## START: Set by rpmautospec ## (rpmautospec version 0.6.5) ## RPMAUTOSPEC: autorelease, autochangelog %define autorelease(e:s:pb:n) %{?-p:0.}%{lua: release_number = 2; base_release_number = tonumber(rpm.expand("%{?-b*}%{!?-b:1}")); print(release_number + base_release_number - 1); }%{?-e:.%{-e*}}%{?-s:.%{-s*}}%{!?-n:%{?dist}} ## END: Set by rpmautospec %global commit 4bcdc19ca9a2a5b9817e3e501d0018b58bf577d0 %global shortcommit %(c=%{commit}; echo ${c:0:7}) Name: perl-File-Unpack2 Version: 1.0 Release: %autorelease Summary: Strong archive file unpacker, based on mime-types # contrib/stringsx.c: MIT OR GPL-1.0-or-later # contrib/stringsx.pl: MIT OR GPL-1.0-or-later # file_unpack2.pl: GPL-1.0-or-later OR Artistic-1.0-Perl # Makefile.PL: GPL-1.0-or-later OR Artistic-1.0-Perl # LICENSES/MIT.txt: MIT # README: GPL-1.0-or-later OR Artistic-1.0-Perl # Unpack2.pm: GPL-1.0-or-later OR Artistic-1.0-Perl License: (MIT OR GPL-1.0-or-later) AND (GPL-1.0-or-later OR Artistic-1.0-Perl) # wget https://github.com/openSUSE/perl-File-Unpack2/archive/%%{commit}/%%{name}-%%{shortcommit}.tar.gz # tar axf %%{name}-%%{shortcommit}.tar.gz # rm -rf perl-File-Unpack2-%%{commit}/t # tar caf %%{name}-%%{shortcommit}-repackaged.tar.gz perl-File-Unpack2-%%{commit} Source: %{name}-%{shortcommit}-repackaged.tar.gz URL: https://github.com/openSUSE/perl-File-Unpack2 BuildRequires: perl-generators BuildRequires: perl-interpreter BuildRequires: perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker) BuildRequires: make BuildRequires: gcc BuildRequires: coreutils BuildRequires: perl-podlators #BuildRequires: perl(Test::CheckManifest) #BuildRequires: perl(Test::More) #BuildRequires: perl(Test::Pod) #BuildRequires: perl(Test::Pod::Coverage) BuildRequires: perl(Carp) BuildRequires: perl(Cwd) BuildRequires: perl(File::Compare) BuildRequires: perl(File::LibMagic) BuildRequires: perl(File::MimeInfo::Magic) BuildRequires: perl(File::Path) BuildRequires: perl(File::Temp) BuildRequires: perl(Compress::Raw::Lzma) # (provider perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib is obsoleted by installed perl) BuildRequires: perl(BSD::Resource) BuildRequires: perl(Compress::Raw::Bzip2) BuildRequires: perl(Compress::Raw::Zlib) >= 2.024 BuildRequires: perl(Filesys::Statvfs) BuildRequires: perl(IPC::Run) BuildRequires: perl(JSON) BuildRequires: perl(String::ShellQuote) BuildRequires: perl(Text::Sprintf::Named) # shared-mime-info is a dependency of perl-File-MimeInfo # file is a dependency of perl-File-LibMagic BuildRequires: fdupes BuildRequires: file >= 5.03 BuildRequires: shared-mime-info >= 0.60 Requires: perl(File::LibMagic) Requires: perl(File::MimeInfo::Magic) Requires: perl(Compress::Raw::Lzma) Requires: perl(Compress::Raw::Bzip2) Requires: file >= 5.03 Requires: shared-mime-info >= 0.60 Requires: perl(BSD::Resource) Requires: perl(Compress::Raw::Zlib) >= 2.024 Requires: perl(Filesys::Statvfs) ## refer to Unpack.pm:@builtin_mime_handlers and to the helper subdirectory ## to see what we might need: # grep '# Requires: ' Unpack.pm helper/* BuildRequires: xz Requires: xz BuildRequires: lzip Requires: lzip BuildRequires: poppler-utils Requires: poppler-utils ## The following BuildRequires is for testing existance only. ## If you cannot provide a package, you may remove it from both BuildRequires ## and Requires, and move it over to Recommends. #BuildRequires: binutils #BuildRequires: bzip2 #BuildRequires: cabextract #BuildRequires: cpio #BuildRequires: genisoimage #BuildRequires: gzip #BuildRequires: p7zip #BuildRequires: rpm #BuildRequires: sharutils #BuildRequires: