common-0:2.40.9000-1.eln142.x86_64
>>> Running trigger-install scriptlet: info-0:7.1.1-1.eln142.x86_64
>>> Stop trigger-install scriptlet: info-0:7.1.1-1.eln142.x86_64
Finish: installing minimal buildroot with dnf5
Start: creating root cache
Finish: creating root cache
Finish: chroot init
INFO: Installed packages:
INFO: alternatives-1.30-1.eln142.x86_64
Start: buildsrpm
Start: rpmbuild -bs
Building target platforms: x86_64
Building for target x86_64
setting SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=1629158400
Wrote: /builddir/build/SRPMS/jimtcl-0.83-20240920.0.git1273201d.eln143.src.rpm
Finish: rpmbuild -bs
INFO: chroot_scan: 1 files copied to /var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/results/chroot_scan
INFO: /var/lib/mock/fedora-eln-x86_64-1728458116.067818/root/var/log/dnf5.log
Finish: buildsrpm
INFO: Done(/var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/workspace/workdir-pan01eh2/jimtcl/jimtcl.spec) Config(child) 0 minutes 35 seconds
INFO: Results and/or logs in: /var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/results
INFO: Cleaning up build root ('cleanup_on_success=True')
Start: clean chroot
INFO: unmounting tmpfs.
Finish: clean chroot
INFO: Start(/var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/results/jimtcl-0.83-20240920.0.git1273201d.eln143.src.rpm)  Config(fedora-eln-x86_64)
Start(bootstrap): chroot init
INFO: mounting tmpfs at /var/lib/mock/fedora-eln-x86_64-bootstrap-1728458116.067818/root.
INFO: reusing tmpfs at /var/lib/mock/fedora-eln-x86_64-bootstrap-1728458116.067818/root.
INFO: calling preinit hooks
INFO: enabled root cache
INFO: enabled package manager cache
Start(bootstrap): cleaning package manager metadata
Finish(bootstrap): cleaning package manager metadata
Finish(bootstrap): chroot init
Start: chroot init
INFO: mounting tmpfs at /var/lib/mock/fedora-eln-x86_64-1728458116.067818/root.
INFO: calling preinit hooks
INFO: enabled root cache
Start: unpacking root cache
Finish: unpacking root cache
INFO: enabled package manager cache
Start: cleaning package manager metadata
Finish: cleaning package manager metadata
INFO: enabled HW Info plugin
INFO: Buildroot is handled by package management downloaded with a bootstrap image:
Finish: chroot init
Start: build phase for jimtcl-0.83-20240920.0.git1273201d.eln143.src.rpm
Start: build setup for jimtcl-0.83-20240920.0.git1273201d.eln143.src.rpm
Building target platforms: x86_64
Building for target x86_64
setting SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=1629158400
Wrote: /builddir/build/SRPMS/jimtcl-0.83-20240920.0.git1273201d.eln143.src.rpm
Updating and loading repositories:
 Fedora - ELN AppStream - Developmental 100% |  93.4 KiB/s |   2.2 KiB |  00m00s
 Fedora - ELN BaseOS - Developmental pa 100% |  97.2 KiB/s |   2.2 KiB |  00m00s
 Fedora - ELN CodeReady Linux Builders  100% |  82.6 KiB/s |   2.2 KiB |  00m00s
 Fedora - ELN Extras - Developmental pa 100% | 101.7 KiB/s |   2.2 KiB |  00m00s
 Copr repository                        100% |  31.7 KiB/s |   1.5 KiB |  00m00s
Repositories loaded.
Package                               Arch   Version                                        Repository         Size
 asciidoc                             noarch 10.2.0-11.eln142                               eln-appstream   1.7 MiB
 gcc                                  x86_64 14.2.1-4.eln143                                eln-appstream 109.5 MiB
 gcc-c++                              x86_64 14.2.1-4.eln143                                eln-appstream  41.8 MiB
 git                                  x86_64 2.46.2-1.eln143                                eln-appstream  85.2 KiB
 make                                 x86_64 1:4.4.1-9.eln143                               eln-baseos      1.8 MiB
 openssl-devel                        x86_64 1:3.2.2-8.eln142                               eln-appstream   4.3 MiB
 readline-devel                       x86_64 8.2-11.eln142                                  eln-appstream 553.0 KiB
 sqlite-devel                         x86_64 3.46.0-4.eln142                                eln-appstream 666.5 KiB
 tcl                                  x86_64 1:8.6.14-2.eln142                              eln-baseos      5.3 MiB
 zlib-ng-compat-devel                 x86_64 2.1.7-3.eln142                                 eln-appstream 106.8 KiB
Installing dependencies:
 adobe-mappings-cmap                  noarch 20230622-4.eln142                              eln-appstream  14.4 MiB
 adobe-mappings-cmap-deprecated       noarch 20230622-4.eln142                              eln-appstream 582.1 KiB
 adobe-mappings-pdf                   noarch 20190401-8.eln142                              eln-appstream   4.4 MiB
 annobin-docs                         noarch 12.70-1.eln142                                 eln-appstream  97.7 KiB
 annobin-plugin-gcc                   x86_64 12.70-1.eln142                                 eln-appstream 985.6 KiB
 avahi-libs                           x86_64 0.8-30.eln142                                  eln-baseos    178.5 KiB
 boost-regex                          x86_64 1.83.0-8.eln142                                eln-appstream 279.0 KiB
 cairo                                x86_64 1.18.0-4.eln142                                eln-appstream   1.7 MiB
 cairo-gobject                        x86_64 1.18.0-4.eln142                                eln-appstream  35.2 KiB
 cmake-filesystem                     x86_64 3.28.3-7.eln143                                eln-appstream   0.0   B
 cpp                                  x86_64 14.2.1-4.eln143                                eln-appstream  38.5 MiB
 cups-libs                            x86_64 1:2.4.10-7.eln143                              eln-baseos    622.9 KiB
 dbus-libs                            x86_64 1:1.14.10-4.eln142                             eln-baseos    372.9 KiB
 default-fonts-core-sans              noarch 4.1-3.eln142                                   eln-baseos     11.9 KiB
 docbook-dtds                         noarch 1.0-87.eln142                                  eln-appstream   8.3 MiB
 docbook-style-xsl                    noarch 1.79.2-23.eln142                               eln-appstream  15.6 MiB
 expat                                x86_64 2.6.3-1.eln142                                 eln-baseos    291.5 KiB
 fontconfig                           x86_64 2.15.0-8.eln142                                eln-appstream 791.9 KiB
 fonts-filesystem                     noarch 1:2.0.5-17.eln142                              eln-baseos      0.0   B
 freetype                             x86_64 2.13.2-6.eln142                                eln-baseos    850.6 KiB
 fribidi                              x86_64 1.0.16-1.eln143                                eln-appstream 194.5 KiB
 gcc-plugin-annobin                   x86_64 14.2.1-4.eln143                                eln-appstream  60.6 KiB
 gd                                   x86_64 2.3.3-17.eln142                                eln-appstream 391.6 KiB
 gdk-pixbuf2                          x86_64 2.42.12-9.eln143                               eln-appstream   2.5 MiB
 git-core                             x86_64 2.46.2-1.eln143                                eln-appstream  22.4 MiB
 git-core-doc                         noarch 2.46.2-1.eln143                                eln-appstream  14.4 MiB
 glib2                                x86_64 2.82.1-2.eln143                                eln-baseos     14.7 MiB
 glibc-devel                          x86_64 2.40.9000-1.eln142                             eln-appstream  37.8 KiB
 glibc-headers                        x86_64 2.40.9000-1.eln142                             eln-appstream   2.2 MiB
 gnupg2                               x86_64 2.4.5-3.eln142                                 eln-baseos      9.5 MiB
 gnutls                               x86_64 3.8.7-4.eln142                                 eln-baseos      3.6 MiB
 google-droid-sans-fonts              noarch 20200215-21.eln142                             eln-appstream   6.3 MiB
 google-noto-fonts-common             noarch 20240901-1.eln142                              eln-baseos     17.5 KiB
 google-noto-sans-vf-fonts            noarch 20240901-1.eln142                              eln-baseos      1.2 MiB
 gpgme                                x86_64 1.23.2-5.eln142                                eln-baseos    579.3 KiB
 gpgmepp                              x86_64 1.23.2-5.eln142                                eln-appstream 424.3 KiB
 graphite2                            x86_64 1.3.14-16.eln142                               eln-baseos    200.0 KiB
 graphviz                             x86_64 12.1.2-1.eln143                                eln-appstream   3.9 MiB
 graphviz-libs                        x86_64 12.1.2-1.eln143                                eln-appstream   1.2 MiB
 groff-base                           x86_64 1.23.0-7.eln142                                eln-baseos      3.9 MiB
 harfbuzz                             x86_64 10.0.1-1.eln143                                eln-baseos      2.7 MiB
 jbig2dec-libs                        x86_64 0.20-5.eln142                                  eln-appstream 169.0 KiB
 jbigkit-libs                         x86_64 2.1-30.eln142                                  eln-appstream 121.6 KiB
 json-c                               x86_64 0.17-4.eln142                                  eln-baseos     82.4 KiB
 kernel-headers                       x86_64 6.12.0-0.rc2.20241008git87d6aab2389e.25.eln143 eln-appstream   6.5 MiB
 lcms2                                x86_64 2.16-4.eln142                                  eln-appstream 420.8 KiB
 less                                 x86_64 661-2.eln142                                   eln-baseos    405.3 KiB
 libX11                               x86_64 1.8.10-2.eln142                                eln-appstream   1.3 MiB
 libX11-common                        noarch 1.8.10-2.eln142                                eln-appstream   1.1 MiB
 libXau                               x86_64 1.0.11-7.eln142                                eln-appstream  70.9 KiB
 libXext                              x86_64 1.3.6-2.eln142                                 eln-appstream  90.0 KiB
 libXft                               x86_64 2.3.8-7.eln142                                 eln-appstream 168.4 KiB
 libXpm                               x86_64 3.5.17-4.eln142                                eln-appstream 152.4 KiB
 libXrender                           x86_64 0.9.11-7.eln142                                eln-appstream  50.1 KiB
 libassuan                            x86_64 2.5.7-2.eln142                                 eln-baseos    167.8 KiB
 libcbor                              x86_64 0.11.0-2.eln142                                eln-baseos     77.9 KiB
 libdatrie                            x86_64 0.2.13-10.eln142                               eln-appstream  57.9 KiB
 libedit                              x86_64 3.1-53.20240808cvs.eln142                      eln-baseos    244.1 KiB
 libfido2                             x86_64 1.15.0-2.eln142                                eln-baseos    242.2 KiB
 libgcrypt                            x86_64 1.11.0-3.eln142                                eln-baseos      1.5 MiB
 libgpg-error                         x86_64 1.50-2.eln142                                  eln-baseos    893.5 KiB
 libgs                                x86_64 10.03.1-3.eln142                               eln-appstream  23.2 MiB
 libicu                               x86_64 74.2-2.eln142                                  eln-baseos     35.0 MiB
 libijs                               x86_64 0.35-23.eln142                                 eln-appstream  65.6 KiB
 libjpeg-turbo                        x86_64 3.0.4-1.eln143                                 eln-appstream 853.0 KiB
 libksba                              x86_64 1.6.7-2.eln142                                 eln-baseos    398.4 KiB
 liblerc                              x86_64 4.0.0-7.eln142                                 eln-appstream 611.5 KiB
 libmpc                               x86_64 1.3.1-6.eln142                                 eln-appstream 164.6 KiB
 libpaper                             x86_64 1:2.1.1-7.eln142                               eln-appstream  52.8 KiB
 libpng                               x86_64 2:1.6.44-1.eln143                              eln-baseos    237.7 KiB
 librsvg2                             x86_64 2.59.1-1.eln143                                eln-appstream   4.6 MiB
 libstdc++-devel                      x86_64 14.2.1-4.eln143                                eln-appstream  15.5 MiB
 libthai                              x86_64 0.1.29-9.eln142                                eln-appstream 787.5 KiB
 libtiff                              x86_64 4.6.0-6.eln142                                 eln-appstream 606.0 KiB
 libwebp                              x86_64 1.4.0-4.eln142                                 eln-appstream 810.6 KiB
 libxcb                               x86_64 1.17.0-3.eln143                                eln-appstream   1.2 MiB
 libxcrypt-devel                      x86_64 4.4.36-7.eln142                                eln-appstream  30.3 KiB
 libxslt                              x86_64 1.1.42-2.eln142                                eln-appstream 483.0 KiB
 mpdecimal                            x86_64 2.5.1-16.eln142                                eln-baseos    200.8 KiB
 ncurses                              x86_64 6.5-2.20240629.eln142                          eln-baseos    635.2 KiB
 ncurses-c++-libs                     x86_64 6.5-2.20240629.eln142                          eln-appstream 161.7 KiB
 ncurses-devel                        x86_64 6.5-2.20240629.eln142                          eln-appstream 870.1 KiB
 nettle                               x86_64 3.10-3.eln142                                  eln-baseos    801.0 KiB
 npth                                 x86_64 1.7-2.eln142                                   eln-baseos     53.4 KiB
 nspr                                 x86_64 4.35.0-29.eln142                               eln-appstream 320.4 KiB
 nss                                  x86_64 3.104.0-1.eln142                               eln-appstream   1.9 MiB
 nss-softokn                          x86_64 3.104.0-1.eln142                               eln-appstream   1.9 MiB
 nss-softokn-freebl                   x86_64 3.104.0-1.eln142                               eln-appstream 783.6 KiB
 nss-sysinit                          x86_64 3.104.0-1.eln142                               eln-appstream  22.2 KiB
 nss-util                             x86_64 3.104.0-1.eln142                               eln-appstream 205.1 KiB
 openjpeg                             x86_64 2.5.2-4.eln142                                 eln-appstream 445.6 KiB
 openssh                              x86_64 9.8p1-4.eln142                                 eln-baseos      1.8 MiB
 openssh-clients                      x86_64 9.8p1-4.eln142                                 eln-baseos      2.6 MiB
 pango                                x86_64 1.54.0-2.eln142                                eln-appstream   1.0 MiB
 perl-AutoLoader                      noarch 5.74-511.eln142                                eln-baseos     20.5 KiB
 perl-B                               x86_64 1.89-511.eln142                                eln-baseos    498.0 KiB
 perl-Carp                            noarch 1.54-511.eln142                                eln-baseos     46.6 KiB
 perl-Class-Struct                    noarch 0.68-511.eln142                                eln-baseos     25.4 KiB
 perl-Data-Dumper                     x86_64 2.189-512.eln142                               eln-baseos    115.7 KiB
 perl-Digest                          noarch 1.20-511.eln142                                eln-baseos     35.3 KiB
 perl-Digest-MD5                      x86_64 2.59-5.eln142                                  eln-baseos     63.8 KiB
 perl-DynaLoader                      x86_64 1.56-511.eln142                                eln-baseos     32.1 KiB
 perl-Encode                          x86_64 4:3.21-511.eln142                              eln-baseos      4.7 MiB
 perl-Errno                           x86_64 1.38-511.eln142                                eln-baseos      8.4 KiB
 perl-Error                           noarch 1:0.17029-16.eln142                            eln-appstream  77.3 KiB
 perl-Exporter                        noarch 5.78-511.eln142                                eln-baseos     54.3 KiB
 perl-Fcntl                           x86_64 1.18-511.eln142                                eln-baseos     49.0 KiB
 perl-File-Basename                   noarch 2.86-511.eln142                                eln-baseos     14.0 KiB
 perl-File-Find                       noarch 1.44-511.eln142                                eln-appstream  41.9 KiB
 perl-File-Path                       noarch 2.18-511.eln142                                eln-baseos     63.5 KiB
 perl-File-Temp                       noarch 1:0.231.100-511.eln142                         eln-baseos    162.3 KiB
 perl-File-stat                       noarch 1.14-511.eln142                                eln-baseos     12.5 KiB
 perl-FileHandle                      noarch 2.05-511.eln142                                eln-baseos      9.3 KiB
 perl-Getopt-Long                     noarch 1:2.58-2.eln142                                eln-baseos    144.5 KiB
 perl-Getopt-Std                      noarch 1.14-511.eln142                                eln-baseos     11.2 KiB
 perl-Git                             noarch 2.46.2-1.eln143                                eln-appstream  64.1 KiB
 perl-HTTP-Tiny                       noarch 0.088-512.eln142                               eln-baseos    152.2 KiB
 perl-IO                              x86_64 1.55-511.eln142                                eln-baseos    151.1 KiB
 perl-IO-Socket-IP                    noarch 0.42-512.eln142                                eln-baseos     98.7 KiB
 perl-IO-Socket-SSL                   noarch 2.089-1.eln142                                 eln-baseos    703.3 KiB
 perl-IPC-Open3                       noarch 1.22-511.eln142                                eln-baseos     22.5 KiB
 perl-MIME-Base32                     noarch 1.303-22.eln142                                eln-baseos     30.7 KiB
 perl-MIME-Base64                     x86_64 3.16-511.eln142                                eln-baseos     46.1 KiB
 perl-Mozilla-CA                      noarch 20240924-1.eln143                              eln-baseos     10.3 KiB
 perl-Net-SSLeay                      x86_64 1.94-7.eln142                                  eln-baseos      1.3 MiB
 perl-POSIX                           x86_64 2.20-511.eln142                                eln-baseos    231.1 KiB
 perl-PathTools                       x86_64 3.91-511.eln142                                eln-baseos    184.0 KiB
 perl-Pod-Escapes                     noarch 1:1.07-511.eln142                              eln-baseos     24.9 KiB
 perl-Pod-Perldoc                     noarch 3.28.01-512.eln142                             eln-baseos    163.7 KiB
 perl-Pod-Simple                      noarch 1:3.45-511.eln142                              eln-baseos    560.9 KiB
 perl-Pod-Usage                       noarch 4:2.03-511.eln142                              eln-baseos     84.8 KiB
 perl-Scalar-List-Utils               x86_64 5:1.66-1.eln143                                eln-baseos    146.6 KiB
 perl-SelectSaver                     noarch 1.02-511.eln142                                eln-baseos      2.2 KiB
 perl-Socket                          x86_64 4:2.038-511.eln142                             eln-baseos    124.0 KiB
 perl-Storable                        x86_64 1:3.32-511.eln142                              eln-baseos    232.4 KiB
 perl-Symbol                          noarch 1.09-511.eln142                                eln-baseos      6.8 KiB
 perl-Term-ANSIColor                  noarch 5.01-512.eln142                                eln-baseos     97.5 KiB
 perl-Term-Cap                        noarch 1.18-511.eln142                                eln-baseos     29.3 KiB
 perl-TermReadKey                     x86_64 2.38-23.eln142                                 eln-appstream  68.1 KiB
 perl-Text-ParseWords                 noarch 3.31-511.eln142                                eln-baseos     13.6 KiB
 perl-Text-Tabs+Wrap                  noarch 2024.001-511.eln142                            eln-baseos     22.6 KiB
 perl-Time-Local                      noarch 2:1.350-511.eln142                             eln-baseos     69.0 KiB
 perl-URI                             noarch 5.29-1.eln142                                  eln-baseos    251.9 KiB
 perl-base                            noarch 2.27-511.eln142                                eln-baseos     12.5 KiB
 perl-constant                        noarch 1.33-512.eln142                                eln-baseos     26.2 KiB
 perl-if                              noarch 0.61.000-511.eln142                            eln-baseos      5.8 KiB
 perl-interpreter                     x86_64 4:5.40.0-511.eln142                            eln-baseos    122.3 KiB
 perl-lib                             x86_64 0.65-511.eln142                                eln-appstream   8.5 KiB
 perl-libnet                          noarch 3.15-512.eln142                                eln-baseos    289.4 KiB
 perl-libs                            x86_64 4:5.40.0-511.eln142                            eln-baseos      9.9 MiB
 perl-locale                          noarch 1.12-511.eln142                                eln-baseos      6.5 KiB
 perl-mro                             x86_64 1.29-511.eln142                                eln-baseos     45.6 KiB
 perl-overload                        noarch 1.37-511.eln142                                eln-baseos     71.5 KiB
 perl-overloading                     noarch 0.02-511.eln142                                eln-baseos      4.8 KiB
 perl-parent                          noarch 1:0.242-1.eln142                               eln-baseos     10.0 KiB
 perl-podlators                       noarch 1:6.0.2-2.eln142                               eln-baseos    317.5 KiB
 perl-vars                            noarch 1.05-511.eln142                                eln-baseos      3.9 KiB
 pixman                               x86_64 0.43.4-2.eln142                                eln-appstream 674.1 KiB
 poppler                              x86_64 24.08.0-1.eln142                               eln-appstream   3.6 MiB
 poppler-data                         noarch 0.4.11-8.eln142                                eln-appstream  12.3 MiB
 poppler-glib                         x86_64 24.08.0-1.eln142                               eln-appstream 586.9 KiB
 python-pip-wheel                     noarch 24.2-2.eln143                                  eln-baseos      1.2 MiB