tar #BuildRequires: unzip Requires: binutils Requires: bzip2 Requires: cabextract Requires: cpio Requires: genisoimage Requires: gzip Requires: p7zip-plugins Requires: rpm Requires: sharutils Requires: tar Requires: unzip Recommends: unrar poppler-utils xz upx antiword Recommends: file-unpack == %version #tests #BuildRequires: perl(FindBin) %description File::Unpack2 is an unpacker for archives and files (bz2/gz/zip/tar/cpio/iso/rpm/deb/cab/lzma/7z/rar/...). We call it strong, because it is not fooled by file suffixes or multiple wrapped packages. It reliably detects mime types and recursively descends into each archive found until it finally exposes all unpackable payload contents. A precise log file can be written, describing mime types and unpacking actions. Most of the known archive file formats are supported. Shell-script-style plugins can be added to support additional formats. %package -n file-unpack Summary: Command line tool to unpack anything Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} == %{version}-%{release} License: MIT OR GPL-1.0-or-later OR (GPL-1.0-or-later OR Artistic-1.0-Perl) %description -n file-unpack /usr/bin/file-unpack is a trivial command line frontend that ships with the File::Unpack perl module. %prep %autosetup -n %{name}-%{commit} %build perl Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=vendor NO_PACKLIST=1 NO_PERLLOCAL=1 %{make_build} (cd contrib && %{make_build} stringsx) %install %{make_install} mv %{buildroot}/usr/bin/{file_unpack,file-unpack} || : install -d %{buildroot}/usr/share/File-Unpack/helper/ install helper/* %{buildroot}/usr/share/File-Unpack/helper/ %fdupes %{buildroot}/usr/share/File-Unpack/ ln -s file-unpack2 %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/file_unpack ln -s file-unpack2 %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/unpack-file ln -s file-unpack2 %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/unpack-file-deep ln -s file-unpack2 %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/unpack-deep ln -s file-unpack2 %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/file-unpack-deep ## CAUTION: a line beginning with . is a macro-expanded by nroff. # echo .nf > file-unpack.1 # perl -Iblib/lib file-unpack.pl --help >> file-unpack.1 && true # rm -rf file-unpack.1 cat < file-unpack.pod =pod =head1 SYNOPSIS EOF perl file-unpack2.pl --help >> file-unpack2.pod && true cat <> file-unpack2.pod =head1 REFERENCES See also C EOF1 pod2man file-unpack2.pod > file-unpack2.1 rm file-unpack2.pod echo <> MANIFEST file-unpack2.1 EOF2 install -m0644 -D file-unpack2.1 %{buildroot}/%_mandir/man1/file-unpack2.1 ln -s file-unpack.1 %{buildroot}/%_mandir/man1/unpack_file2.1 install -m0755 -D contrib/stringsx %{buildroot}/%_bindir/stringsx rm contrib/stringsx # so that the Manifest in make check is not confused. %{_fixperms} %{buildroot}/* %check #export RELEASE_TESTING=1 #%%{__make} test %files %doc README Changes %{perl_vendorlib}/File /usr/share/File-Unpack %doc %_mandir/man3/File::Unpack2.3pm* %files -n file-unpack %{_bindir}/file-unpack-deep %{_bindir}/file_unpack %{_bindir}/file_unpack2 %{_bindir}/stringsx %{_bindir}/unpack-deep %{_bindir}/unpack-file %{_bindir}/unpack-file-deep %_mandir/man1/file-unpack2.1* %_mandir/man1/file_unpack2.1* %_mandir/man1/unpack_file2.1* %license LICENSES/MIT.txt %changelog ## START: Generated by rpmautospec * Fri Jul 19 2024 Fedora Release Engineering - 1.0-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_41_Mass_Rebuild * Wed Feb 07 2024 Miroslav Suchý - 1.0-1 - initial import ## END: Generated by rpmautospec