 python3                              x86_64 3.13.0~rc3-1.eln143                            eln-baseos     31.8 KiB
 python3-libs                         x86_64 3.13.0~rc3-1.eln143                            eln-baseos     40.4 MiB
 redhat-text-vf-fonts                 noarch 4.0.3-12.eln142                                eln-baseos    549.6 KiB
 rsvg-pixbuf-loader                   x86_64 2.59.1-1.eln143                                eln-appstream 347.9 KiB
 sgml-common                          noarch 0.6.3-65.eln142                                eln-appstream 168.1 KiB
 shared-mime-info                     x86_64 2.3-6.eln142                                   eln-baseos      5.2 MiB
 source-highlight                     x86_64 3.1.9-23.eln142                                eln-appstream   3.1 MiB
 sqlite                               x86_64 3.46.0-4.eln142                                eln-appstream   1.8 MiB
 tpm2-tss                             x86_64 4.1.3-3.eln142                                 eln-baseos      1.6 MiB
 tzdata                               noarch 2024a-9.eln142                                 eln-baseos      1.7 MiB
 urw-base35-bookman-fonts             noarch 20200910-23.eln142                             eln-appstream   1.4 MiB
 urw-base35-c059-fonts                noarch 20200910-23.eln142                             eln-appstream   1.4 MiB
 urw-base35-d050000l-fonts            noarch 20200910-23.eln142                             eln-appstream  84.3 KiB
 urw-base35-fonts                     noarch 20200910-23.eln142                             eln-appstream   5.3 KiB
 urw-base35-fonts-common              noarch 20200910-23.eln142                             eln-appstream  37.4 KiB
 urw-base35-gothic-fonts              noarch 20200910-23.eln142                             eln-appstream   1.2 MiB
 urw-base35-nimbus-mono-ps-fonts      noarch 20200910-23.eln142                             eln-appstream   1.0 MiB
 urw-base35-nimbus-roman-fonts        noarch 20200910-23.eln142                             eln-appstream   1.4 MiB
 urw-base35-nimbus-sans-fonts         noarch 20200910-23.eln142                             eln-appstream   2.4 MiB
 urw-base35-p052-fonts                noarch 20200910-23.eln142                             eln-appstream   1.5 MiB
 urw-base35-standard-symbols-ps-fonts noarch 20200910-23.eln142                             eln-appstream  64.9 KiB
 urw-base35-z003-fonts                noarch 20200910-23.eln142                             eln-appstream 390.8 KiB
 xml-common                           noarch 0.6.3-65.eln142                                eln-appstream  78.4 KiB

Transaction Summary:
 Installing:      195 packages

Total size of inbound packages is 164 MiB. Need to download 164 MiB.
After this operation 561 MiB will be used (install 561 MiB, remove 0 B).
[  1/195] asciidoc-0:10.2.0-11.eln142.n 100% |   4.8 MiB/s | 420.5 KiB |  00m00s
[  2/195] git-0:2.46.2-1.eln143.x86_64  100% |   4.6 MiB/s |  52.2 KiB |  00m00s
[  3/195] make-1:4.4.1-9.eln143.x86_64  100% |  20.5 MiB/s | 587.7 KiB |  00m00s
[  4/195] openssl-devel-1:3.2.2-8.eln14 100% |  21.6 MiB/s |   2.8 MiB |  00m00s
[  5/195] zlib-ng-compat-devel-0:2.1.7- 100% |   2.9 MiB/s |  38.1 KiB |  00m00s
[  6/195] readline-devel-0:8.2-11.eln14 100% |  13.5 MiB/s | 206.9 KiB |  00m00s
[  7/195] sqlite-devel-0:3.46.0-4.eln14 100% |   8.6 MiB/s | 149.0 KiB |  00m00s
[  8/195] tcl-1:8.6.14-2.eln142.x86_64  100% |  25.8 MiB/s |   1.3 MiB |  00m00s
[  9/195] gcc-c++-0:14.2.1-4.eln143.x86 100% |  39.9 MiB/s |  15.1 MiB |  00m00s
[ 10/195] docbook-style-xsl-0:1.79.2-23 100% |  18.4 MiB/s |   1.5 MiB |  00m00s
[ 11/195] graphviz-0:12.1.2-1.eln143.x8 100% |  20.0 MiB/s |   1.3 MiB |  00m00s
[ 12/195] libxslt-0:1.1.42-2.eln142.x86 100% |  14.2 MiB/s | 189.0 KiB |  00m00s
[ 13/195] source-highlight-0:3.1.9-23.e 100% |  39.1 MiB/s | 760.7 KiB |  00m00s
[ 14/195] python3-0:3.13.0~rc3-1.eln143 100% |   2.5 MiB/s |  27.8 KiB |  00m00s
[ 15/195] glibc-devel-0:2.40.9000-1.eln 100% |   1.4 MiB/s | 135.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 16/195] libmpc-0:1.3.1-6.eln142.x86_6 100% |   4.7 MiB/s |  71.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 17/195] libstdc++-devel-0:14.2.1-4.el 100% |  32.1 MiB/s |   2.8 MiB |  00m00s
[ 18/195] git-core-0:2.46.2-1.eln143.x8 100% |  32.1 MiB/s |   4.9 MiB |  00m00s
[ 19/195] git-core-doc-0:2.46.2-1.eln14 100% |  40.6 MiB/s |   3.0 MiB |  00m00s
[ 20/195] perl-File-Find-0:1.44-511.eln 100% |   1.5 MiB/s |  25.4 KiB |  00m00s
[ 21/195] perl-Git-0:2.46.2-1.eln143.no 100% |   3.2 MiB/s |  38.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 22/195] perl-TermReadKey-0:2.38-23.el 100% | 373.0 KiB/s |  35.4 KiB |  00m00s
[ 23/195] perl-lib-0:0.65-511.eln142.x8 100% |   1.2 MiB/s |  14.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 24/195] perl-File-Basename-0:2.86-511 100% |   1.7 MiB/s |  17.2 KiB |  00m00s
[ 25/195] perl-Getopt-Long-1:2.58-2.eln 100% |   4.5 MiB/s |  63.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 26/195] perl-IPC-Open3-0:1.22-511.eln 100% |   1.1 MiB/s |  21.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 27/195] perl-PathTools-0:3.91-511.eln 100% |   2.8 MiB/s |  87.4 KiB |  00m00s
[ 28/195] perl-interpreter-4:5.40.0-511 100% |   5.4 MiB/s |  72.3 KiB |  00m00s
[ 29/195] perl-libs-4:5.40.0-511.eln142 100% |  26.5 MiB/s |   2.3 MiB |  00m00s
[ 30/195] cmake-filesystem-0:3.28.3-7.e 100% |   1.4 MiB/s |  18.3 KiB |  00m00s
[ 31/195] cpp-0:14.2.1-4.eln143.x86_64  100% |  16.2 MiB/s |  12.8 MiB |  00m01s
[ 32/195] ncurses-devel-0:6.5-2.2024062 100% |   6.9 MiB/s | 570.0 KiB |  00m00s
[ 33/195] docbook-dtds-0:1.0-87.eln142. 100% |  18.2 MiB/s | 334.8 KiB |  00m00s
[ 34/195] xml-common-0:0.6.3-65.eln142. 100% |   2.3 MiB/s |  31.2 KiB |  00m00s
[ 35/195] sqlite-0:3.46.0-4.eln142.x86_ 100% |   9.8 MiB/s | 872.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 36/195] fontconfig-0:2.15.0-8.eln142. 100% |  15.5 MiB/s | 270.2 KiB |  00m00s
[ 37/195] gd-0:2.3.3-17.eln142.x86_64   100% |   8.7 MiB/s | 133.8 KiB |  00m00s
[ 38/195] cairo-0:1.18.0-4.eln142.x86_6 100% |  19.2 MiB/s | 707.4 KiB |  00m00s
[ 39/195] graphviz-libs-0:12.1.2-1.eln1 100% |  11.9 MiB/s | 475.4 KiB |  00m00s
[ 40/195] gdk-pixbuf2-0:2.42.12-9.eln14 100% |  11.4 MiB/s | 489.0 KiB |  00m00s
[ 41/195] libXrender-0:0.9.11-7.eln142. 100% |   2.4 MiB/s |  27.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 42/195] libX11-0:1.8.10-2.eln142.x86_ 100% |  30.3 MiB/s | 650.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 43/195] librsvg2-0:2.59.1-1.eln143.x8 100% |  28.6 MiB/s |   1.7 MiB |  00m00s
[ 44/195] libwebp-0:1.4.0-4.eln142.x86_ 100% |  20.4 MiB/s | 293.1 KiB |  00m00s
[ 45/195] pango-0:1.54.0-2.eln142.x86_6 100% |   2.8 MiB/s | 347.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 46/195] poppler-glib-0:24.08.0-1.eln1 100% |  11.0 MiB/s | 192.1 KiB |  00m00s
[ 47/195] urw-base35-fonts-0:20200910-2 100% | 913.7 KiB/s |  10.1 KiB |  00m00s
[ 48/195] libgs-0:10.03.1-3.eln142.x86_ 100% |  13.3 MiB/s |   3.4 MiB |  00m00s
[ 49/195] expat-0:2.6.3-1.eln142.x86_64 100% |   6.6 MiB/s | 114.1 KiB |  00m00s
[ 50/195] freetype-0:2.13.2-6.eln142.x8 100% |  19.1 MiB/s | 411.4 KiB |  00m00s
[ 51/195] harfbuzz-0:10.0.1-1.eln143.x8 100% |  14.7 MiB/s |   1.0 MiB |  00m00s
[ 52/195] boost-regex-0:1.83.0-8.eln142 100% |   9.9 MiB/s | 111.4 KiB |  00m00s
[ 53/195] glib2-0:2.82.1-2.eln143.x86_6 100% |  27.2 MiB/s |   3.0 MiB |  00m00s
[ 54/195] glibc-headers-0:2.40.9000-1.e 100% |  26.7 MiB/s | 627.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 55/195] kernel-headers-0:6.12.0-0.rc2 100% |  32.9 MiB/s |   2.1 MiB |  00m00s
[ 56/195] libxcrypt-devel-0:4.4.36-7.el 100% |   2.3 MiB/s |  28.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 57/195] less-0:661-2.eln142.x86_64    100% |  11.5 MiB/s | 188.7 KiB |  00m00s
[ 58/195] openssh-clients-0:9.8p1-4.eln 100% |  22.0 MiB/s | 744.6 KiB |  00m00s
[ 59/195] perl-Exporter-0:5.78-511.eln1 100% |   2.5 MiB/s |  31.0 KiB |  00m00s
[ 60/195] perl-Error-1:0.17029-16.eln14 100% |   3.6 MiB/s |  40.6 KiB |  00m00s
[ 61/195] perl-constant-0:1.33-512.eln1 100% |   2.3 MiB/s |  23.0 KiB |  00m00s
[ 62/195] perl-DynaLoader-0:1.56-511.el 100% |   2.5 MiB/s |  26.0 KiB |  00m00s
[ 63/195] perl-vars-0:1.05-511.eln142.n 100% |   1.3 MiB/s |  13.0 KiB |  00m00s
[ 64/195] perl-Carp-0:1.54-511.eln142.n 100% |   2.6 MiB/s |  28.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 65/195] perl-Pod-Usage-4:2.03-511.eln 100% |   3.6 MiB/s |  40.1 KiB |  00m00s
[ 66/195] perl-Text-ParseWords-0:3.31-5 100% | 719.5 KiB/s |  16.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 67/195] perl-base-0:2.27-511.eln142.n 100% |   1.3 MiB/s |  16.2 KiB |  00m00s
[ 68/195] perl-overload-0:1.37-511.eln1 100% |   4.0 MiB/s |  45.6 KiB |  00m00s
[ 69/195] perl-Fcntl-0:1.18-511.eln142. 100% |   2.6 MiB/s |  29.8 KiB |  00m00s
[ 70/195] perl-IO-0:1.55-511.eln142.x86 100% |   6.7 MiB/s |  81.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 71/195] perl-POSIX-0:2.20-511.eln142. 100% |   7.9 MiB/s |  96.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 72/195] perl-Symbol-0:1.09-511.eln142 100% |   1.3 MiB/s |  14.2 KiB |  00m00s
[ 73/195] python3-libs-0:3.13.0~rc3-1.e 100% |  25.4 MiB/s |   9.1 MiB |  00m00s
[ 74/195] perl-Errno-0:1.38-511.eln142. 100% | 829.3 KiB/s |  14.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 75/195] perl-Scalar-List-Utils-5:1.66 100% |   3.5 MiB/s |  72.3 KiB |  00m00s
[ 76/195] ncurses-c++-libs-0:6.5-2.2024 100% |   2.8 MiB/s |  37.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 77/195] perl-Encode-4:3.21-511.eln142 100% |  30.1 MiB/s |   1.1 MiB |  00m00s
[ 78/195] sgml-common-0:0.6.3-65.eln142 100% |   5.4 MiB/s |  60.7 KiB |  00m00s
[ 79/195] libXext-0:1.3.6-2.eln142.x86_ 100% |   3.5 MiB/s |  39.1 KiB |  00m00s
[ 80/195] libxcb-0:1.17.0-3.eln143.x86_ 100% |  19.6 MiB/s | 240.8 KiB |  00m00s
[ 81/195] pixman-0:0.43.4-2.eln142.x86_ 100% |  11.6 MiB/s | 284.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 82/195] libpng-2:1.6.44-1.eln143.x86_ 100% |   9.7 MiB/s | 118.8 KiB |  00m00s
[ 83/195] default-fonts-core-sans-0:4.1 100% |   2.8 MiB/s |  31.3 KiB |  00m00s
[ 84/195] fonts-filesystem-1:2.0.5-17.e 100% | 780.1 KiB/s |   8.6 KiB |  00m00s
[ 85/195] libXpm-0:3.5.17-4.eln142.x86_ 100% |   5.9 MiB/s |  66.2 KiB |  00m00s
[ 86/195] libjpeg-turbo-0:3.0.4-1.eln14 100% |  16.5 MiB/s | 254.1 KiB |  00m00s
[ 87/195] libtiff-0:4.6.0-6.eln142.x86_ 100% |  13.9 MiB/s | 212.8 KiB |  00m00s
[ 88/195] libX11-common-0:1.8.10-2.eln1 100% |   6.4 MiB/s | 175.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 89/195] shared-mime-info-0:2.3-6.eln1 100% |  12.7 MiB/s | 390.8 KiB |  00m00s
[ 90/195] adobe-mappings-cmap-deprecate 100% |   6.4 MiB/s | 110.6 KiB |  00m00s
[ 91/195] adobe-mappings-pdf-0:20190401 100% |   6.4 MiB/s | 627.4 KiB |  00m00s
[ 92/195] adobe-mappings-cmap-0:2023062 100% |  17.0 MiB/s |   2.1 MiB |  00m00s
[ 93/195] jbig2dec-libs-0:0.20-5.eln142 100% |   6.1 MiB/s |  74.4 KiB |  00m00s
[ 94/195] lcms2-0:2.16-4.eln142.x86_64  100% |  11.7 MiB/s | 180.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 95/195] libijs-0:0.35-23.eln142.x86_6 100% |   2.6 MiB/s |  29.6 KiB |  00m00s
[ 96/195] libpaper-1:2.1.1-7.eln142.x86 100% |   2.4 MiB/s |  27.3 KiB |  00m00s
[ 97/195] openjpeg-0:2.5.2-4.eln142.x86 100% |  14.1 MiB/s | 188.1 KiB |  00m00s
[ 98/195] cups-libs-1:2.4.10-7.eln143.x 100% |  18.2 MiB/s | 260.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 99/195] cairo-gobject-0:1.18.0-4.eln1 100% |   1.2 MiB/s |  17.4 KiB |  00m00s
[100/195] google-droid-sans-fonts-0:202 100% |  22.7 MiB/s |   2.7 MiB |  00m00s
[101/195] rsvg-pixbuf-loader-0:2.59.1-1 100% |  12.6 MiB/s | 168.4 KiB |  00m00s
[102/195] fribidi-0:1.0.16-1.eln143.x86 100% |   4.8 MiB/s |  53.8 KiB |  00m00s
[103/195] libXft-0:2.3.8-7.eln142.x86_6 100% |   5.9 MiB/s |  72.6 KiB |  00m00s
[104/195] libthai-0:0.1.29-9.eln142.x86 100% |  14.8 MiB/s | 211.7 KiB |  00m00s
[105/195] poppler-0:24.08.0-1.eln142.x8 100% |  19.6 MiB/s |   1.2 MiB |  00m00s
[106/195] urw-base35-bookman-fonts-0:20 100% |  11.5 MiB/s | 846.9 KiB |  00m00s
[107/195] urw-base35-c059-fonts-0:20200 100% |  27.5 MiB/s | 874.0 KiB |  00m00s
[108/195] urw-base35-d050000l-fonts-0:2 100% |   6.2 MiB/s |  75.8 KiB |  00m00s
[109/195] urw-base35-fonts-common-0:202 100% |   1.8 MiB/s |  20.8 KiB |  00m00s
[110/195] urw-base35-gothic-fonts-0:202 100% |   8.6 MiB/s | 642.5 KiB |  00m00s
[111/195] urw-base35-nimbus-mono-ps-fon 100% |  11.6 MiB/s | 794.7 KiB |  00m00s
[112/195] urw-base35-nimbus-roman-fonts 100% |  22.0 MiB/s | 856.0 KiB |  00m00s
[113/195] urw-base35-nimbus-sans-fonts- 100% |  31.8 MiB/s |   1.3 MiB |  00m00s
[114/195] urw-base35-standard-symbols-p 100% |   4.7 MiB/s |  58.3 KiB |  00m00s
[115/195] urw-base35-z003-fonts-0:20200 100% |  17.9 MiB/s | 275.5 KiB |  00m00s
[116/195] urw-base35-p052-fonts-0:20200 100% |  23.2 MiB/s | 973.2 KiB |  00m00s
[117/195] graphite2-0:1.3.14-16.eln142. 100% |   7.7 MiB/s |  95.0 KiB |  00m00s
[118/195] gnutls-0:3.8.7-4.eln142.x86_6 100% |  31.5 MiB/s |   1.3 MiB |  00m00s
[119/195] mpdecimal-0:2.5.1-16.eln142.x 100% |   7.9 MiB/s |  89.2 KiB |  00m00s
[120/195] python-pip-wheel-0:24.2-2.eln 100% |  27.3 MiB/s |   1.2 MiB |  00m00s
[121/195] tzdata-0:2024a-9.eln142.noarc 100% |  21.8 MiB/s | 714.7 KiB |  00m00s
[122/195] libedit-0:3.1-53.20240808cvs. 100% |   8.6 MiB/s | 105.8 KiB |  00m00s
[123/195] libfido2-0:1.15.0-2.eln142.x8 100% |   8.0 MiB/s |  98.7 KiB |  00m00s
[124/195] openssh-0:9.8p1-4.eln142.x86_ 100% |  25.3 MiB/s | 414.6 KiB |  00m00s
[125/195] perl-Pod-Perldoc-0:3.28.01-51 100% |   6.5 MiB/s |  86.1 KiB |  00m00s
[126/195] perl-podlators-1:6.0.2-2.eln1 100% |   9.7 MiB/s | 128.8 KiB |  00m00s
[127/195] perl-mro-0:1.29-511.eln142.x8 100% |   2.7 MiB/s |  29.9 KiB |  00m00s
[128/195] perl-overloading-0:0.02-511.e 100% |   1.1 MiB/s |  12.9 KiB |  00m00s
[129/195] perl-File-stat-0:1.14-511.eln 100% |   1.5 MiB/s |  17.1 KiB |  00m00s
[130/195] perl-SelectSaver-0:1.02-511.e 100% | 733.9 KiB/s |  11.7 KiB |  00m00s
[131/195] perl-Socket-4:2.038-511.eln14 100% |   3.6 MiB/s |  54.9 KiB |  00m00s
[132/195] perl-locale-0:1.12-511.eln142 100% |   1.2 MiB/s |  13.6 KiB |  00m00s
[133/195] perl-Getopt-Std-0:1.14-511.el 100% |   1.5 MiB/s |  15.7 KiB |  00m00s
[134/195] perl-MIME-Base64-0:3.16-511.e 100% | 301.6 KiB/s |  29.9 KiB |  00m00s
[135/195] perl-Storable-1:3.32-511.eln1 100% |   3.8 MiB/s |  98.5 KiB |  00m00s
[136/195] perl-parent-1:0.242-1.eln142. 100% | 682.0 KiB/s |  15.0 KiB |  00m00s
[137/195] libXau-0:1.0.11-7.eln142.x86_ 100% |   1.9 MiB/s |  31.8 KiB |  00m00s
[138/195] libicu-0:74.2-2.eln142.x86_64 100% |  20.1 MiB/s |  10.4 MiB |  00m01s
[139/195] google-noto-sans-vf-fonts-0:2 100% |   6.7 MiB/s | 593.8 KiB |  00m00s
[140/195] jbigkit-libs-0:2.1-30.eln142. 100% |   4.0 MiB/s |  53.7 KiB |  00m00s
[141/195] redhat-text-vf-fonts-0:4.0.3- 100% |  19.1 MiB/s | 391.0 KiB |  00m00s
[142/195] liblerc-0:4.0.0-7.eln142.x86_ 100% |  16.3 MiB/s | 217.0 KiB |  00m00s
[143/195] avahi-libs-0:0.8-30.eln142.x8 100% |   5.9 MiB/s |  66.8 KiB |  00m00s
[144/195] libdatrie-0:0.2.13-10.eln142. 100% |   2.9 MiB/s |  32.1 KiB |  00m00s
[145/195] gpgmepp-0:1.23.2-5.eln142.x86 100% |  11.3 MiB/s | 139.4 KiB |  00m00s
[146/195] nss-0:3.104.0-1.eln142.x86_64 100% |  25.6 MiB/s | 706.4 KiB |  00m00s
[147/195] nspr-0:4.35.0-29.eln142.x86_6 100% |   1.7 MiB/s | 138.0 KiB |  00m00s
[148/195] poppler-data-0:0.4.11-8.eln14 100% |  24.1 MiB/s |   2.0 MiB |  00m00s
[149/195] nettle-0:3.10-3.eln142.x86_64 100% |  13.5 MiB/s | 428.7 KiB |  00m00s
[150/195] libcbor-0:0.11.0-2.eln142.x86 100% |   3.0 MiB/s |  33.4 KiB |  00m00s
[151/195] perl-File-Temp-1:0.231.100-51 100% |   3.6 MiB/s |  59.2 KiB |  00m00s
[152/195] groff-base-0:1.23.0-7.eln142. 100% |  35.5 MiB/s |   1.1 MiB |  00m00s
[153/195] perl-HTTP-Tiny-0:0.088-512.el 100% |   3.6 MiB/s |  55.9 KiB |  00m00s
[154/195] perl-Pod-Simple-1:3.45-511.el 100% |  16.5 MiB/s | 219.1 KiB |  00m00s
[155/195] perl-Term-ANSIColor-0:5.01-51 100% |   3.9 MiB/s |  47.7 KiB |  00m00s
[156/195] perl-Term-Cap-0:1.18-511.eln1 100% |   2.2 MiB/s |  22.1 KiB |  00m00s
[157/195] perl-Class-Struct-0:0.68-511. 100% |   2.2 MiB/s |  22.1 KiB |  00m00s
[158/195] google-noto-fonts-common-0:20 100% |   1.6 MiB/s |  17.7 KiB |  00m00s
[159/195] dbus-libs-1:1.14.10-4.eln142. 100% |  10.9 MiB/s | 155.7 KiB |  00m00s
[160/195] gpgme-0:1.23.2-5.eln142.x86_6 100% |  17.3 MiB/s | 212.4 KiB |  00m00s
[161/195] libassuan-0:2.5.7-2.eln142.x8 100% |   6.0 MiB/s |  67.4 KiB |  00m00s
[162/195] nss-softokn-0:3.104.0-1.eln14 100% |  28.8 MiB/s | 413.3 KiB |  00m00s
[163/195] nss-sysinit-0:3.104.0-1.eln14 100% |   1.9 MiB/s |  19.3 KiB |  00m00s
[164/195] nss-util-0:3.104.0-1.eln142.x 100% |   7.6 MiB/s |  86.2 KiB |  00m00s
[165/195] perl-File-Path-0:2.18-511.eln 100% |   3.1 MiB/s |  35.2 KiB |  00m00s
[166/195] perl-Mozilla-CA-0:20240924-1. 100% |   1.2 MiB/s |  14.6 KiB |  00m00s
[167/195] perl-IO-Socket-SSL-0:2.089-1. 100% |  17.4 MiB/s | 231.3 KiB |  00m00s
[168/195] perl-Time-Local-2:1.350-511.e 100% |   1.9 MiB/s |  34.6 KiB |  00m00s
[169/195] perl-Net-SSLeay-0:1.94-7.eln1 100% |  18.3 MiB/s | 374.1 KiB |  00m00s
[170/195] perl-Pod-Escapes-1:1.07-511.e 100% |   1.9 MiB/s |  19.9 KiB |  00m00s
[171/195] perl-Text-Tabs+Wrap-0:2024.00 100% |   2.1 MiB/s |  21.9 KiB |  00m00s
[172/195] perl-if-0:0.61.000-511.eln142 100% |   1.4 MiB/s |  14.0 KiB |  00m00s
[173/195] ncurses-0:6.5-2.20240629.eln1 100% |  29.5 MiB/s | 423.6 KiB |  00m00s
[174/195] libgpg-error-0:1.50-2.eln142. 100% |  16.6 MiB/s | 237.6 KiB |  00m00s
[175/195] nss-softokn-freebl-0:3.104.0- 100% |  21.1 MiB/s | 302.6 KiB |  00m00s
[176/195] perl-IO-Socket-IP-0:0.42-512. 100% |   3.7 MiB/s |  41.9 KiB |  00m00s
[177/195] perl-URI-0:5.29-1.eln142.noar 100% |   6.1 MiB/s | 137.6 KiB |  00m00s
[178/195] perl-AutoLoader-0:5.74-511.el 100% |   1.6 MiB/s |  21.3 KiB |  00m00s
[179/195] gnupg2-0:2.4.5-3.eln142.x86_6 100% |  28.9 MiB/s |   2.7 MiB |  00m00s
[180/195] libgcrypt-0:1.11.0-3.eln142.x 100% |   8.3 MiB/s | 581.4 KiB |  00m00s
[181/195] libksba-0:1.6.7-2.eln142.x86_ 100% |   2.6 MiB/s | 159.6 KiB |  00m00s
[182/195] npth-0:1.7-2.eln142.x86_64    100% |   2.4 MiB/s |  25.0 KiB |  00m00s
[183/195] tpm2-tss-0:4.1.3-3.eln142.x86 100% |  26.9 MiB/s | 412.5 KiB |  00m00s
[184/195] perl-Data-Dumper-0:2.189-512. 100% |   3.9 MiB/s |  56.4 KiB |  00m00s
[185/195] perl-MIME-Base32-0:1.303-22.e 100% |   1.8 MiB/s |  20.3 KiB |  00m00s
[186/195] perl-libnet-0:3.15-512.eln142 100% |   9.6 MiB/s | 128.4 KiB |  00m00s
[187/195] json-c-0:0.17-4.eln142.x86_64 100% |   3.6 MiB/s |  44.0 KiB |  00m00s
[188/195] perl-Digest-MD5-0:2.59-5.eln1 100% |   3.2 MiB/s |  36.4 KiB |  00m00s
[189/195] perl-B-0:1.89-511.eln142.x86_ 100% |  13.2 MiB/s | 176.3 KiB |  00m00s
[190/195] perl-FileHandle-0:2.05-511.el 100% |   1.5 MiB/s |  15.5 KiB |  00m00s
[191/195] perl-Digest-0:1.20-511.eln142 100% |   2.4 MiB/s |  24.9 KiB |  00m00s
[192/195] gcc-plugin-annobin-0:14.2.1-4 100% |   1.1 MiB/s |  55.6 KiB |  00m00s
[193/195] annobin-docs-0:12.70-1.eln142 100% |   6.9 MiB/s |  92.0 KiB |  00m00s
[194/195] annobin-plugin-gcc-0:12.70-1. 100% |  12.8 MiB/s | 971.7 KiB |  00m00s
[195/195] gcc-0:14.2.1-4.eln143.x86_64  100% |   6.9 MiB/s |  37.9 MiB |  00m05s
[195/195] Total                         100% |  29.8 MiB/s | 163.9 MiB |  00m06s
Running transaction
[  1/197] Verify package files          100% | 353.0   B/s | 195.0   B |  00m01s
[  2/197] Prepare transaction           100% | 894.0   B/s | 195.0   B |  00m00s
[  3/197] Installing nspr-0:4.35.0-29.e 100% |  78.6 MiB/s | 322.1 KiB |  00m00s
[  4/197] Installing libpng-2:1.6.44-1. 100% | 116.7 MiB/s | 239.0 KiB |  00m00s
[  5/197] Installing libgpg-error-0:1.5 100% |  48.8 MiB/s | 899.4 KiB |  00m00s
[  6/197] Installing libjpeg-turbo-0:3. 100% | 166.9 MiB/s | 854.7 KiB |  00m00s
[  7/197] Installing fonts-filesystem-1 100% | 769.5 KiB/s | 788.0   B |  00m00s
[  8/197] Installing urw-base35-fonts-c 100% |   9.4 MiB/s |  38.4 KiB |  00m00s
[  9/197] Installing nss-util-0:3.104.0 100% | 100.6 MiB/s | 206.1 KiB |  00m00s
[ 10/197] Installing expat-0:2.6.3-1.el 100% |  95.6 MiB/s | 293.6 KiB |  00m00s
[ 11/197] Installing libassuan-0:2.5.7- 100% |  82.8 MiB/s | 169.6 KiB |  00m00s
[ 12/197] Installing libwebp-0:1.4.0-4. 100% |  53.0 MiB/s | 814.7 KiB |  00m00s
>>> Running pre-install scriptlet: xml-common-0:0.6.3-65.eln142.noarch
>>> Stop pre-install scriptlet: xml-common-0:0.6.3-65.eln142.noarch
[ 13/197] Installing xml-common-0:0.6.3 100% |  39.6 MiB/s |  81.1 KiB |  00m00s
[ 14/197] Installing libmpc-0:1.3.1-6.e 100% |  81.1 MiB/s | 166.2 KiB |  00m00s
[ 15/197] Installing openjpeg-0:2.5.2-4 100% | 109.3 MiB/s | 447.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 16/197] Installing lcms2-0:2.16-4.eln 100% |  68.8 MiB/s | 422.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 17/197] Installing adobe-mappings-cma 100% |  58.8 MiB/s |  14.4 MiB |  00m00s
[ 18/197] Installing adobe-mappings-cma 100% | 142.9 MiB/s | 585.2 KiB |  00m00s
[ 19/197] Installing cpp-0:14.2.1-4.eln 100% |  96.6 MiB/s |  38.6 MiB |  00m00s
[ 20/197] Installing graphviz-libs-0:12 100% | 136.0 MiB/s |   1.2 MiB |  00m00s
[ 21/197] Installing nss-softokn-freebl 100% |  59.0 MiB/s | 785.8 KiB |  00m00s
[ 22/197] Installing nss-softokn-0:3.10 100% |  94.4 MiB/s |   1.9 MiB |  00m00s
[ 23/197] Installing nss-sysinit-0:3.10 100% |  22.7 MiB/s |  23.3 KiB |  00m00s
[ 24/197] Installing nss-0:3.104.0-1.el 100% |  67.3 MiB/s |   1.9 MiB |  00m00s
>>> Running post-install scriptlet: nss-0:3.104.0-1.eln142.x86_64
>>> Stop post-install scriptlet: nss-0:3.104.0-1.eln142.x86_64
[ 25/197] Installing urw-base35-bookman 100% |  50.6 MiB/s |   1.4 MiB |  00m00s
>>> Running post-install scriptlet: urw-base35-bookman-fonts-0:20200910-23.eln14
>>> Stop post-install scriptlet: urw-base35-bookman-fonts-0:20200910-23.eln142.n
[ 26/197] Installing urw-base35-c059-fo 100% |  46.5 MiB/s |   1.4 MiB |  00m00s
>>> Running post-install scriptlet: urw-base35-c059-fonts-0:20200910-23.eln142.n
>>> Stop post-install scriptlet: urw-base35-c059-fonts-0:20200910-23.eln142.noar
[ 27/197] Installing urw-base35-d050000 100% |   8.3 MiB/s |  85.4 KiB |  00m00s
>>> Running post-install scriptlet: urw-base35-d050000l-fonts-0:20200910-23.eln1
>>> Stop post-install scriptlet: urw-base35-d050000l-fonts-0:20200910-23.eln142.
[ 28/197] Installing urw-base35-gothic- 100% |  23.7 MiB/s |   1.2 MiB |  00m00s
>>> Running post-install scriptlet: urw-base35-gothic-fonts-0:20200910-23.eln142
>>> Stop post-install scriptlet: urw-base35-gothic-fonts-0:20200910-23.eln142.no
[ 29/197] Installing urw-base35-nimbus- 100% |  80.9 MiB/s |   1.1 MiB |  00m00s
>>> Running post-install scriptlet: urw-base35-nimbus-mono-ps-fonts-0:20200910-2
>>> Stop post-install scriptlet: urw-base35-nimbus-mono-ps-fonts-0:20200910-23.e
[ 30/197] Installing urw-base35-nimbus- 100% |  24.0 MiB/s |   1.4 MiB |  00m00s
>>> Running post-install scriptlet: urw-base35-nimbus-roman-fonts-0:20200910-23.
>>> Stop post-install scriptlet: urw-base35-nimbus-roman-fonts-0:20200910-23.eln
[ 31/197] Installing urw-base35-nimbus- 100% |  95.8 MiB/s |   2.4 MiB |  00m00s
>>> Running post-install scriptlet: urw-base35-nimbus-sans-fonts-0:20200910-23.e
>>> Stop post-install scriptlet: urw-base35-nimbus-sans-fonts-0:20200910-23.eln1
[ 32/197] Installing urw-base35-p052-fo 100% |  99.2 MiB/s |   1.5 MiB |  00m00s
>>> Running post-install scriptlet: urw-base35-p052-fonts-0:20200910-23.eln142.n
>>> Stop post-install scriptlet: urw-base35-p052-fonts-0:20200910-23.eln142.noar
[ 33/197] Installing urw-base35-standar 100% |   3.8 MiB/s |  66.0 KiB |  00m00s
>>> Running post-install scriptlet: urw-base35-standard-symbols-ps-fonts-0:20200
>>> Stop post-install scriptlet: urw-base35-standard-symbols-ps-fonts-0:20200910
[ 34/197] Installing urw-base35-z003-fo 100% |  38.3 MiB/s | 391.8 KiB |  00m00s
>>> Running post-install scriptlet: urw-base35-z003-fonts-0:20200910-23.eln142.n
>>> Stop post-install scriptlet: urw-base35-z003-fonts-0:20200910-23.eln142.noar
[ 35/197] Installing urw-base35-fonts-0 100% |   5.5 MiB/s |   5.6 KiB |  00m00s
[ 36/197] Installing google-droid-sans- 100% |  99.3 MiB/s |   6.3 MiB |  00m00s
[ 37/197] Installing redhat-text-vf-fon 100% |  33.7 MiB/s | 551.7 KiB |  00m00s
[ 38/197] Installing libgcrypt-0:1.11.0 100% | 193.7 MiB/s |   1.5 MiB |  00m00s
[ 39/197] Installing libksba-0:1.6.7-2. 100% |  24.5 MiB/s | 401.0 KiB |  00m00s
[ 40/197] Installing annobin-docs-0:12. 100% |  96.5 MiB/s |  98.8 KiB |  00m00s
[ 41/197] Installing json-c-0:0.17-4.el 100% |   3.3 MiB/s |  83.6 KiB |  00m00s
>>> Running pre-install scriptlet: tpm2-tss-0:4.1.3-3.eln142.x86_64
>>> Stop pre-install scriptlet: tpm2-tss-0:4.1.3-3.eln142.x86_64
[ 42/197] Installing tpm2-tss-0:4.1.3-3 100% |  29.4 MiB/s |   1.6 MiB |  00m00s
[ 43/197] Installing npth-0:1.7-2.eln14 100% |  53.3 MiB/s |  54.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 44/197] Installing ncurses-0:6.5-2.20 100% |  29.8 MiB/s | 641.8 KiB |  00m00s
[ 45/197] Installing dbus-libs-1:1.14.1 100% | 121.8 MiB/s | 374.0 KiB |  00m00s
[ 46/197] Installing avahi-libs-0:0.8-3 100% |  58.9 MiB/s | 181.1 KiB |  00m00s
[ 47/197] Installing google-noto-fonts- 100% |  17.8 MiB/s |  18.3 KiB |  00m00s
[ 48/197] Installing google-noto-sans-v 100% | 138.8 MiB/s |   1.2 MiB |  00m00s
[ 49/197] Installing default-fonts-core 100% |   1.4 MiB/s |  18.2 KiB |  00m00s
>>> Running pre-install scriptlet: groff-base-0:1.23.0-7.eln142.x86_64
>>> Stop pre-install scriptlet: groff-base-0:1.23.0-7.eln142.x86_64
[ 50/197] Installing groff-base-0:1.23. 100% |  65.9 MiB/s |   3.9 MiB |  00m00s
>>> Running post-install scriptlet: groff-base-0:1.23.0-7.eln142.x86_64
>>> Stop post-install scriptlet: groff-base-0:1.23.0-7.eln142.x86_64
[ 51/197] Installing perl-Digest-0:1.20 100% |  36.2 MiB/s |  37.1 KiB |  00m00s
[ 52/197] Installing perl-B-0:1.89-511. 100% | 122.4 MiB/s | 501.4 KiB |  00m00s
[ 53/197] Installing perl-FileHandle-0: 100% |   9.5 MiB/s |   9.8 KiB |  00m00s
[ 54/197] Installing perl-Digest-MD5-0: 100% |  32.1 MiB/s |  65.7 KiB |  00m00s
[ 55/197] Installing perl-MIME-Base32-0 100% |  31.4 MiB/s |  32.2 KiB |  00m00s
[ 56/197] Installing perl-Data-Dumper-0 100% |  57.4 MiB/s | 117.6 KiB |  00m00s
[ 57/197] Installing perl-libnet-0:3.15 100% |   4.2 MiB/s | 294.7 KiB |  00m00s
[ 58/197] Installing perl-IO-Socket-IP- 100% |  98.1 MiB/s | 100.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 59/197] Installing perl-AutoLoader-0: 100% |  20.5 MiB/s |  20.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 60/197] Installing perl-URI-0:5.29-1. 100% |  51.5 MiB/s | 263.8 KiB |  00m00s
[ 61/197] Installing perl-locale-0:1.12 100% |   0.0   B/s |   6.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 62/197] Installing perl-File-Path-0:2 100% |  63.0 MiB/s |  64.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 63/197] Installing perl-Mozilla-CA-0: 100% | 808.9 KiB/s |  11.3 KiB |  00m00s
[ 64/197] Installing perl-Time-Local-2: 100% |  68.9 MiB/s |  70.6 KiB |  00m00s
[ 65/197] Installing perl-Pod-Escapes-1 100% |  25.3 MiB/s |  25.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 66/197] Installing perl-Text-Tabs+Wra 100% |  23.3 MiB/s |  23.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 67/197] Installing perl-if-0:0.61.000 100% |   6.1 MiB/s |   6.2 KiB |  00m00s
[ 68/197] Installing perl-Net-SSLeay-0: 100% | 113.6 MiB/s |   1.4 MiB |  00m00s
[ 69/197] Installing perl-IO-Socket-SSL 100% | 172.7 MiB/s | 707.4 KiB |  00m00s
[ 70/197] Installing perl-POSIX-0:2.20- 100% |  16.2 MiB/s | 232.4 KiB |  00m00s
[ 71/197] Installing perl-Term-ANSIColo 100% |  48.4 MiB/s |  99.2 KiB |  00m00s
[ 72/197] Installing perl-Term-Cap-0:1. 100% |  29.9 MiB/s |  30.6 KiB |  00m00s
[ 73/197] Installing perl-IPC-Open3-0:1 100% |  22.7 MiB/s |  23.3 KiB |  00m00s
[ 74/197] Installing perl-Class-Struct- 100% |  25.3 MiB/s |  25.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 75/197] Installing perl-File-Temp-1:0 100% |  80.1 MiB/s | 164.1 KiB |  00m00s
[ 76/197] Installing perl-Pod-Simple-1: 100% |  69.6 MiB/s | 570.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 77/197] Installing perl-HTTP-Tiny-0:0 100% |  75.3 MiB/s | 154.2 KiB |  00m00s
[ 78/197] Installing perl-Symbol-0:1.09 100% |   7.0 MiB/s |   7.2 KiB |  00m00s
[ 79/197] Installing perl-SelectSaver-0 100% |   2.5 MiB/s |   2.6 KiB |  00m00s
[ 80/197] Installing perl-Socket-4:2.03 100% |  41.0 MiB/s | 126.1 KiB |  00m00s
[ 81/197] Installing perl-File-stat-0:1 100% |  12.7 MiB/s |  13.1 KiB |  00m00s
[ 82/197] Installing perl-podlators-1:6 100% |  52.3 MiB/s | 321.4 KiB |  00m00s
[ 83/197] Installing perl-Pod-Perldoc-0 100% |  55.1 MiB/s | 169.3 KiB |  00m00s
[ 84/197] Installing perl-Text-ParseWor 100% |  14.2 MiB/s |  14.6 KiB |  00m00s
[ 85/197] Installing perl-base-0:2.27-5 100% |  12.6 MiB/s |  12.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 86/197] Installing perl-Fcntl-0:1.18- 100% |  48.9 MiB/s |  50.1 KiB |  00m00s
[ 87/197] Installing perl-mro-0:1.29-51 100% |  45.6 MiB/s |  46.7 KiB |  00m00s
[ 88/197] Installing perl-overloading-0 100% |   5.4 MiB/s |   5.5 KiB |  00m00s
[ 89/197] Installing perl-IO-0:1.55-511 100% |   8.4 MiB/s | 155.3 KiB |  00m00s
[ 90/197] Installing perl-Pod-Usage-4:2 100% |  42.2 MiB/s |  86.3 KiB |  00m00s
[ 91/197] Installing perl-constant-0:1. 100% |  26.7 MiB/s |  27.4 KiB |  00m00s
[ 92/197] Installing perl-vars-0:1.05-5 100% |   4.2 MiB/s |   4.3 KiB |  00m00s
[ 93/197] Installing perl-Errno-0:1.38- 100% |   8.6 MiB/s |   8.8 KiB |  00m00s
[ 94/197] Installing perl-Scalar-List-U 100% |  48.8 MiB/s | 149.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 95/197] Installing perl-overload-0:1. 100% |  70.3 MiB/s |  71.9 KiB |  00m00s
[ 96/197] Installing perl-Getopt-Std-0: 100% |  11.5 MiB/s |  11.7 KiB |  00m00s
[ 97/197] Installing perl-MIME-Base64-0 100% |  23.6 MiB/s |  48.4 KiB |  00m00s
[ 98/197] Installing perl-parent-1:0.24 100% |  10.5 MiB/s |  10.7 KiB |  00m00s
[ 99/197] Installing perl-Storable-1:3. 100% |  17.6 MiB/s | 234.0 KiB |  00m00s
[100/197] Installing perl-Getopt-Long-1 100% |  71.9 MiB/s | 147.2 KiB |  00m00s
[101/197] Installing perl-File-Basename 100% |  14.2 MiB/s |  14.6 KiB |  00m00s
[102/197] Installing perl-Exporter-0:5. 100% |  54.3 MiB/s |  55.6 KiB |  00m00s
[103/197] Installing perl-DynaLoader-0: 100% |  31.7 MiB/s |  32.5 KiB |  00m00s
[104/197] Installing perl-Carp-0:1.54-5 100% |  46.6 MiB/s |  47.7 KiB |  00m00s
[105/197] Installing perl-PathTools-0:3 100% |  26.3 MiB/s | 188.5 KiB |  00m00s
[106/197] Installing perl-Encode-4:3.21 100% |  56.3 MiB/s |   4.7 MiB |  00m00s
[107/197] Installing perl-libs-4:5.40.0 100% |  76.6 MiB/s |  10.0 MiB |  00m00s
[108/197] Installing perl-interpreter-4 100% | 121.1 MiB/s | 124.0 KiB |  00m00s
[109/197] Installing perl-File-Find-0:1 100% |   5.2 MiB/s |  42.5 KiB |  00m00s
[110/197] Installing perl-TermReadKey-0 100% |  22.9 MiB/s |  70.3 KiB |  00m00s
[111/197] Installing perl-lib-0:0.65-51 100% |   8.7 MiB/s |   8.9 KiB |  00m00s
[112/197] Installing perl-Error-1:0.170 100% |  39.3 MiB/s |  80.5 KiB |  00m00s
[113/197] Installing libcbor-0:0.11.0-2 100% |  38.7 MiB/s |  79.3 KiB |  00m00s
[114/197] Installing libfido2-0:1.15.0- 100% |  79.3 MiB/s | 243.7 KiB |  00m00s
[115/197] Installing nettle-0:3.10-3.el 100% |  56.1 MiB/s | 804.1 KiB |  00m00s
[116/197] Installing gnutls-0:3.8.7-4.e 100% |  39.9 MiB/s |   3.6 MiB |  00m00s
[117/197] Installing glib2-0:2.82.1-2.e 100% |  56.1 MiB/s |  14.7 MiB |  00m00s
[118/197] Installing shared-mime-info-0 100% |  73.0 MiB/s |   2.6 MiB |  00m00s
>>> Running post-install scriptlet: shared-mime-info-0:2.3-6.eln142.x86_64
>>> Stop post-install scriptlet: shared-mime-info-0:2.3-6.eln142.x86_64
[119/197] Installing gdk-pixbuf2-0:2.42 100% |  57.4 MiB/s |   2.5 MiB |  00m00s
[120/197] Installing cups-libs-1:2.4.10 100% | 122.0 MiB/s | 624.4 KiB |  00m00s
[121/197] Installing gnupg2-0:2.4.5-3.e 100% |  81.8 MiB/s |   9.6 MiB |  00m00s
[122/197] Installing gpgme-0:1.23.2-5.e 100% | 142.0 MiB/s | 581.7 KiB |  00m00s
[123/197] Installing gpgmepp-0:1.23.2-5 100% | 103.8 MiB/s | 425.4 KiB |  00m00s
[124/197] Installing poppler-data-0:0.4 100% |  91.8 MiB/s |  12.4 MiB |  00m00s
[125/197] Installing libdatrie-0:0.2.13 100% |  57.7 MiB/s |  59.0 KiB |  00m00s
[126/197] Installing libthai-0:0.1.29-9 100% |  59.3 MiB/s | 789.3 KiB |  00m00s
[127/197] Installing liblerc-0:4.0.0-7. 100% | 149.7 MiB/s | 613.0 KiB |  00m00s
[128/197] Installing jbigkit-libs-0:2.1 100% |  60.3 MiB/s | 123.6 KiB |  00m00s
[129/197] Installing libtiff-0:4.6.0-6. 100% |  84.9 MiB/s | 608.3 KiB |  00m00s
[130/197] Installing libXau-0:1.0.11-7. 100% |  70.7 MiB/s |  72.4 KiB |  00m00s
[131/197] Installing libxcb-0:1.17.0-3. 100% | 107.6 MiB/s |   1.2 MiB |  00m00s
[132/197] Installing openssh-0:9.8p1-4. 100% |  71.1 MiB/s |   1.8 MiB |  00m00s
[133/197] Installing libedit-0:3.1-53.2 100% |  80.0 MiB/s | 245.8 KiB |  00m00s
[134/197] Installing openssh-clients-0: 100% |  92.8 MiB/s |   2.6 MiB |  00m00s
>>> Running post-install scriptlet: openssh-clients-0:9.8p1-4.eln142.x86_64
>>> Stop post-install scriptlet: openssh-clients-0:9.8p1-4.eln142.x86_64
[135/197] Installing tzdata-0:2024a-9.e 100% |  10.7 MiB/s |   1.9 MiB |  00m00s
[136/197] Installing python-pip-wheel-0 100% |  82.8 MiB/s |   1.2 MiB |  00m00s
[137/197] Installing mpdecimal-0:2.5.1- 100% |  24.7 MiB/s | 202.0 KiB |  00m00s
[138/197] Installing python3-libs-0:3.1 100% |  59.3 MiB/s |  40.7 MiB |  00m01s
[139/197] Installing python3-0:3.13.0~r 100% |  32.8 MiB/s |  33.6 KiB |  00m00s
[140/197] Installing libicu-0:74.2-2.el 100% | 108.7 MiB/s |  35.0 MiB |  00m00s
[141/197] Installing boost-regex-0:1.83 100% |  91.1 MiB/s | 280.0 KiB |  00m00s
[142/197] Installing source-highlight-0 100% |  36.4 MiB/s |   3.1 MiB |  00m00s
[143/197] Installing graphite2-0:1.3.14 100% |  65.8 MiB/s | 202.1 KiB |  00m00s
[144/197] Installing harfbuzz-0:10.0.1- 100% | 127.1 MiB/s |   2.7 MiB |  00m00s
[145/197] Installing freetype-0:2.13.2- 100% |  75.7 MiB/s | 852.3 KiB |  00m00s
[146/197] Installing fontconfig-0:2.15. 100% | 677.0 KiB/s | 811.1 KiB |  00m01s
>>> Running post-install scriptlet: fontconfig-0:2.15.0-8.eln142.x86_64
>>> Stop post-install scriptlet: fontconfig-0:2.15.0-8.eln142.x86_64
[147/197] Installing poppler-0:24.08.0- 100% |  94.5 MiB/s |   3.6 MiB |  00m00s
[148/197] Installing fribidi-0:1.0.16-1 100% |  64.1 MiB/s | 197.1 KiB |  00m00s
[149/197] Installing libpaper-1:2.1.1-7 100% |   2.7 MiB/s |  54.5 KiB |  00m00s
[150/197] Installing libijs-0:0.35-23.e 100% |  32.5 MiB/s |  66.6 KiB |  00m00s
[151/197] Installing jbig2dec-libs-0:0. 100% |  83.3 MiB/s | 170.6 KiB |  00m00s
[152/197] Installing adobe-mappings-pdf 100% | 102.2 MiB/s |   4.4 MiB |  00m00s
[153/197] Installing libgs-0:10.03.1-3. 100% |  80.4 MiB/s |  23.2 MiB |  00m00s
[154/197] Installing libX11-common-0:1. 100% |  42.4 MiB/s |   1.2 MiB |  00m00s
[155/197] Installing libX11-0:1.8.10-2. 100% | 183.6 MiB/s |   1.3 MiB |  00m00s
[156/197] Installing libXrender-0:0.9.1 100% |  50.2 MiB/s |  51.4 KiB |  00m00s
[157/197] Installing libXft-0:2.3.8-7.e 100% |  13.8 MiB/s | 170.0 KiB |  00m00s
[158/197] Installing libXext-0:1.3.6-2. 100% |  44.5 MiB/s |  91.2 KiB |  00m00s
[159/197] Installing libXpm-0:3.5.17-4. 100% |  75.1 MiB/s | 153.8 KiB |  00m00s
[160/197] Installing gd-0:2.3.3-17.eln1 100% | 127.8 MiB/s | 392.7 KiB |  00m00s
[161/197] Installing pixman-0:0.43.4-2. 100% |  47.1 MiB/s | 675.2 KiB |  00m00s
[162/197] Installing cairo-0:1.18.0-4.e 100% | 123.4 MiB/s |   1.7 MiB |  00m00s
[163/197] Installing pango-0:1.54.0-2.e 100% |   5.7 MiB/s |   1.0 MiB |  00m00s
[164/197] Installing poppler-glib-0:24. 100% | 143.5 MiB/s | 587.9 KiB |  00m00s
[165/197] Installing cairo-gobject-0:1. 100% |  35.2 MiB/s |  36.0 KiB |  00m00s
[166/197] Installing rsvg-pixbuf-loader 100% | 113.6 MiB/s | 348.9 KiB |  00m00s
[167/197] Installing librsvg2-0:2.59.1- 100% |  70.2 MiB/s |   4.6 MiB |  00m00s
[168/197] Installing graphviz-0:12.1.2- 100% |  77.7 MiB/s |   4.0 MiB |  00m00s
[169/197] Installing sgml-common-0:0.6. 100% |  42.7 MiB/s | 174.9 KiB |  00m00s
[170/197] Installing docbook-dtds-0:1.0 100% |  17.8 MiB/s |   8.3 MiB |  00m00s
>>> Running post-install scriptlet: docbook-dtds-0:1.0-87.eln142.noarch
>>> Stop post-install scriptlet: docbook-dtds-0:1.0-87.eln142.noarch
[171/197] Installing docbook-style-xsl- 100% |  82.6 MiB/s |  15.9 MiB |  00m00s
>>> Running post-install scriptlet: docbook-style-xsl-0:1.79.2-23.eln142.noarch
>>> Stop post-install scriptlet: docbook-style-xsl-0:1.79.2-23.eln142.noarch
[172/197] Installing ncurses-c++-libs-0 100% |  53.0 MiB/s | 162.8 KiB |  00m00s
[173/197] Installing ncurses-devel-0:6. 100% |  14.6 MiB/s |   1.0 MiB |  00m00s
[174/197] Installing less-0:661-2.eln14 100% |  99.8 MiB/s | 408.6 KiB |  00m00s
[175/197] Installing git-core-0:2.46.2- 100% | 125.1 MiB/s |  22.4 MiB |  00m00s
[176/197] Installing git-core-doc-0:2.4 100% |  64.5 MiB/s |  14.6 MiB |  00m00s
[177/197] Installing perl-Git-0:2.46.2- 100% |  63.6 MiB/s |  65.1 KiB |  00m00s
[178/197] Installing git-0:2.46.2-1.eln 100% |  14.2 MiB/s |  87.4 KiB |  00m00s
[179/197] Installing kernel-headers-0:6 100% |  26.3 MiB/s |   6.6 MiB |  00m00s
[180/197] Installing glibc-headers-0:2. 100% |  53.2 MiB/s |   2.3 MiB |  00m00s
[181/197] Installing libxcrypt-devel-0: 100% |  15.9 MiB/s |  32.6 KiB |  00m00s
[182/197] Installing glibc-devel-0:2.40 100% |  20.3 MiB/s |  41.5 KiB |  00m00s
[183/197] Installing sqlite-0:3.46.0-4. 100% |  97.3 MiB/s |   1.8 MiB |  00m00s
[184/197] Installing cmake-filesystem-0 100% |   1.4 MiB/s |   7.1 KiB |  00m00s
[185/197] Installing libstdc++-devel-0: 100% |  57.4 MiB/s |  15.6 MiB |  00m00s
[186/197] Installing libxslt-0:1.1.42-2 100% | 118.7 MiB/s | 486.1 KiB |  00m00s
[187/197] Installing make-1:4.4.1-9.eln 100% | 105.9 MiB/s |   1.8 MiB |  00m00s
[188/197] Installing gcc-0:14.2.1-4.eln 100% | 100.8 MiB/s | 109.5 MiB |  00m01s
>>> Running trigger-install scriptlet: redhat-rpm-config-0:296-1.eln143.noarch
>>> Stop trigger-install scriptlet: redhat-rpm-config-0:296-1.eln143.noarch
[189/197] Installing gcc-c++-0:14.2.1-4 100% | 104.0 MiB/s |  41.8 MiB |  00m00s
[190/197] Installing annobin-plugin-gcc 100% |  28.4 MiB/s | 987.3 KiB |  00m00s
>>> Running trigger-install scriptlet: redhat-rpm-config-0:296-1.eln143.noarch
>>> Stop trigger-install scriptlet: redhat-rpm-config-0:296-1.eln143.noarch
[191/197] Installing gcc-plugin-annobin 100% |   2.0 MiB/s |  62.2 KiB |  00m00s
>>> Running trigger-install scriptlet: redhat-rpm-config-0:296-1.eln143.noarch
>>> Stop trigger-install scriptlet: redhat-rpm-config-0:296-1.eln143.noarch
[192/197] Installing asciidoc-0:10.2.0- 100% |  53.6 MiB/s |   1.7 MiB |  00m00s
[193/197] Installing zlib-ng-compat-dev 100% | 105.8 MiB/s | 108.3 KiB |  00m00s
[194/197] Installing sqlite-devel-0:3.4 100% | 217.2 MiB/s | 667.2 KiB |  00m00s
[195/197] Installing readline-devel-0:8 100% |  68.4 MiB/s | 560.5 KiB |  00m00s
[196/197] Installing tcl-1:8.6.14-2.eln 100% |  50.6 MiB/s |   5.4 MiB |  00m00s
warning: posix.fork(): .fork(), .exec(), .wait() and .redirect2null() are deprecated, use rpm.spawn() or rpm.execute() instead
warning: posix.wait(): .fork(), .exec(), .wait() and .redirect2null() are deprecated, use rpm.spawn() or rpm.execute() instead
warning: posix.exec(): .fork(), .exec(), .wait() and .redirect2null() are deprecated, use rpm.spawn() or rpm.execute() instead
[197/197] Installing openssl-devel-1:3. 100% |   2.9 MiB/s |   5.2 MiB |  00m02s
>>> Running post-transaction scriptlet: urw-base35-bookman-fonts-0:20200910-23.e
>>> Stop post-transaction scriptlet: urw-base35-bookman-fonts-0:20200910-23.eln1
>>> Running post-transaction scriptlet: urw-base35-c059-fonts-0:20200910-23.eln1
>>> Stop post-transaction scriptlet: urw-base35-c059-fonts-0:20200910-23.eln142.
>>> Running post-transaction scriptlet: urw-base35-d050000l-fonts-0:20200910-23.
>>> Stop post-transaction scriptlet: urw-base35-d050000l-fonts-0:20200910-23.eln
>>> Running post-transaction scriptlet: urw-base35-gothic-fonts-0:20200910-23.el
>>> Stop post-transaction scriptlet: urw-base35-gothic-fonts-0:20200910-23.eln14
>>> Running post-transaction scriptlet: urw-base35-nimbus-mono-ps-fonts-0:202009
>>> Stop post-transaction scriptlet: urw-base35-nimbus-mono-ps-fonts-0:20200910-
>>> Running post-transaction scriptlet: urw-base35-nimbus-roman-fonts-0:20200910
>>> Stop post-transaction scriptlet: urw-base35-nimbus-roman-fonts-0:20200910-23
>>> Running post-transaction scriptlet: urw-base35-nimbus-sans-fonts-0:20200910-
>>> Stop post-transaction scriptlet: urw-base35-nimbus-sans-fonts-0:20200910-23.
>>> Running post-transaction scriptlet: urw-base35-p052-fonts-0:20200910-23.eln1
>>> Stop post-transaction scriptlet: urw-base35-p052-fonts-0:20200910-23.eln142.
>>> Running post-transaction scriptlet: urw-base35-standard-symbols-ps-fonts-0:2
>>> Stop post-transaction scriptlet: urw-base35-standard-symbols-ps-fonts-0:2020
>>> Running post-transaction scriptlet: urw-base35-z003-fonts-0:20200910-23.eln1
>>> Stop post-transaction scriptlet: urw-base35-z003-fonts-0:20200910-23.eln142.
>>> Running post-transaction scriptlet: fontconfig-0:2.15.0-8.eln142.x86_64
>>> Stop post-transaction scriptlet: fontconfig-0:2.15.0-8.eln142.x86_64
>>> Running trigger-install scriptlet: glibc-common-0:2.40.9000-1.eln142.x86_64
>>> Stop trigger-install scriptlet: glibc-common-0:2.40.9000-1.eln142.x86_64
>>> Running trigger-install scriptlet: info-0:7.1.1-1.eln142.x86_64
>>> Stop trigger-install scriptlet: info-0:7.1.1-1.eln142.x86_64
>>> Running trigger-install scriptlet: glib2-0:2.82.1-2.eln143.x86_64
>>> Stop trigger-install scriptlet: glib2-0:2.82.1-2.eln143.x86_64
>>> Running trigger-install scriptlet: shared-mime-info-0:2.3-6.eln142.x86_64
>>> Stop trigger-install scriptlet: shared-mime-info-0:2.3-6.eln142.x86_64
>>> Running trigger-install scriptlet: gdk-pixbuf2-0:2.42.12-9.eln143.x86_64
>>> Stop trigger-install scriptlet: gdk-pixbuf2-0:2.42.12-9.eln143.x86_64
>>> Running trigger-install scriptlet: fontconfig-0:2.15.0-8.eln142.x86_64
>>> Stop trigger-install scriptlet: fontconfig-0:2.15.0-8.eln142.x86_64
>>> Running trigger-install scriptlet: graphviz-0:12.1.2-1.eln143.x86_64
>>> Stop trigger-install scriptlet: graphviz-0:12.1.2-1.eln143.x86_64
Finish: build setup for jimtcl-0.83-20240920.0.git1273201d.eln143.src.rpm
Start: rpmbuild jimtcl-0.83-20240920.0.git1273201d.eln143.src.rpm
Building target platforms: x86_64
Building for target x86_64
setting SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=1629158400
Executing(%mkbuilddir): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.p7yZHh
+ umask 022
+ cd /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build
+ test -d /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build
+ /usr/bin/chmod -Rf a+rX,u+w,g-w,o-w /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build
+ /usr/bin/rm -rf /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build
+ /usr/bin/mkdir -p /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build
+ /usr/bin/mkdir -p /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/SPECPARTS
+ RPM_EC=0
++ jobs -p
+ exit 0
Executing(%prep): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.xXHnig
+ umask 022
+ cd /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build
+ cd /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build
+ rm -rf jimtcl
+ /usr/bin/mkdir -p jimtcl
+ cd jimtcl
+ /usr/bin/chmod -Rf a+rX,u+w,g-w,o-w .
+ git clone --depth 1 -n -b master https://github.com/msteveb/jimtcl.git .
Cloning into '.'...
+ git fetch --depth 1 origin 1273201def190161c3e39fbe42bbfea4d642d8a3
From https://github.com/msteveb/jimtcl
 * branch            1273201def190161c3e39fbe42bbfea4d642d8a3 -> FETCH_HEAD
+ git reset --hard 1273201def190161c3e39fbe42bbfea4d642d8a3
HEAD is now at 1273201 docs: document aio buffering, readsize changes
+ git log --format=fuller
commit 1273201def190161c3e39fbe42bbfea4d642d8a3
Author:     Steve Bennett <steveb@workware.net.au>
AuthorDate: Fri Aug 30 12:03:25 2024 +1000
Commit:     Steve Bennett <steveb@workware.net.au>
CommitDate: Fri Sep 20 11:27:37 2024 +1000

    docs: document aio buffering, readsize changes
    Signed-off-by: Steve Bennett <steveb@workware.net.au>
+ rm -rf sqlite3
+ sed -i '1i #include <stdio.h>' ./jim-readline.c
+ RPM_EC=0
++ jobs -p
+ exit 0
Executing(%build): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.nBrMF5
+ umask 022
+ cd /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build
+ CFLAGS='-O2 -flto=auto -ffat-lto-objects -fexceptions -g -grecord-gcc-switches -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -fstack-protector-strong -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1  -m64 -march=x86-64-v3 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -mtls-dialect=gnu2 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer '
+ export CFLAGS
+ CXXFLAGS='-O2 -flto=auto -ffat-lto-objects -fexceptions -g -grecord-gcc-switches -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -fstack-protector-strong -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1  -m64 -march=x86-64-v3 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -mtls-dialect=gnu2 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer '
+ export CXXFLAGS
+ FFLAGS='-O2 -flto=auto -ffat-lto-objects -fexceptions -g -grecord-gcc-switches -pipe -Wall -Wp,-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -fstack-protector-strong -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1  -m64 -march=x86-64-v3 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -mtls-dialect=gnu2 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules '
+ export FFLAGS
+ FCFLAGS='-O2 -flto=auto -ffat-lto-objects -fexceptions -g -grecord-gcc-switches -pipe -Wall -Wp,-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -fstack-protector-strong -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1  -m64 -march=x86-64-v3 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -mtls-dialect=gnu2 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules '
+ export FCFLAGS
+ export VALAFLAGS
+ LDFLAGS='-Wl,-z,relro -Wl,--as-needed  -Wl,-z,pack-relative-relocs -Wl,-z,now -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1  -Wl,--build-id=sha1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-package-notes '
+ export LDFLAGS
+ LT_SYS_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib64:
+ CC=gcc
+ export CC
+ CXX=g++
+ export CXX
+ cd jimtcl
+ export CC=gcc
+ CC=gcc
+ export LD=ld
+ LD=ld
+ export AR=ar
+ AR=ar
+ export RANLIB=ranlib
+ RANLIB=ranlib
+ export STRIP=strip
+ STRIP=strip
+ CFLAGS='-O2 -flto=auto -ffat-lto-objects -fexceptions -g -grecord-gcc-switches -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -fstack-protector-strong -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1  -m64 -march=x86-64-v3 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -mtls-dialect=gnu2 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer '
+ export CFLAGS
+ CXXFLAGS='-O2 -flto=auto -ffat-lto-objects -fexceptions -g -grecord-gcc-switches -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -fstack-protector-strong -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1  -m64 -march=x86-64-v3 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -mtls-dialect=gnu2 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer '
+ export CXXFLAGS
+ FFLAGS='-O2 -flto=auto -ffat-lto-objects -fexceptions -g -grecord-gcc-switches -pipe -Wall -Wp,-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -fstack-protector-strong -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1  -m64 -march=x86-64-v3 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -mtls-dialect=gnu2 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules '
+ export FFLAGS
+ FCFLAGS='-O2 -flto=auto -ffat-lto-objects -fexceptions -g -grecord-gcc-switches -pipe -Wall -Wp,-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -fstack-protector-strong -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1  -m64 -march=x86-64-v3 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -mtls-dialect=gnu2 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules '
+ export FCFLAGS
+ export VALAFLAGS
+ LDFLAGS='-Wl,-z,relro -Wl,--as-needed  -Wl,-z,pack-relative-relocs -Wl,-z,now -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1  -Wl,--build-id=sha1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-package-notes '
+ export LDFLAGS
+ LT_SYS_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib64:
+ CC=gcc
+ export CC
+ CXX=g++
+ export CXX
+ '[' '-flto=auto -ffat-lto-objectsx' '!=' x ']'
++ find . -type f -name configure -print
+ for file in $(find . -type f -name configure -print)
+ /usr/bin/sed -r --in-place=.backup 's/^char \(\*f\) \(\) = /__attribute__ ((used)) char (*f) () = /g' ./configure
+ diff -u ./configure.backup ./configure
+ mv ./configure.backup ./configure
+ /usr/bin/sed -r --in-place=.backup 's/^char \(\*f\) \(\);/__attribute__ ((used)) char (*f) ();/g' ./configure
+ diff -u ./configure.backup ./configure
+ mv ./configure.backup ./configure
+ /usr/bin/sed -r --in-place=.backup 's/^char \$2 \(\);/__attribute__ ((used)) char \$2 ();/g' ./configure
+ diff -u ./configure.backup ./configure
+ mv ./configure.backup ./configure
+ /usr/bin/sed --in-place=.backup '1{$!N;$!N};$!N;s/int x = 1;\nint y = 0;\nint z;\nint nan;/volatile int x = 1; volatile int y = 0; volatile int z, nan;/;P;D' ./configure
+ diff -u ./configure.backup ./configure
+ mv ./configure.backup ./configure
+ /usr/bin/sed --in-place=.backup 's#^lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_to_cdecl=.*#lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_to_cdecl="sed -n -e '\''s/^T .* \\(.*\\)$/extern int \\1();/p'\'' -e '\''s/^$symcode* .* \\(.*\\)$/extern char \\1;/p'\''"#' ./configure
+ diff -u ./configure.backup ./configure
+ mv ./configure.backup ./configure
+ '[' 1 = 1 ']'
+++ dirname ./configure
++ find . -name config.guess -o -name config.sub
+ '[' 1 = 1 ']'
+ '[' x '!=' 'x-Wl,-z,now -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld' ']'
++ find . -name ltmain.sh
++ grep -q runstatedir=DIR ./configure
+ ./configure --build=x86_64-redhat-linux --host=x86_64-redhat-linux --program-prefix= --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --sysconfdir=/etc --datadir=/usr/share --includedir=/usr/include --libdir=/usr/lib64 --libexecdir=/usr/libexec --localstatedir=/var --sharedstatedir=/var/lib --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --shared --disable-option-checking --allextmod --docdir=/usr/share/doc/jimtcl
Host System...x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu
Build System...x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu
C compiler... gcc -O2 -flto=auto -ffat-lto-objects -fexceptions -g -grecord-gcc-switches -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -fstack-protector-strong -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1  -m64 -march=x86-64-v3 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -mtls-dialect=gnu2 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer  
C++ compiler... g++ -O2 -flto=auto -ffat-lto-objects -fexceptions -g -grecord-gcc-switches -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -fstack-protector-strong -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1  -m64 -march=x86-64-v3 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -mtls-dialect=gnu2 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer  
Build C compiler...cc
Checking for stdlib.h...ok
Checking for restrict...ok
Checking for long long...ok
Checking for sizeof int...4
Checking whether the C compiler accepts -fno-unwind-tables...yes
Checking whether the C compiler accepts -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables...yes
Checking for time.h...ok
Checking for sys/time.h...ok
Checking for sys/socket.h...ok
Checking for netinet/in.h...ok
Checking for arpa/inet.h...ok
Checking for netdb.h...ok
Checking for strings.h...ok
Checking for util.h...not found
Checking for pty.h...ok
Checking for sys/un.h...ok
Checking for dlfcn.h...ok
Checking for unistd.h...ok
Checking for dirent.h...ok
Checking for crt_externs.h...not found
Checking for execinfo.h...ok
Checking for sizeof time_t...8
Checking libs for inet_ntop...none needed
Checking libs for socket...none needed
Checking for ualarm...ok
Checking for fork...ok
Checking for system...ok
Checking for select...ok
Checking for execvpe...ok
Checking for geteuid...ok
Checking for mkstemp...ok
Checking for isatty...ok
Checking for regcomp...ok
Checking for waitpid...ok
Checking for sigaction...ok
Checking for sys_signame...not found
Checking for sys_siglist...not found
Checking for isascii...ok
Checking for syslog...ok
Checking for opendir...ok
Checking for readlink...ok
Checking for sleep...ok
Checking for usleep...ok
Checking for pipe...ok
Checking for getaddrinfo...ok
Checking for utimes...ok
Checking for shutdown...ok
Checking for socketpair...ok
Checking for link...ok
Checking for symlink...ok
Checking for fsync...ok
Checking for dup...ok
Checking for umask...ok
Checking for localtime...ok
Checking for gmtime...ok
Checking for strptime...ok
Checking for realpath...ok
Checking for isinf...ok
Checking for isnan...ok
Checking for vfork...ok
Checking libs for backtrace...none needed
Checking for sysinfo...ok
Checking for struct sysinfo.uptime...ok
Checking for struct stat.st_mtimespec...not found
Checking for struct stat.st_mtim...ok
Checking for struct flock...ok
Checking for sys/types.h...(cached) ok
Checking if -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 is needed...no
Checking for fstat...ok
Checking for lstat...ok
Checking for make...ok
Checking for asciidoc...ok
Checking for sed...ok
Checking for _NSGetEnviron...not found
Checking environ declared in unistd.h...yes
Checking for sys/types.h...(cached) ok
Checking for sys/stat.h...(cached) ok
Checking for mkdir with one arg...no
Checking for S_IXUSR...ok
Checking for S_IRWXG...ok
Checking for S_IRWXO...ok
Enabling UTF-8
Checking libs for sin...-lm
Enabling math functions
Enabling IPv6
Checking for pkg-config...2.3.0
Checking for openssl ...3.2.2
Enabling SSL (openssl)
Checking libs for TLS_method...-lssl
Checking for termios.h...ok
Enabling line editing
Checking for inline support...yes
Enabling references
Building shared library
Extension aio...enabled
Extension array...enabled
Extension pack...enabled
Extension binary...enabled
Extension clock...enabled
Extension ensemble...enabled
Extension eventloop...enabled
Extension exec...enabled
Extension file...enabled
Extension readdir...enabled
Extension glob...enabled
Extension history...enabled
Extension interp...enabled
Extension jsonencode...enabled
Extension json...enabled
Checking libs for dlopen...none needed
Extension load...enabled
Extension nshelper...enabled
Extension namespace...enabled
Extension oo...enabled
Extension package...enabled
Extension posix...enabled
Extension regexp...enabled
Extension signal...enabled
Extension stdlib...enabled
Extension syslog...enabled
Extension tclcompat...enabled
Extension tclprefix...enabled
Extension tree...enabled
Checking for zlib ...1.3.1.zlib-ng
Extension zlib...enabled
Checking for Metakit...not found
Extension mk...disabled (dependencies)
Checking for readline ...8.2
Extension readline...module
Checking for hiredis ...not found
Checking libs for redisConnect...no
Extension redis...disabled (dependencies)
Extension rlprompt...tcl
Checking for SDL2_gfx ...not found
Checking for SDL_gfx ...not found
Extension sdl...disabled (dependencies)
Checking for sqlite3 ...3.46.0
Extension sqlite3...module
Extension win32...disabled (dependencies)
Checking for clock_gettime...ok
Checking for posix_openpt...ok
Using built-in regexp
Jim static extensions: aio array binary clock ensemble eventloop exec file glob history interp json jsonencode load namespace nshelper oo pack package posix readdir regexp signal stdlib syslog tclcompat tclprefix tree zlib
Jim Tcl extensions: rlprompt
Jim dynamic extensions: readline sqlite3
Created jim-config.h
Created jimautoconf.h
Created Makefile from Makefile.in
Created tests/Makefile from tests/Makefile.in
Created examples.api/Makefile from examples.api/Makefile.in
Created build-jim-ext from build-jim-ext.in
Created jimtcl.pc from jimtcl.pc.in
+ /usr/bin/make -O -j2 V=1 VERBOSE=1
/usr/bin/tclsh ./make-load-static-exts.tcl aio array clock eventloop exec file history interp json load namespace pack package posix readdir regexp signal syslog tclprefix zlib binary ensemble glob jsonencode nshelper oo stdlib tclcompat tree >_load-static-exts.c || ( rm _load-static-exts.c; exit 1)
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gcc -fPIC -I. -fno-unwind-tables -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables -DUSE_UTF8 -DWITH_GZFILEOP -D_DEFAULT_SOURCE -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600 -DHAVE_OPENPTY -O2 -Wall -D_GNU_SOURCE -O2 -flto=auto -ffat-lto-objects -fexceptions -g -grecord-gcc-switches -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -fstack-protector-strong -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1  -m64 -march=x86-64-v3 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -mtls-dialect=gnu2 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer    -c jim-interactive.c -o jim-interactive.o
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/usr/bin/tclsh ./make-c-ext.tcl binary.tcl >_binary.c
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/usr/bin/tclsh ./make-c-ext.tcl ensemble.tcl >_ensemble.c
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/usr/bin/tclsh ./make-c-ext.tcl glob.tcl >_glob.c
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/usr/bin/tclsh ./make-c-ext.tcl jsonencode.tcl >_jsonencode.c
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/usr/bin/tclsh ./make-c-ext.tcl nshelper.tcl >_nshelper.c
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/usr/bin/tclsh ./make-c-ext.tcl oo.tcl >_oo.c
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/usr/bin/tclsh ./make-c-ext.tcl stdlib.tcl >_stdlib.c
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/usr/bin/tclsh ./make-c-ext.tcl tclcompat.tcl >_tclcompat.c
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/usr/bin/tclsh ./make-c-ext.tcl tree.tcl >_tree.c
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gcc -fPIC -I. -fno-unwind-tables -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables -DUSE_UTF8 -DWITH_GZFILEOP -D_DEFAULT_SOURCE -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600 -DHAVE_OPENPTY -O2 -Wall -D_GNU_SOURCE -O2 -flto=auto -ffat-lto-objects -fexceptions -g -grecord-gcc-switches -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -fstack-protector-strong -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1  -m64 -march=x86-64-v3 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -mtls-dialect=gnu2 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer    -c jimsh.c -o jimsh.o
/usr/bin/tclsh ./make-c-ext.tcl initjimsh.tcl >_initjimsh.c
gcc -fPIC -I. -fno-unwind-tables -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables -DUSE_UTF8 -DWITH_GZFILEOP -D_DEFAULT_SOURCE -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600 -DHAVE_OPENPTY -O2 -Wall -D_GNU_SOURCE -O2 -flto=auto -ffat-lto-objects -fexceptions -g -grecord-gcc-switches -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -fstack-protector-strong -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1  -m64 -march=x86-64-v3 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -mtls-dialect=gnu2 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer   -c -o initjimsh.o _initjimsh.c
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gcc -fPIC -I. -fno-unwind-tables -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables -DUSE_UTF8 -DWITH_GZFILEOP -D_DEFAULT_SOURCE -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600 -DHAVE_OPENPTY -O2 -Wall -D_GNU_SOURCE -O2 -flto=auto -ffat-lto-objects -fexceptions -g -grecord-gcc-switches -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -fstack-protector-strong -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1  -m64 -march=x86-64-v3 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -mtls-dialect=gnu2 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer    -c utf8.c -o utf8.o
gcc -fPIC -I. -fno-unwind-tables -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables -DUSE_UTF8 -DWITH_GZFILEOP -D_DEFAULT_SOURCE -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600 -DHAVE_OPENPTY -O2 -flto=auto -ffat-lto-objects -fexceptions -g -grecord-gcc-switches -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -fstack-protector-strong -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1  -m64 -march=x86-64-v3 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -mtls-dialect=gnu2 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer  -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,--as-needed  -Wl,-z,pack-relative-relocs -Wl,-z,now -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1  -Wl,--build-id=sha1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-package-notes  -shared -Wl,-soname,libjim.so.0.84 -o libjim.so.0.84 _load-static-exts.o jim-subcmd.o jim-interactive.o jim-format.o jim.o utf8.o jimregexp.o jimiocompat.o linenoise.o jim-tty.o openpty.o jsmn/jsmn.o jim-aio.o jim-array.o jim-clock.o jim-eventloop.o jim-exec.o jim-file.o jim-history.o jim-interp.o jim-json.o jim-load.o jim-namespace.o jim-pack.o jim-package.o jim-posix.o jim-readdir.o jim-regexp.o jim-signal.o jim-syslog.o jim-tclprefix.o jim-zlib.o binary.o ensemble.o glob.o jsonencode.o nshelper.o oo.o stdlib.o tclcompat.o tree.o -lm -lssl -lcrypto -lz 
ln -s -f libjim.so.0.84 libjim.so
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gcc -fPIC -I. -fno-unwind-tables -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables -DUSE_UTF8 -DWITH_GZFILEOP -D_DEFAULT_SOURCE -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600 -DHAVE_OPENPTY -O2 -Wall -D_GNU_SOURCE -O2 -flto=auto -ffat-lto-objects -fexceptions -g -grecord-gcc-switches -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -fstack-protector-strong -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1  -m64 -march=x86-64-v3 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -mtls-dialect=gnu2 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer   -fPIC -c -o jim-readline.o ./jim-readline.c
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+ RPM_EC=0
++ jobs -p
+ exit 0
Executing(%install): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.F0MMLG
+ umask 022
+ cd /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build
+ '[' /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/BUILDROOT '!=' / ']'
+ rm -rf /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/BUILDROOT
++ dirname /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/BUILDROOT
+ mkdir -p /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build
+ mkdir /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/BUILDROOT
+ CFLAGS='-O2 -flto=auto -ffat-lto-objects -fexceptions -g -grecord-gcc-switches -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -fstack-protector-strong -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1  -m64 -march=x86-64-v3 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -mtls-dialect=gnu2 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer '
+ export CFLAGS
+ CXXFLAGS='-O2 -flto=auto -ffat-lto-objects -fexceptions -g -grecord-gcc-switches -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -fstack-protector-strong -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1  -m64 -march=x86-64-v3 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -mtls-dialect=gnu2 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer '
+ export CXXFLAGS
+ FFLAGS='-O2 -flto=auto -ffat-lto-objects -fexceptions -g -grecord-gcc-switches -pipe -Wall -Wp,-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -fstack-protector-strong -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1  -m64 -march=x86-64-v3 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -mtls-dialect=gnu2 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules '
+ export FFLAGS
+ FCFLAGS='-O2 -flto=auto -ffat-lto-objects -fexceptions -g -grecord-gcc-switches -pipe -Wall -Wp,-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -fstack-protector-strong -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1  -m64 -march=x86-64-v3 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -mtls-dialect=gnu2 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules '
+ export FCFLAGS
+ export VALAFLAGS
+ LDFLAGS='-Wl,-z,relro -Wl,--as-needed  -Wl,-z,pack-relative-relocs -Wl,-z,now -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1  -Wl,--build-id=sha1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-package-notes '
+ export LDFLAGS
+ LT_SYS_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib64:
+ CC=gcc
+ export CC
+ CXX=g++
+ export CXX
+ cd jimtcl
+ /usr/bin/make install DESTDIR=/builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/BUILDROOT 'INSTALL=/usr/bin/install -p' INSTALL_DOCS=nodocs
mkdir -p /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/BUILDROOT/usr/bin
cp jimsh /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/BUILDROOT/usr/bin
cp ./jimdb /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/BUILDROOT/usr/bin
/usr/bin/tclsh ./make-index  jim_tcl.txt make-index | asciidoc --attribute footer-style=none -d manpage - >Tcl.html
mkdir -p /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/BUILDROOT/usr/share/doc/jimtcl
cp Tcl.html /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/BUILDROOT/usr/share/doc/jimtcl
mkdir -p /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/BUILDROOT/usr/lib64/jim
cp libjim.so.0.84 /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/BUILDROOT/usr/lib64
ln -s -f libjim.so.0.84 /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/BUILDROOT/usr/lib64/libjim.so
cp ./README.extensions readline.so sqlite3.so /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/BUILDROOT/usr/lib64/jim
for i in tcltest.tcl rlprompt.tcl; do cp ./$i /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/BUILDROOT/usr/lib64/jim; done
mkdir -p /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/BUILDROOT/usr/include
cp ./jim.h ./jim-eventloop.h ./jim-signal.h \
	./jim-subcmd.h ./jim-win32compat.h /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/BUILDROOT/usr/include
cp jim-config.h /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/BUILDROOT/usr/include
mkdir -p /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/BUILDROOT/usr/bin
cp build-jim-ext /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/BUILDROOT/usr/bin
mkdir -p /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/BUILDROOT/usr/lib64/pkgconfig
cp jimtcl.pc /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/BUILDROOT/usr/lib64/pkgconfig
+ rm /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/BUILDROOT//usr/lib64/jim/README.extensions
+ /usr/bin/find-debuginfo -j2 --strict-build-id -m -i --build-id-seed 0.83-20240920.0.git1273201d.eln143 --unique-debug-suffix -0.83-20240920.0.git1273201d.eln143.x86_64 --unique-debug-src-base jimtcl-0.83-20240920.0.git1273201d.eln143.x86_64 --run-dwz --dwz-low-mem-die-limit 10000000 --dwz-max-die-limit 110000000 -S debugsourcefiles.list /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/jimtcl
find-debuginfo: starting
Extracting debug info from 4 files
DWARF-compressing 4 files
sepdebugcrcfix: Updated 4 CRC32s, 0 CRC32s did match.
Creating .debug symlinks for symlinks to ELF files
Copying sources found by 'debugedit -l' to /usr/src/debug/jimtcl-0.83-20240920.0.git1273201d.eln143.x86_64
2353 blocks
find-debuginfo: done
+ /usr/lib/rpm/check-buildroot
+ /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/brp-ldconfig
+ /usr/lib/rpm/brp-compress
+ /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/brp-strip-lto /usr/bin/strip
+ /usr/lib/rpm/brp-strip-static-archive /usr/bin/strip
+ /usr/lib/rpm/check-rpaths
+ /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/brp-mangle-shebangs
mangling shebang in /usr/bin/jimdb from /usr/bin/env jimsh to #!/usr/bin/jimsh
mangling shebang in /usr/bin/build-jim-ext from /usr/bin/env jimsh to #!/usr/bin/jimsh
+ /usr/lib/rpm/brp-remove-la-files
+ env /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/brp-python-bytecompile '' 1 0 -j2
+ /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/brp-python-hardlink
Reading /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/SPECPARTS/rpm-debuginfo.specpart
Processing files: jimtcl-0.83-20240920.0.git1273201d.eln143.x86_64
Executing(%doc): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.nNFeNN
+ umask 022
+ cd /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build
+ cd jimtcl
+ DOCDIR=/builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/BUILDROOT/usr/share/doc/jimtcl
+ export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
+ export DOCDIR
+ /usr/bin/mkdir -p /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/BUILDROOT/usr/share/doc/jimtcl
+ cp -pr /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/jimtcl/AUTHORS /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/BUILDROOT/usr/share/doc/jimtcl
+ cp -pr /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/jimtcl/README /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/BUILDROOT/usr/share/doc/jimtcl
+ RPM_EC=0
++ jobs -p
+ exit 0
Executing(%license): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.PUKYnF
+ umask 022
+ cd /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build
+ cd jimtcl
+ LICENSEDIR=/builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/BUILDROOT/usr/share/licenses/jimtcl
+ export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
+ /usr/bin/mkdir -p /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/BUILDROOT/usr/share/licenses/jimtcl
+ cp -pr /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/jimtcl/LICENSE /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/BUILDROOT/usr/share/licenses/jimtcl
+ RPM_EC=0
++ jobs -p
+ exit 0
Provides: jimtcl = 0.83-20240920.0.git1273201d.eln143 jimtcl(x86-64) = 0.83-20240920.0.git1273201d.eln143 libjim.so.0.84()(64bit)
Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1
Requires: /usr/bin/jimsh libc.so.6()(64bit) libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.11)(64bit) libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.14)(64bit) libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.15)(64bit) libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.17)(64bit) libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.2.5)(64bit) libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.3)(64bit) libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.3.4)(64bit) libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.33)(64bit) libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.34)(64bit) libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.38)(64bit) libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.4)(64bit) libc.so.6(GLIBC_ABI_DT_RELR)(64bit) libcrypto.so.3()(64bit) libcrypto.so.3(OPENSSL_3.0.0)(64bit) libjim.so.0.84()(64bit) libm.so.6()(64bit) libm.so.6(GLIBC_2.2.5)(64bit) libm.so.6(GLIBC_2.29)(64bit) libm.so.6(GLIBC_2.35)(64bit) libm.so.6(GLIBC_2.38)(64bit) libreadline.so.8()(64bit) libsqlite3.so.0()(64bit) libssl.so.3()(64bit) libssl.so.3(OPENSSL_3.0.0)(64bit) libz.so.1()(64bit) libz.so.1(ZLIB_1.2.0)(64bit) rtld(GNU_HASH)
Processing files: jimtcl-devel-0.83-20240920.0.git1273201d.eln143.x86_64
Executing(%doc): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.nNoGdz
+ umask 022
+ cd /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build
+ cd jimtcl
+ DOCDIR=/builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/BUILDROOT/usr/share/doc/jimtcl-devel
+ export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
+ export DOCDIR
+ /usr/bin/mkdir -p /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/BUILDROOT/usr/share/doc/jimtcl-devel
+ cp -pr /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/jimtcl/README.ensemble /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/BUILDROOT/usr/share/doc/jimtcl-devel
+ cp -pr /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/jimtcl/README.extensions /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/BUILDROOT/usr/share/doc/jimtcl-devel
+ cp -pr /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/jimtcl/README.linenoise /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/BUILDROOT/usr/share/doc/jimtcl-devel
+ cp -pr /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/jimtcl/README.metakit /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/BUILDROOT/usr/share/doc/jimtcl-devel
+ cp -pr /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/jimtcl/README.namespaces /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/BUILDROOT/usr/share/doc/jimtcl-devel
+ cp -pr /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/jimtcl/README.oo /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/BUILDROOT/usr/share/doc/jimtcl-devel
+ cp -pr /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/jimtcl/README.redis /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/BUILDROOT/usr/share/doc/jimtcl-devel
+ cp -pr /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/jimtcl/README.sqlite /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/BUILDROOT/usr/share/doc/jimtcl-devel
+ cp -pr /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/jimtcl/README.utf-8 /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/BUILDROOT/usr/share/doc/jimtcl-devel
+ cp -pr /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/jimtcl/STYLE /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/BUILDROOT/usr/share/doc/jimtcl-devel
+ RPM_EC=0
++ jobs -p
+ exit 0
Provides: jimtcl-devel = 0.83-20240920.0.git1273201d.eln143 jimtcl-devel(x86-64) = 0.83-20240920.0.git1273201d.eln143 pkgconfig(jimtcl) = 0.84
Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1
Requires: /usr/bin/jimsh /usr/bin/pkg-config libjim.so.0.84()(64bit) pkgconfig(openssl) pkgconfig(readline) pkgconfig(sqlite3) pkgconfig(zlib)
Processing files: jimtcl-debugsource-0.83-20240920.0.git1273201d.eln143.x86_64
Provides: jimtcl-debugsource = 0.83-20240920.0.git1273201d.eln143 jimtcl-debugsource(x86-64) = 0.83-20240920.0.git1273201d.eln143
Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1
Processing files: jimtcl-debuginfo-0.83-20240920.0.git1273201d.eln143.x86_64
Provides: debuginfo(build-id) = 1d38b791933eacb570ca14b7f113f43e053c4ad7 debuginfo(build-id) = 3bd53aba479b352e0fdcf1e434cb5347c4968361 debuginfo(build-id) = 93c1cc0e75a58b078a3e94334f727495e458d6ee debuginfo(build-id) = ca994d8b6779d9ce78df397f830ef06331665647 jimtcl-debuginfo = 0.83-20240920.0.git1273201d.eln143 jimtcl-debuginfo(x86-64) = 0.83-20240920.0.git1273201d.eln143 libjim.so.0.84-0.83-20240920.0.git1273201d.eln143.x86_64.debug()(64bit)
Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1
Recommends: jimtcl-debugsource(x86-64) = 0.83-20240920.0.git1273201d.eln143
Checking for unpackaged file(s): /usr/lib/rpm/check-files /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build/BUILDROOT
Wrote: /builddir/build/RPMS/jimtcl-debuginfo-0.83-20240920.0.git1273201d.eln143.x86_64.rpm
Wrote: /builddir/build/RPMS/jimtcl-debugsource-0.83-20240920.0.git1273201d.eln143.x86_64.rpm
Wrote: /builddir/build/RPMS/jimtcl-devel-0.83-20240920.0.git1273201d.eln143.x86_64.rpm
Wrote: /builddir/build/RPMS/jimtcl-0.83-20240920.0.git1273201d.eln143.x86_64.rpm
Executing(rmbuild): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.C7Ia0q
+ umask 022
+ cd /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build
+ test -d /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build
+ /usr/bin/chmod -Rf a+rX,u+w,g-w,o-w /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build
+ rm -rf /builddir/build/BUILD/jimtcl-0.83-build
+ RPM_EC=0
++ jobs -p
+ exit 0
Finish: rpmbuild jimtcl-0.83-20240920.0.git1273201d.eln143.src.rpm
Finish: build phase for jimtcl-0.83-20240920.0.git1273201d.eln143.src.rpm
INFO: chroot_scan: 1 files copied to /var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/results/chroot_scan
INFO: /var/lib/mock/fedora-eln-x86_64-1728458116.067818/root/var/log/dnf5.log
INFO: Done(/var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/results/jimtcl-0.83-20240920.0.git1273201d.eln143.src.rpm) Config(child) 0 minutes 47 seconds
INFO: Results and/or logs in: /var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/results
INFO: Cleaning up build root ('cleanup_on_success=True')
Start: clean chroot
INFO: unmounting tmpfs.
Finish: clean chroot
Finish: run
Running RPMResults tool
Package info:
    "packages": [
            "name": "jimtcl-debugsource",
            "epoch": null,
            "version": "0.83",
            "release": "20240920.0.git1273201d.eln143",
            "arch": "x86_64"
            "name": "jimtcl-debuginfo",
            "epoch": null,
            "version": "0.83",
            "release": "20240920.0.git1273201d.eln143",
            "arch": "x86_64"
            "name": "jimtcl-devel",
            "epoch": null,
            "version": "0.83",
            "release": "20240920.0.git1273201d.eln143",
            "arch": "x86_64"
            "name": "jimtcl",
            "epoch": null,
            "version": "0.83",
            "release": "20240920.0.git1273201d.eln143",
            "arch": "src"
            "name": "jimtcl",
            "epoch": null,
            "version": "0.83",
            "release": "20240920.0.git1273201d.eln143",
            "arch": "x86_64"
RPMResults finished